She doesn't want to be anywhere near her fake father

The King stares at Rose, and he sees her face going pale white as she places the paintbrush down. Rose looked away, and she places her head in her hands as she is shaking like a rattlesnake. Rose knew that her fake father would order her to return home; however, she doesn't want to be anywhere near her fake father as he scares the life out of her. The King and Gaston move away from her as the King wants to have a word with Gaston. Rose looked over to them as she lifts her head, and she shakenly asked. "Your Majesty, if my fake father drags me back to his house, and he beats as well as tortured me in the basement. Will you come and rescue me from my fake father? I am scared as I am shaken like a leaf, and I don't want to leave here at all."

The King walked over to her, and he places his left hand on her right shoulder. He knelt next to her as he held her right hand, and he replied. "I will rescue you from your fake father as away from your fake house, and I will make sure that you are safe here as well as removing from any injuries that you will receive." Rosesnow felt reassured, and she knew that the King is speaking the truth. The King knew that Rosesnow is terrified of her fake father, and he wants to know where in her fake house she gets tortured by her fake father. Rosesnow knew that she has to tell and show the King where about in her fake house she gets tortured by her fake father, and she added.

"I got a feeling that you want to know whereabouts do I get tortured by my father in my fake house, and I get tortured in the basement. There is a door that you need to keep an eye out for as it will lead you to the basement, and I will draw the layout of my fake house after I have finished this painting." The King nodded his head as he stood up, and he let Philip finish the painting off. The King strolled over to Gaston, and they had a chat. Philip finished the painting off, and he got hold of his sketchbook. He found four clean pages, and he drew the layout of his fake house of his fake father.

He draws the basement first as it is divided into three rooms, and on the first clean page, he wrote 'torture room' for the first room of the basement. Philip draws the rest of the layout on the other three pages, and he made sure that he adds some details to the layouts of his fake house. Philip tore the four pages out of his sketchbook as he stood up, and he strides over to the King as well as Gaston. The King knew that Philip has finished drawing out the layout of his fake father's house, and they all sat down at a table. Philip got the three pages in order, and the King saw the basement.

Philip took a deep breath, and he explained. "I wrote 'torture room' on the first room of the basement because that is where I get tortured by my fake father and as you can see that there are two other rooms in the basement. I have met three people who live in the basement, and they know that my fake father beats me up until I agree to marry him or someone barges into the basement. Two men live there in the second room of the basement, and they seriously don't want to help my fake father out. They wait until my fake father is out of the first room, and they help me get away from the first room or, should I say, 'torture room'."

"A woman lives in the third room of the basement, and she is actually my fake father's mistress or his wife. She is furious after hearing from me that her husband wants me to marry him, and she told me that my fake mother and siblings are from other families. She also was the one who told me to say no even though I get brutally beaten up by her lover, and one of the two men will inform her when I am in the torture room. She can get out of her room via a secrete stairway and get help or alert everyone else. She knows some guards as they know her, and she promises me that she will get one of them to alert you, your Majesty."

The King, whose name is Leo Ray Rex Alonso, but likes the name, Leo Alonso. King Leo Alonso knew that Philip is telling the truth, and he knew that he would not let him out of his sight. However, he has to be careful as his wife's lover will find out what is going on, and Philip will be in trouble as well as danger. Philip showed King Leo Alonso the door that is leading to the basement, and the stairway to her old bedroom. King Leo Alonso has got the layout of Philip's fake house in his head, and he knew that he could stop Rosesenow's fake father forevermore. He also knew that it hasn't been easy for Rose to keep distance between her and her fake father.

Philip allowed Gaston to take the four pages of her fake house, and he went to check if the painting had finished or not. Gaston and King Leo Alonso left the bed-chamber as they want to chat somewhere else. The painting has finished as Philip removes the canvas from the tripod, and he places it against his first painting. Philip got hold of another canvas, and he place it on the tripod. Philipe was trying to think what to draw and paint. Philip stared down at his left hand, and he imagined that he was holding a rose.