It All Started With A Pencil

"Please! You don't have to do this!" Raj pleaded with Makayla as he backed away from her sinister smile.

"Do what Raj?" she responded, her hands behind her back, feigning ignorance, "It's me, your good friend, Makayla."

"I know what you're going to do!" he yelled at her, "How are you even able to do that?" Raj took more steps away from her.

Makayla inched closer. "I don't know," she giggled, "But it's fun."

Raj felt his back collide with a corner of the daycare lobby. His heart jumped once he realized he was cornered. Makayla immediately began to advance faster and revealed a rod of ice in her hands. Raj managed to jump and roll out of the way just before she thrusted it towards him.

"I knew it!" he managed to say as he scrambled to his feet.

"Raj! I think..." Makayla called out to him laughing. She suddenly bolted at him with the rod extended out, "you should chill out!"

Raj narrowly dodged again, yelping as he jumped backwards. Raj's mind wondered just how exactly it came to this? Just thirty minutes ago, Raj laid on the floor of the daycare's lobby. They did it. They were finally safe. But his heart was still pounding. His mind was still trying to wrap itself around everything that had occurred. He replayed everything in his mind again, still not believing it.

Raj had never fought a day in his life. Nor did he see himself ever fighting anyone in the future. Yet there he was, lying on the floor of the daycare after leaving the safety of Makayla's home, after putting his life on the line. He had run, snuck, and fought for kids he'd never even seen before. Raj didn't understand why he did it. Raj didn't feel like he understood anything. The very absurdity of the world being thrown into an apocalypse was one thing. But another, even more ridiculous occurrence, was even more unexpected. His eyes didn't deceive him. Literal fire, bursted from Makayla's hands. There was no doubt about it. That was how they survived. It was the only reason they survived. And Raj knew it. But how? "That's just… not possible…" Raj said to himself.

Yet, it happened. Not only did she turn a zombie's brains into a bonfire, but she made the one attacking him into an ice sculpture. Makayla blew up a zombie, then froze the other one, Raj thought to himself. For so many reasons, that was a sentence he never imagined would form in his mind.

Regardless of what happened with Makayla, he couldn't believe what he had done either. He still remembered the adrenaline. Raj remembered the rush of trying to push and fight off his opponents. Despite their overwhelming strength and the feeling of hopelessness as the deranged woman overpowered him. Raj couldn't help but look back on it and feel… thrilled. Yes, he lacked strength. Yes, he barely helped Makayla at all. Despite those glaring truths, Raj, for the first time in his life, felt strong in his weak body. Raj glanced over to a door leading to a room Makayla and her siblings were in. A question ran through his mind. Is it always that exciting? Raj asked himself, Is that why they're always willing to fight?

There was a moment in his life that flashed in his mind. He immediately recognized it. He'd reflected on that moment since the day it happened, about a year ago. Raj hadn't realized it at first, but a boy much bigger than him, saw Raj as a target. It began with the borrowing of a pencil. To Raj, lending a pencil didn't really mean much, considering he had plenty of them. But the boy who was asking for it, was Billy. From what Raj remembered, Billy and him didn't get along before. Billy extended his hand out to Raj, requesting the pencil. Raj was reluctant.

"Well? Can I have it?" Billy sassed Raj. He motioned his fingers to signal Raj to pick up his pace. Raj blinked at Billy's hand. His fingers resembled sausages. Raj irked at the thought of getting his pencil back with grease all over it. But, Raj found himself reaching into his pencil bag anyway. Raj found his least favorite pencil, the one that was ridiculously hard to sharpen and broke easily. As soon as Raj held out the pencil, Billy snatched it.

Immediately, Billy went to tap it on the desk and resumed a conversation with the person to his left. Raj's mind immediately passed this as a one-off event.

"Yo Raj, help me out man." said Billy the next day. Raj looked at Billy in skepticism.

"I just gave you one yesterday," Raj retorted.

"Yeah and I lost it." Billy flicked his scruffy hair and Raj swore dandruff flung at him. Raj couldn't tell if Billy's hair was naturally dirty blonde or if it was just… dirty. Billy continued, "Look I promise I'll give this one back."

Raj sighed, something about this felt off. His stomach grew queasy at the thought of giving in. But for some reason, Raj found himself searching through his pencil bag once more. "Alright fine man, but I need it back by the end of class," Raj asserted as he pulled another pencil out of his bag. Almost immediately, Billy snatched it from Raj's hand.

"Thanks bud!" Billy exclaimed.

Raj eyed his pencil in Billy's hand as Billy swung it around and tapped it on the desk. I'll make sure to get it back, Raj told himself. Class began and while everyone focused on the lesson, Raj focused on Billy. His eyes constantly darted at the pencil. Raj eyed it when Billy tapped it on the desk. He eyed it when Billy wrote down notes. He eyed it when Billy got up to sharpen it. He eyed it when Billy twiddled it in his fingers. Raj eyed it until the bell rang.

As soon as Raj heard the bell he immediately jumped up. He stood over Billy as Billy began stuffing his things into his backpack. Billy looked up at Raj, "You need somethin'?" he questioned.

"My pencil." Raj stated.

Billy's face twisted with disgust, "Dude, I don't have any other pencils," he hissed, "I have other classes too."

Raj felt his stomach twisting, he hadn't anticipated any contest. Why wouldn't Billy just give it back? Raj responded, "Then you should ask someone from your other classes for a pencil." For some reason, Raj felt his voice shake when he spoke.

"Look bro," Billy rose from his seat, "if you let me have it, I'll pay you back alright?"

Raj couldn't muster the strength to continue the argument anymore. His left leg trembled. Why did it tremble? Before Raj knew it, he just let Billy keep the pencil.

Raj hated himself. He went on to his next class with the moment still fresh in his mind. He wished he had demanded Billy give it back. He wished he had just scared Billy into handing it to him. He didn't tell any of his friends, including Makayla, what had happened. But the memory persisted throughout the day. By the time he was home, Raj still resented what happened. What if he had just pushed him? Would that have scared Billy into giving it back? That night, the memory still resided in his head. What if Billy had fought back? Raj pictured himself punching Billy square in his jaw. He pictured the fat in Billy's cheek rippling as he hit the ground. Raj imagined himself jumping on top of Billy and beating him senseless with the entire class circling around them cheering. Raj threw a few punches underneath his sheets. I'm going to get my pencil back, Raj thought to himself.

"Hey Raj, what lunch do you have?" Billy suddenly approached Raj as Raj entered the classroom.

Raj, flustered, managed to answer, "I have Second Lunch."

"Oh, good! We have the same lunch! You wanna hang out then?"

Raj didn't anticipate this. "Sure," he responded. Raj assumed he should just agree to it if it helped to get his pencil back.

"Bet!" Billy exclaimed, then proceeded to his desk.

Raj wasn't sure what to make of it. He felt something was off again. The day had proceeded as usual. Raj was so preoccupied with wondering why Billy wanted to hang out with him, that he forgot about the pencil. Raj sat in his fourth period, watching the clock. Something didn't feel right. He hoped Billy wouldn't try to sit with him and his friends. Well, he called them friends, but they were just a rag tag group he sat with so he wouldn't feel lonely. Makayla, Darnell, Teemo, and Vanessa had First Lunch. Tristan, Alicia, Ryan, Illyana, and Michael had Third. Raj was the only one in Second. How lucky.

Raj pulled out his phone the moment he got the chance and texted Makayla.

Raj: Yo, theres this guy that wants to sit with me at lunch

Makayla: ??

Makayla: Ok?? Is he weird or sumn? lol

Raj: Idk, but he wont give me back my stuff, now he wants to hang out

Makayla: What!? Get your stuff back

Raj: Im trying. Im hoping he gives it back at lunch

Makayla: If he doesnt let me talk to him >:)

Raj: I think itll be fine lol

Raj: Ill get it back

Makayla: Aight, gl

Raj: Thx

Raj dropped his face in his palm. He felt so stupid. This was nothing, he had nothing to worry about. But he couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness he had. The bell rang. Raj had no choice but to approach the cafeteria. He treaded lightly, observing the hundreds of students surrounding him. He hoped Billy wouldn't show up.

Raj reached the cafeteria and took the usual path to his table. Nothing seemed off about today except for the kid who slipped and dropped his tray. That was unfortunate. Raj sat at his table and did another quick scan of the cafeteria. He couldn't see Billy anywhere, but he still didn't want to let his guard down. Only one other person he sat with had made it to the table. They were a few seats from him and were minding their own business on their phone. Raj opened his backpack to peer at the lunchbox residing within it. His stomach continued to twist. With a heavy exhale, he zipped his backpack shut.

The lunchroom started to fill up more and more. The more people that filled in, the greater chance Billy would show up. Raj's heart pounded harder. Why was he sitting there waiting for someone to show up? Raj glanced over his shoulder again, still no sign of Billy.

"Yo Raj," a voice suddenly came from behind. Raj's body froze. Just next to him, one of his tablemates took a seat to the right of Raj. Raj felt relief wash over his body. Raj recognized the frail blonde boy as Josh.

"Remember that game I was talking to you about yesterday?" Josh enthusiastically asked Raj.

Raj got his senses together, "Um, the one with the long name?"

"Amalgamation!" Josh smiled. He reached into his bag and pulled out a case for the game. The cover was of a dark forest with a giant shadowy figure amongst the trees. In the foreground, a small humanlike figure stood against it, with flames in its arms.

Raj's eyes widened, "Woah! How did you get it?"

Josh stuffed the case into his bag, "Dude, I got my brother to take me all over the city, and we stopped at literally every GameStart we could find!"

"Wow, lucky! I tried to get it online but every site was sold out."

"You try to buy online, I go out and get it," Josh shook his head, "Tsk, tsk, we are not the same."

"Alright whatever man," Raj giggled. Raj realized this is what he needed. A distraction. Billy wasn't going to come for him anyway. He was worried over nothing.

"Yo Raj!" another voice suddenly came from behind him and a hand dropped on his shoulder. Raj jumped at the sudden touch. He looked up and it was just Abdul, another tablemate. Abdul continued to speak as he took a seat across from Raj. "Did Celeste show you the video from yesterday?"

"No she didn't," Raj responded.

"What!? Yo I'm 'boutta text her right now to send it." said Abdul.

"What's the vid?" Josh inquired.

"It's the video with the dude who broke the window in Health," Abdul answered smiling.

"Someone broke a window!?" Josh exclaimed.

"Someone broke a window!?" another person echoed behind Raj.

Raj turned as he spoke, "Yeah in Health-"

Raj's heart dropped. Directly behind him, the chubby stature of Billy lurked.