Knockout 1

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Have fun reading the chapter*

As I reached bracket 2 I saw the state the place was in, it was like a hurricane went through it. 'What the hell is this', she blew half the stadium, did she plan to kill her opponent. "It's just a competition, don't you think she has overdone it?", I asked Adroa, who was still shocked after looking at this place. "...what....sorry, I didn't catch what you said". I understood his mental state right now as he looked both horrified and concerned for his father. "I said it's time to go otherwise we will be late, we don't wanna piss aunty off, trust me when I say this she is way dangerous than this", I said jokingly. "You know, you are actually telling the truth Edwin", said my uncle startling the both of us. "Why are you here?", I asked. "I knew you were going to come to see Dianas' match so I decided to follow you two, so you two mischiefs don't lose your way and be late of course". Uncle then took us to the nearest Food stall to buy food and drinks for all of us.

The usual cheerful and talkative side of Adroa was nowhere to be seen, instead, it was filled with concern and worry for his father. I looked at uncle and communicated through our eyes, which might sound weird but helped uncle understand that I was asking him to handle the situation. "You know Adroa, the Aurors are one of the strongest and skilled wizards out there, that have a very particular set of skill sets which makes them unique and dangerous". "Really", that seemed to have piqued Adroa's interest as uncle continued, "Your father is one of the strongest aurors the Ugandan ministry has, I am sure he has it all planned out so don't worry, and cheer up, alright?". He nodded and some color returned to his face and he looked a lot better than before, uncle and I fist-bumped behind his back and muttered 'Mission Successful'.

We returned to our seats and aunt was worried sick for us, and scolded us for being late. We did the only thing a man should do 'APOLOGISE'. That calmed her down a little, I didn't notice it due to all the scolding and stuff that the ground seems to be bigger than it was in the first round. It was at least thrice the size of the original size. A man in a black coat got on the stage and transfigured the ground into small rubbles, rocks. It kind of gave the ground a 'mountain' like texture. Then few wizards came and were setting up the protection wards, shields to protect the audience from an astray or misdirected spell.

As I was still curious and had no clue about the reason Abraham participated in this competition, I did the next best thing I asked Afia. "Afia do you know the reason what made Abraham join the competition, I mean he is an aurora shouldn't he be working?". This question shocked her but she quickly composed herself before anyone could notice. "Dear, your uncle was on leave and had nothing to do, also the prize money for this event is 20,000 gold coins, which was actually the decision-maker". She was slightly embarrassed and her actions would have fooled even me if I didn't see her shocked expression from my question. I pushed the thought at the back of my mind as it would be fruitless to investigate in this matter more than this they were good at keeping secrets.

"Wizards and witches, we have our 8 final contestants that are going for the cup. I present to you, 'Diana Dominique', 'Abraham Sanyu', 'Anne Badeaux', 'Gurmit Singh', 'David Linn', 'William Smith', 'Jane Court', 'Crispin Cronk'. Out of all of them, only four shall achieve victory and get to the next stage. This year we bring a little twist to the tournament by giving the dueling ground 'certain' properties. This will be both a challenge and a chance for the wizards to show off their skills. There are 4 dueling grounds each having its own unique property, contestants 'Anne Badeaux' and 'Abraham Sanyu' shall duel in ground 5, contestants 'William Smith' and ....

We were on ground 3, we had to go to ground 5 which was fairly at a long distance. We started to move towards ground 5 with haste so that we get to have front row seats. Uncle took charge and was leading us followed by aunt and Afia then me and Adroa. While following aunt Adroa accidentally bumped into someone, "I apologize, sir, my bad I didn't see you coming". "Brat, it would be best you keep your eyes open unless you want to lose a few limbs". "He didn't mean it, it was a mistake we were in a hurry", I chimed in. "hoo, someone with balls, didn't your parents teach you how to talk to your elders' boy". "We are sorry, it was an accident. It won't happen again", said Adroa. The comment from this man, made me pissed beyond belief, I probably would have killed him by now if I were strong. All I could do now was control my anger and hope we never meet again in the future. "We will let this slide once, but if it ever happens again.." said another man from behind. This man was followed by 15 to 16 wizards all with wizard robes and wand holsters, they looked like they were battle-ready. They were leaving and I couldn't help but wonder about the weird facial features of that man, I am no racist but god did a number on this guy. His face was full of scars and burn marks. his hair was disheveled and dirty. But the most important thing I noticed among the men were the tattoos on their wrist. All of them had the same tattoo of a crow, they must be from a weird cult or a failed plastic surgery company judging from their faces. I hope they are not trouble, "Edwin hurry up, we will lose them at this rate," said Adroa. I need to do something about my mobility, not being able to run hinders my ability 'hmm, being able to learn that apparate thing could be nice' I thought to myself.

"Shit", I muttered seeing the state of ground 5, all the seats were taken. Most of the people looked to be foreigners or supporters of Anne. She was a beautiful woman, don't really know about her dueling skills but she can put anyone in a trance just by her looks. Apparently, she was from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic which explains her elegance and standard. The students of Beauxbatons are taught everything, not just magic. They are taught to be a proper lady of a prestigious family from day 1. So, it's no wonder why every man was ogling her.

"The moment we all have been waiting for, the first knockout match of the tournament is about to commence". Everyone just seemed to have gone quiet to hear every word the host says, "In my left is Abraham Sanyu and on my right is Anne Badeaux, they are the contestants of ground 5. Before we begin let me tell you about the stage of ground 5, the stage in ground 5 is inspired by the mountains and hills of North America. So, as you might have guessed the contestants are going to be thrown into the stage which is enlarged by the spell "agrandir". They are going to have to find each other within the given vicinity and fight until one of them is immobilized. Be warned there shall be no use of spells that might cause permanent damage or might harm you in the long run, your every move is going to be monitored. Contestants go and touch the portkey, they are going to send you to your designated start location. Now then, LET THE QUALIFIER ROUND BEGINNNN."