Legion Hierarchy : Division Commander 

Responsible for assisting the High General with his duties as well as scouting for potential members for the legion. They hold command over the 3 Regional Captains and are responsible for evaluating each of their performance and leadership when it comes to leading each Region or Regime they specialize in. The Division Commander is expected to be the most varied in Skillset and works a lot with the Tactical Forces of their legion to better prepare themselves and their squads for the Missions that are sent down from their Lord, Master, or they themselves.

Division Commanders are usually 3rd or 2nd Years who have proven themselves as captains and are capable in specializing in different forms of "warfare" or combat to properly educate his Captains and usually has a good sense of those who can be of use to the Legion. They are usually well respected, with a good balance of freedom of a student and the responsibility and power of an upperclassman. Depending on what legion they are apart of, they can be famous to a mystery completely. Most aren't given any special tiles.