At Abimanyu's house...

"Abi...Abi wake up, Abi you have to wake up." Jhonny called faintly in Abimanyu's ear.

Abimanyu's eyes slowly opened to look at Jhonny who was sitting in front of him. Abimanyu holds his head still feeling heavy.

"Johnny? are you here??..where am I? why am i at home Wasn't I at work? Why am I here now?" Abimanyu asked while holding his head which was still feeling dizzy.

Abimanyu really doesn't remember what happened. But Abimanyu felt he had a sweet dream about Kasih.

"You passed out at work Abi, Mr Ethan called me to pick you up. I brought you home." said Jhonny seriously without discussing Kasih taking Abimanyu home when Abimanyu fainted.

"Did Kasih not come with me, John? Am I just dreaming?" Abimanyu asked in surprise.

The last time Abimanyu remembers, Kasih told him that Kasih also loves him. Then he carried Kasih after that he felt dizzy and fainted. After that he didn't remember anything else.