Hi, My name is Gogan, I am a middle school student, I am 12 years old.
It's just your typical lifestyle.
When I woke up it was 6:20 a.m.
I take a shower and brush my teeth.
I prepare my breakfast and I eat.
When it was 7 a.m.
I finished my breakfast, grabbed my bag and closed the door.
When I was at the bus stop, the bus driver closed the door and left.
I say [I was right in the back. Can you wait just 5 seconds.]
When that happened, I knew it was a bad day.
To get to school on time, I take my bike and drive to school.
I was 5 minutes late [it could be worse than that, I thought].
When I entered the classroom, the teacher was not there.
So, I walk and sit calmly in my chair.
On my back was Jake, my best friend.
We had been friends since elementary school.
We wait 1 min and the professor finally walks in the door and says: OK, everyone opens your book to page 34.
After you have finished reading, the teacher says: you will form a group of 2 for this project.
And suddenly I feel something behind my back.
It was Jake. I think he wants something.
Jake says [hey, hey .. Gogan, can we work together].
When there was a project we were always together,
But in all the projects we have done, Jake always does nothing.
It was always me who did it all.
Teacher says [For the project, we were going to do something with it that will be useful.
So you have to be original].
Once the teacher finished speaking, it was time to move on to the next lesson.
So I say to Jake: [Bye] and Jake responds: [Bye].
We only see each other in the first and last periods because we have different schedules.
After 7 periods, it was finally time to come home, I was so tired.
Before getting on the bus, Jake and I discussed the project and whether he was coming to my house on Saturday.
After opening the door, I went to my room. I was so tired that I slept.
When I woke up it was 8:00 p.m. So I cook myself.
You can say that I live alone.
My parents are always at work so I'm always alone, but I don't mind.
After eating, I go to my computer and play games until 10 p.m. and fall asleep.
I will start the project tomorrow.
Just all day, I take a shower and brush my teeth etc….
It was finally Saturday , I tried to call Jake but no response so I tried again, no response again. so, I assume that it will not come.
I better start the project or I am never going to finish it.
I begin to gather all the material to create the project.
The project that we agreed on was to create a ball who can content energy just like a battery.
So I began to do some tests.
First I need something that can inject electricity into the ball.
So, I take an outlet and a metal and I try to connect so he can transmit electricity.
After 1 hour and 20 min, I was able to transmit the electricity into the ball, but every time i do that ball explodes so i try every ball i have and come to the conclusion that i need a ball that can support the electricity.
[I say : It's 7:00 p.m I'm willing to continue that tomorrow, I am so tired].
Sunday, When I woke up and went down in the bathroom, It was locked so i assumed than my parents were finally home. So, I went to my parents bedroom and there I saw mom was gathering clothes.
So I said : [Hi, mom]. Mom responded [Hi, Gogan.How are you? Are you feeling good?].
I say [Yes I am doing well]. I was confused by why she was gathering clothe so I ask
[Mom, Why are you gathering clothes ?].
She says [ We have a little trouble at work so me and your dad are not going to be here for a while. So take care of you].
And they left.
I went back to the house and played a game for a while and I began to get hungry.
I went to the grocery store to buy food.
When I was on my way home I heard a voice [AHHahahaaa].
It looked like someone lapping and I heard [Boom].
I was wondering what it was.
So I went to check what it was about and I saw 4 people bullying a guy.
He looked like is in highschool.
I wasn't going to watch and do nothing.
So, I step in and suddenly everyone's eyes turn on me.
I began to get nervous.
[Maybe It was a bad idea. I say to myself].
One of the people said [what do you want].
His hair color was blond. so, I am just going to call him blondy.
Blondy began to walk to me with a bat.
I think he wants to hit me with that.
I said [I'm in big trouble]
After saying that.
blondy hit me with an iron stick so fast that I couldn't react to protect myself.
I fell on the ground and the other people started to step on me.
The person getting punched left right after they turned on me.
[Maybe he went to get someone to help me] I told myself.
After hitting me for 2 min.
I'm starting to bleed. so I thought to myself [Why..Why is me?]
[Why does this have to happen to me? Did I do something wrong?]
[I don't want to die here.] After 3 minutes of complaint, Blondy takes his iron stick and hits me.
I became unconscious after he hit me.
Bondy and his friend turned and started to pick up things so they could run away.
When suddenly I got up, but it wasn't me who got up.
Blondy said [Do you want more?]
When I opened my eyes, my eyes were red. In the center there were two circles and a star like when you make a deal with the devil.
[What? Isn't that enough for you?] he asked but I didn't answer.
[ANSWER WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU !!]. He grabbed his iron stick and tried to hit me but when suddenly I wasn't there. Blondy said [Where did he go?] I was behind him.
When the others saw this, they started trying to hit me, but I dodged their every hit.
Blondy [How did you do that? it doesn't matter] They begin to come at me with everything they have. but that hasn't enoff After 2 minutes of dodging.
Everyone was so tired they couldn't even get up.
It was finally my turn to hit them.
Blondy took a knife and his plan was to hit me with the knife.
He tried to get closer to me so he could cut me.
But, I stop the knife with my hand and I break it.
After that I grabbed him and looked him in the eye, he was so scared he passed out.
The other was so scared that they ran with all their might.
After that I passed out.
When I woke up, I was in the hospital.
I wondered [what happened?] And someone opened the door. He was a doctor [so you woke up] I asked the doctor [what happened there], someone found you on the floor bleeding and called the ambulance.
You slept for 2 days.
I said [for 2 days !!!] wait.
Doctor [Yes, you were bleeding so much that I understood you were sleeping so long]
[You are going to stay here another 2 days so that your wounds can heal].
[Are your parents staying at home?] Asked the doctor.
[No, there are some at work] I said.
The doctor asks [Do you know your parents' phone number?], [Yes] I answered.
Give me their phone number and I'll try to contact them.
After giving him my parents' phone number, He said they were going to be here in 2-3 days.
I tried to do so many things to pass the time until they came to pick me up.
After 3 days they didn't come so I thought to myself [Maybe they will come tomorrow].
It was Saturday and it was weird never to be late.
If they had a problem and he didn't come, they would call me for sure.
When the doctor came, he gave me the later, it was from another hospital.
After reading it, I was destroyed from the inside.
I couldn't believe my parents were dying
I just fell to the floor and began to cry.
[Why..why does it have to be me, I get bullied and i almost died and now my parents… my parents] I said I went crying.
For all the days, I didn't eat and did nothing.
i was just finished.
They were precious to me. Even if they were all ways at work.
My eyes just turn blank. It was just like I was blind.
In the morning Jake and his parents came to see me.
Jake began to cheer me up.
Afterwards I calmed down and slept.
the doctor asks Jake's parents [did he have a relative that can take care of him?]
Jake parents [ No, his parents just moved here 2 years ago and the rest of his family live in Canada].
Doctor [ I see. So he has nowhere to go. I am going to send him to the orphanage].
Jake [ Mom can we take Gogan so he can live with us?] Jake mom responded [ Maybe, if we take him that means that you are going to share the room with him are you ok with that ?]
Jake said [Yes, Maybe playing is going to change his state].
Jake parent [ Where do we fill the paper for an adoption?].
Jake mom [ Jake just wait here mommy have something to do].
After 2 hours their family came back and picked me.
We were finally at Jake's house.
After entering the door Jake grabbed my hand and we went to the bedroom.
Jake [ Gogan, You are going to sleep in my room].
After that Jake showed me the house. It was my first time going to Jake's home.
Jake's house was far from my home and the only way to go there was by car.
My parents were always at work and went back to sleep.
The only to see each other outside of school was, when Jake asked his parents to take him to my house.
After Jake showed me the house it was time to eat the meat. It was great.
After that we went to sleep and tomorrow, I am going to go and gather my stuff.
so i can live there.
Jake's parents take me to my house. no, my old house.
I began to gather my clothes for my game and it was finally time to pick the project. There was just 1 week and 3 days to finish it.
I unplug all the electrical outlets and suddenly the ball moves.
There was so much energy inside that it was so fast.
I begin to look around and when I turn around the ball hits my right eye.
[Boom] I was unconscious.
[Name : Unknown]
[Race : Demon]
[Rank : B+]
[Are you stupid?]