Losing oneself to Pleasure R18

This was the exact moment that Devon had been waiting for. The moment at which Margaret would be most vulnerable to his slightest touch, and it was then he was going to have his mission completed.

Immediately as that moan got out of Margaret's mouth, Devon knew it was time to have the soldier launch the missiles in the enemy's camp. He went straight to the knees to deliver the final blow, or to launch the missile to the enemy.

And soon as he made his daring move of her, his goal was already within reach, just a little more foreplay, and she would moan to his cock ploughing into that matured cunt of hers.

The main reason why Devon was confident that once he was able to make those moves on his aunt, then it was certain that her pussy was his to ploughed was that he trusted in his skills.

While most beings in the world believed the way to pull a woman to a woman's heart was by being patience, understanding, and also getting into their good books.