Shouriku Guardian

Last chapter we recruit 2 people : Diego and Thera.

After giving them the shouriku ball.

We train them so them can activate they power.

Now what will happen?

Now I will train them so they can learn all the techniques that we discovered.

They are going to learn the technique every day and for the practice that would be every saturday.

Everything that me and Jake discorver was written in a notebook.

That was also explaining how the power was working.

The data that was inside was the data that we discorde about 3 days ago.

Since then, we didn't disturb a new thing about our power.

So The information field in the notebook was not exactly correct.

The more we train the more we discover and we will be able to explain exactly what our power is.

The only thing was just to be patient.

1 months has passed since we began to train them.

We teach them everything we know.

Now it was time to see how the capacity has increased, and the only way to know is to fight.

The fight was intense Thera made so much progres

Compared to when we started the training his speed has increased quite well and his strength has increased as well, but his reflection has decreased.

[I think that he can't react to his speed, that is why his reaction is too slow. He will need more time to adapt to his speed.]

Diego's stat won't increase too much.

His endurance and strength went up by 1 and his speed went by 2.

his reflection didn't increase even if he knew the move I was incapable of using it.

It mamories all the things we tell him.

If there was a role in the mission he can do it will be the leader or a strategist.

And his skill of technology is going to help us in many ways.

Now the objective was to gather at least 300$ for our equipement.

With the money that our parents give us we will put 10$ or 15$ every week.

Even if that will take us 2 or 3 months.

And that will give us time to train and understand more of our power.

I show them the thing wee need for our first mission

[We are going to need all this?] ask Thera.

[Yes, some other things are not necessary but it is just for precaution.

[So we are going to need : 4 T-shirts of different colors for what?] Jake asked.

I answer [it is to recognize each other. If you have a different color, it will be easy to know who is who. Even in the dark.]

[OK, I understand why we need different colors].

[Next is to buy a wooden sword,a mask and a bkack jacket.]

After reading it Jake and the others imagined what they were going to look like, they were all excited.

Every week we were putting in 10 dollars and sometimes 15 or 20, so everything was going smoothly.

[June 20 is going to be my birthday. So I expect you all to be there.]

[We are going to be there.]

2 week as passed since my birthday.

It was finally summer vacation, so we had more free time.

We finally finished gathering all the money we needed.

Now we have bought all the material.

For the wooden sword we are going to buy only.

We choose our equipment

I was wearing a red t-shirt, black jacket, black mask and a black wooden sword with a red grip.

Jake was wearing a blue t-shirt, black jacket, black mask and a black wooden sword with a blue grip.

Thera was wearing the same thing but all of his equipment was black.

And Diego his equipment was the same except for the colors of his t-shirt and sword.

The t-shirt was green and his sword was black with a green grip.

[So what is the name of our group?] Thera asked.

[Since the name of our power is shouriku, our group name will be the shouriku guardian.]

[Our First mission will be at 11:00 PM.

[Make something that resembles you, so you can get out of the house without the parent noticing you. Because if they knew that we went outside at this hour, we would be in big big trouble.]

[So where are we going to meet?]

[In front of the grocery store.]

There is a lot of crime at night so it is perfect for us.

And compared to other cities our city has more crime than the other.

So the mission was to locate a crime and call the other to stop it.

We have to separate into 2 groups.

Group 1 was Jake and Thera and group 2 was me and Diego.

Even if we have to plit we don't have to get away from each other.

We take a flashlight in case someone is in trouble.

He has to just turn on and off the flashlight so we can know if someone is in danger.

So we begin to reach some in need.

With our black clothes we were almost invisible.

So that was perfect to reach for a crime without noticing us.

After reaching for 1 hour it was midnight.

Maybe today there wasn't any crime.

We were beginning to go back to our house because we needed to sleep and our parents saw us tired. They are going to get suspicious of us.

Suddenly we heard a scream. [Ahh!!.]

After hearing this we began to smile because that was going to be our mission.

We began to run in every direction to reach where that came from.

The scream was from the grocery store, the place where I got bit.

So I say to the others to follow me.

We finally arrived at the place where the scream was.

I was shocked, it was the same people from that day.

[it blondy!] I say.

[Blondy? Gogan, do you know this guy?]Jake asks.

[Yes, Do you remember the day I was at the hospital? It was because of them.]

[So the one that hit you was them?!] Jake said, shocked.

[Know it pays back.] I said

Last time they were bit by me but i don't remember.

I was included from the inside but from the outside I was awake.

After sin what they were doing I looked close to the one who was getting bit that was Sara.

The person that was trying to recruit even if she was a girl.

I know that her parents let her go where even she wanted and I know that it is summer vacation, but at this hour.

And what was she going to do at this hour?

There were too many questions to ask but that wasn't our business.

So we begin to think of a way to get them off guard.

The plan is for a person to go there and the other to wait until Blondy and his friend begin to attack him.

We play rock paper scissors to decide who is going there.

It was Diego the loser, so it was him who was going there first.

[Good luck Diego!! XD ]

[Stay strong bro. XD ]

[Don't worry that we will be fine. :) ] We said while lapping at him.

Diego needs to approach them as much as he can without them noticing him and that is going to be difficult.

When Diego began to walk calmly, one of Blondy's friends turned and saw Diego he touched Blondy.

From there everything was not going well.

They all have knives at their hand Even if they have a knife that doesn't matter, the thing that matters is who they were using it.

Maybe sending Diego was a bad idea.

The moment they attack Diego we rush to save him.

We took down two of them.

There were 3 left.

Blondy sends the two to attack Thera and Jake.

And he will fight me.

Maybe it was for his revenge.

When I looked at his face he was so angry.

When he was walking toward me, I was able to sense his blood lust.

[Damn you, I am going to kill you!] Blondy said, walking toward me with his knife.

The two who was take down stand up now it was 5 vs 4, Diego wasn't good with fight so it was an endicape.

3 of them have a knife on their hand including blondy.

One of his friends, his skin was brown and his hair was blond, he was a reed t-shirt and jeans with slippers.

His name was Frank.

There were twins whose hair was brown and the difference between them was their style of clothes. His name was Victor

One of the twins was wearing a White t-shirt with a black pants, his jakeck was attached around him. Terry

And the other was wearing a basketball outfit and a cap on his head.

And the last one was wearing a white t-shirt, jeans and gray jacket.

His name was Jones.

There were 4 fights : Diego VS Victor, Thera VS Jones,Jake VS Frank and me VS Blondy and Terry.

Even with my power i was at a huge desavantage.

For the fight to be more stable all of us pull out our wooden sword.

The fight between Thera vs Jones begins.

Thera activated his power right away, So the fight won't last long.

Jones pulled out is knife and began to attack.

Jake was thinking that the fight will be easy now he have a superpower.

But he made a huge mistake compared to the Jayson group and this group they are a lot different.

First, they are adults.

Children are less strong that adult and adult are long, so it easy for them to win.

Second, they have more experience in fighting than us.

And third, They are not afraid of killing someone.

Jones began to try to tasb thera but he was able to block it with his sword.

Jones was much faster and stronger than Thera.

Thera was struggling, So he decided to concentrate and transfer the energy to his foot so he can be much faster.

Now he was much faster than him, the only option was to go around him and attack him from the back.

If he attacks him from the front he has 63% of getting it because he wasn't good with a sword.

The enemy wasn't scared because he knew that his sword was a toy.

But Jones has a realy knife that can cut.

So, Thera was afraid of getting cut and that made the fight more difficult.

I have to not let his fear control him or he is going to get hurt.

The only thing he was able to do was to protect himself.

Jones hit him again and again until he fell on the ground.

Jone prepares his final hit and ….

On the other side it was Jake vs Frank.

They both pull out the weapon and begin the fight.

Jake didn't activate his power right away; he wanted to activate his power at the last moment, when the enemy was tired or showing a moment of weakness.

Without his power, it will be difficult to keep up with frank.

Frank begins to walk slowly toward jake.

Jake was already in position to block any attack.

Suddenly Frank began to run.

He was fast.

He took his knife and try to cut jake.

But Jake was able to block at the last moment.

[Flew, that was a close one.] says jake.

Frank was surprised to see that jake block his attack.

Even if he block it the fight wasn't over

He began to hit Jake faster.

Even if he was hit jake faster, Jake was able to block it.

He planned to do it so many time that jake will adapt and will block instinctively.

And after that he changed his way of fight, so he could cut him.

But in fortunately his strategy didn't work.

Jake was still able to block it by catching his hand at the last moment.

After that Jake activated his power and begin to punch Frank again and again.

Frank tried to block it but it didn't work. He was to close for him.

So he tried to get away, but Jake was still grabbing his hand so he could not escape.

Jake saw Thera in the ground and Jones was ready to cut him.

So he has to make Frank fall to the ground and rescuit Thera.

When he was trying to get away, he kicked his foot and Frank fell to the ground.

He rushes toward Thera and kicks Jones away.

[Are you okay?] Jake ask.

[Yes, I am okay and thank you. If you didn't kick him away I would die.]

They realise that if The fight continues like this that, it will be a total defeat.

They didn't worry about me.

They were worried about Diego because he was the weak of the group.

Frank and Jones were still on the ground so they went to help Diego finish his fight so they fight 2vs 1 and that will give them an advantage to finish the fight quickly.

Like Thera Diego was on the ground and Victor was about to cut him.

So they rush and stop Victor before he cuts Diego.

Victor couldn't move, he was amobilis.

Thera took his wooden sword and hit Victor on his neck and one of the enemies was taken.

Now it was 4vs 4 with two 1 vs 2 and 1 vs 1.

Thera vs Frank, Diego and Jake vs Jones and me vs Terry and Blondy.

With their teamwork they was able to take down Jones.

Now it was 4 vs 3, they sent thera to assist me.

On my side.

Even if it was 1 vs 2 we were at the same level.

With my power : [Electrical detection] I was able to keep up with them.

Without that I will be defeated for sure.

I activated my power from the beginning. I still have 2min left before my power deactivated.

They were capable of throwing me into a corner.

With my power [Electrical detection] I was able to sense Thera's arrival.

So, I smile.

After Blondy and Terry saw my smile, they were thinking that I was looking down on them.

[Don't look down on us.] Blondy says.

At that moment, Thera arrives and blocks Terry from punching me.

Blondy looked right and saw thera blocking terry.

And when he looked at his back he saw jake and Diego defeated Frank.

He couldn't believe it.

[Now that almost all your friends have been taken down. Do you admit defeat? Jayson Brother.]

