Do the needful

"Arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" The woman yelled from the monster, which was deeply buried into her cunt.

Her voice was so loud that it was certain that every single person who was in the mansion would definitely hear her cry as she creamed with every fiber that was in her body. Except a barrier was already created, would they not be able to hear her cry.

And even to some extent, they were chances that her scream could break through the barrier. For someone's voice to be able to break a soundproof barrier, how loud must that be.

Devon smirked as he saw the woman's reaction. He wasn't a sadist, but he had to show this woman that some words should never come out of her mouth.

One of those things was doubting his sexual prowess, and the other was comparing him with someone else. While another insult might be ignored, this one would stick through his ear as saying those words was like questioning everything he stands for.