Bracket 5

*lots of spells are going to be used in this chapter, if you are not a hardcore HP fan who keeps track of everything including fanmade spells, I suggest you read the auxiliary volume: spells*

"Please welcome, the Romanian Queen of duelling and three times consecutive duelling champion 'Diaanaaaa Dominiqueee' ". The crowd exploded into a roar of excitement and anticipation, so much so that they started chanting her name to the point where my ears started to hurt. " Avis flamos", she said and doves started coming out of her wand and started flying in the stadium. Just when I thought it could get any better than this the birds exploded into flames creating a sparkling effect all over the audience. The crowd went nuts after this. It took the administrators some time to handle the situation before it got out of hand.

"Sonorus", cast the woman to amplify her voice. " Good evening ladies and gentlemen, a wonderful evening isn't it. It has been a while since a duelling competition was held due to the recent events, I welcome you all to the 18th international duelling competition", the crowd broke into cheers and applause until she started talking again," Wizards from all over the globe, you have come here to watch a spectacle and history being made, and I shall deliver it to you becoming your 18th champion. You shall engrave this day in your minds as the day Diana Dominique become the best among wizards". That got different reactions from different people, I mean what the hell was she expecting after saying stuff like that. She must be pretty confident if she is bold enough to declare her champion before the competition began.

"That was unnecessary wasn't it?", said uncle after looking at my expression. I nodded "Diana always riles up the crowd before the tournament, it might look like she is showing off which she is actually, but she has power and strength backing it all up". She must be very strong if uncle is praising him like this. I wonder who is stronger Abraham or Diana, " hey Adroa, did your dad ever face Diana?". "No, it's actually his first international tournament and second duelling competition. Don't worry, I am sure dad will be able to beat Diana easily". So, it's his first time in an international competition that doesn't sound like something I should NOT be worrying about.

I checked the schedule of all the matches and found out that the matches of bracket 5, 6, 8, 1 are going to be held together and the rest a bit afterwards. Diana is in bracket 2, I could probably see one of her matches if all the matches here end quickly. We all sat together in anticipation of the first match of Bracket 5, which was Abraham vs 'not an important character in the fic'. I must say that is a weird alias he goes by.

"Respectable wizards and witches the moment you all have been waiting for, the first match of bracket 5 is about too commeeenceee, on my left is a wizard from Uganda Abraham Sanyu and on my right is a wizard from France Arthur Murceau. Both are newly public favourite contestants, with the title of national duelling champion behind their back. So, are you ready ?", the audience responded to that in a not so calm way which made my ears explode. "Let the fight begin", and he burst into blue flames signalling the start of the match.

{ *our_characters_move* "opponents_move" }

"Incendio, stupify, obscuro" *impervius, protego, incendio, expeliarmus* they started chain casting and threw a spell at one another. Arthur blocked the 'expeliarmus' by transfiguring the ground into a shield, which gave Abraham a chance to shoot his spell *Incarcarous*, Arthur swiftly dodges the spell and used "oppongo", which caused the conjured shield by Arthur to break into pieces and assault Abraham. *Arania exumai, incendiox2, protego*. "Expeliarmus" casted Arthur which hit the shield of Abraham and deflected, within this short time Abraham used *Deprimo* and shattered the ground which made it easier to transfigure the ground and lock Arthur's legs. Arthur jumped anticipating the move but he forgot to keep an eye on Abraham, *everte sanctum, expeliarmus* Arthur was hit by the spell but managed to use shield on time but due to staying mid-air he was pushed back losing his balance and the second spell hit him losing him the wand. *Incarcarous*, used Abraham while transfiguring the ropes into snakes. Arthur was tied and unable to move.

"So the winner of our first match issss ABRAAHAM SANYUUU, give a huge round of applause for Mr. Sanyu", he undid the transfiguration and went to the waiting room to sit with the contestants. That was incredible, I have never seen anyone cast so fast. "Adroa, your dad is very good. it was like a breeze to him", "Heh told ya, Dad is strong. He can manage this much, its nothing. He is going to win the competition just wait and see". "how long has your dad been into duelling, he looks like a professional to me", He started laughing after I said that and told me "Dad is an auror at the Ugandan ministry, he is not a Duelist. It's just his second time doing something like this. He just wanted to try duelling for a few months. He looks like a pro doesn't he...". He drifted into his own world after saying that, an aurora try duelling when he has a lot of work to do, what a joke. He must have an Ulterior motive behind his participation, is it a mission from the ministry or is he trying to do achieve something by participating in this competition. "Uncle how long has Abraham been an auror?". Uncle went in a thinking pose and answered, "It has been a very long time since he has been an auror, close to 8 years perhaps". Bullshit he is doing this for fun, he JUST wanted to try duelling my ass. He is a very experienced auror, him trying things like duelling getting attention is the last thing he wants. Now, how do I find out what the hell is happening.

The matches were all ending with one victor absolutely overpowering the other one, soon it was Abraham's turn to compete in the bracket 5 qualifiers. "Time for the qualifier of bracket 5 has come, please welcome Alexandre Francois who showed absolute mastery in hexes and transfiguration. Abraham Sanyu, who showed absolute dominance with his knowledge of charms and jinxes. So, the time has come for a victor to rise from bracket 5. LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE.

This time Abraham made the first move *Petrificus totalus, stupefy*, "protego, riddikulus", then he transfigured the ground and made 10 goblins. The goblins charged at Abraham, while Alex chain casted "Duro" on the goblins, "impediments, stupefy". Abraham was in trouble he quickly chain casted *Deprmo, everte sanctumx3, protego totalum*, he stopped the goblins by putting pressure from above and then blew them away, while midair he transfigured the goblins into a hammer made of titanium and swung it on Alex. It hit him directly and he turned into a liquid substance and evaporated away. Seems like he used "Geminio" to make a copy of himself while Abarham was busy, he even used "Evanesco" to vanish from the oppoensts eye. *Homenum revalio, salvio hexia*, Alex was rushing towards Abraham and had to stop abruptly after being revealed but managed to cast a hexing spell "engorgio" which hit Abraham but didn't do anything due to the hex protective charm. Abraham transfigured the ground and created titanium chains and targeted them towards Alex. While Alex was busy dodging Abraham casted *tarantallegra, obscuro*. Alex got captured by the chains and was stuck with a blindfold on. "So, the winner of Bracket 5 is Abraham Sanyu, congratulations Mr Sanyu for being the first qualifier. Please be seated at your designated location until you are notified further". Abraham nodded and left while waiving at his now growing fans.

As expected of an auror he is very good at immobilizing someone without harming them, he has huge battle experience from the way he fights. "well, who wants to eat something, I am hungry". Adroa was also hungry so we asked their permission to go and eat something. I was planning on going to bracket 2 to watch the match of Diana, her match has already started, so I hurried my pace towards bracket 2. I could hear the commentator announcing the start of her second match, I hurried my pace as much as I could but still was a lot slower due to my left leg. "Where are you going Edwin, the food stalls are that way", "I am going to watch the match of Diana, are you interested?", I asked trying to fasten the conversion. "Heck yeah, how could you even think of doing something like this instead of me", So we rushed towards bracket 2. After reaching bracket 2 the only thing going on my mind was 'What the f*ck happened here?'.