My final words I [Author]

All mysteries and answers will be explained here.

First of all, I want to apologize to you all, I know I have let you down, and I'm deeply sorry.

I tried to rekindle my interest in Worldly Overlord, but I just couldn't. Worldly Overlord was the first book I ever wrote, and it really means a lot to him.

The journey was full of ups and down, but still, I enjoyed every bit of it. I want to thank you all for the support, most, especially IIIIII7IIIII, we started this book together, and it pains me that I have decided to drop it.

So, let's get down to business.

I'm going, to begin with, the mystery around Devon, and why everyone has their eyes on him. From the moment he was born and even until now.

One of the details I always try to bring into the book if your notice is the creator. While I wanted to avoid revealing too much information, I still spoke about the creator and this is the reason.

The creator is Devon's father.