Devon's discovery I

It was already morning in the village.

A gold-haired youth could be seen lieng in bed with a voluptuous woman. While the youth's eyes were open, the woman's eyes were closed, she appeared to be deeply asleep.

Devon removed the woman who had her hands wrapped around his body, he stood up and sat cross-legged on the bed.

From how intense last night was for the woman, Devon was certain that there was no way that she would be awake anytime soon. Even if she was all-powerful, that amount of orgasm would weaken anyone.

Devon closed his eyes, as he wanted to be very concentrated on what he was doing.

Ever since he gained consciousness, he always felt there was strange going on inside his body but because of the hungry he was feeling at that moment, he wasn't able to figure out what was going on.

Now that the hunger had subsided, he had the time to go through his body.