Chapter I: The Mark

Part One

Translation by Rafael Sekia de Souza


It had been three days since Akhenahi's fight against Galm at the arena. It had been three days since the Council decided that they wouldn't give Akhenahi her right to graduate as a mage and leader of the Sect. By winning the championship, the winner won a gift as her reward: the exile.

            It really was a totally different condition from what it was expected, justly her, who had killed her own brother during combat, unmaking the only link that she had with anyone who she had grown fond of, being banished as a reward. The exile was the Council's decree instead of a victory and due acknowledgment. Akhenahi had some deeds under her name, although nothing worth of feature. She had to stand out in magic and honed her skills with the sword. It wasn't fair that she was treated like scum, just because she was a woman.

            There once been a female leader of the Sect. She was the only one to be graduated as such. Her name was famous and her power suited the rumors. She had improved skills through years of training, study, and research. There was also an essential point to her success: there was no Raldrak.

            Eventually, any research that Akhenahi had done about the prohibited sorceries inside the Sect, she would meet the name Kiranara. Yes, Kiranara was the only one to study the prohibited sorceries in depth. She would always study in secret. Always by herself, because she didn't trust anyone. In fact, her cunningness made her live for many years and allowed her to do some extraordinary deeds.

            However, she knew that the worst enemy didn't have a human form or a monstrous one. It was invisible, intangible, and inevitable: death.

            Advancing years in months, Kiranara studied abilities that would bring her longevity. In the end, she didn't manage to reach immortality. However, she managed to create and develop the Crescent Power. Such creation was her biggest gift and her biggest disgrace. She attracted the biggest reins and their forces. She had become a menace even without knowing many of them or even being in contact with them.

            The persecution was inevitable and she dealt with the consequences. At the end of Kiranara's days, the Sect was forced to live in secrecy and they moved away from their old home. It disappeared in secret and few had survived. Kiranara was never alone. There were her Minions, her ritualists, and faithful ritualists. Although she made sure to show off that she didn't trust anybody, they trusted her without restrictions. It was a blessing to be one of her Minions. Many of them died to protect her and were entrusted with keeping her secrets at the old home of the Sect. One of them, maybe the closest one, was Asthergan, her most dedicated follower and general. When the Sect left its old home behind, the tombs and libraries were stored with secrets and magic. The old master of Galm had told her stories about this place. He had told her about the legend of Kiranara's fall. Galm enjoyed talking with his sister and told her everything the master had told him about the old "rumors".

            Akhenahi didn't fully believe in the legend. She always was skeptical, but she couldn't deny that the Sect always treated the One as a scourge. She knew that Kiranara had, in fact, existed. What she didn't believe was that her achievements and her great accumulation of power could've disappeared together with her.

            Then came the Exile.

            Okay. She knew where she had to go. She didn't argue with the Council. She didn't demand anything. She simply told them:

            - I won the championship. I killed my only brother as proof that I didn't enter the competition for fun and I earn the exile as a reward for my struggles and studies throughout years of improvement and I'm treated as a scourge, simply because there once had been a female leader between our antecessors. You fear that I'm like her. You fear that I unleash the same disgrace. – She turned to Raldrak and continued.

            - You fear that I could be as powerful as She was, if not more. Throughout my whole life, I never questioned how things should be, inside or outside the Sect's rules. I won't even question the decision that I've matched Kiranara, at least, in the condition of being a woman. I know very well that there are reasons and motives for things to develop in the short or long term. The consequences come with time. I'll come back to you as a promise. The promise that I'm the Sect's only salvation and the inevitable end to the ones deemed unnecessary.

            Raldark rose from his chair and punched the desk with a close fist:

            - You won't be a promise, not for us and not for our people. You'll do nothing, not for us who are responsible for taking care of the Sect that you were once a part of. Go. You must go now and don't you dare to come back. You're no longer welcome here. You're no longer one of us.

            Akhenahi looked deep into their eyes. She didn't blink or expressed any kind of emotion. She removed her badge with the Sect's symbol from her cloak and put it over the table as a gesture of respect for the Sect, not for the Council. The light sound of the metal hitting the marble table echoed through the chamber. Then, she raised her hand, to meet the beams of light that penetrated the chamber through the cracks in the ceiling's vault. Her fingers lit up, and in silence, she looked at her hand, now closed and promised in thought:

            "You'll see that I'll be the relentless side of the Power. You'll all kneel before me in absolute devotion and fear, totally aware of my imminent return."

            As he lowered her arm, while everyone followed her movement in silence, Akhenahi put on her hood and, in silence, the Council and the crowd saw her depart.




            Akhenahi followed a path that would take her to the crypt. Arriving there, she spotted some people around Galm, who was laying over the smooth stone table. While she passed through the people, she approached Meven, who executed the procedure for the burial.

            - It seems that you came to say goodbye. I'm so sorry for your loss.

            The woman removed her hood:

            - I came to see him one last time, not to say farewell. I killed him, Meven. I don't have the right to fail. Neither of us had that right and we both knew that. Only one could get out of that arena alive. Now, I have no right to say I'm sorry for his death and I lost the right to apologize when I dealt that death blow.

            With a comprehensive look and with a touch on Akhenahi's hand, who promptly removed it, he whispered:

            - It was inevitable. Our traditions demand that deaths happen for the right of reigning to achieve a powerful branching of the leader's lineage.

            Meven noticed her hand starting to clench and he saw the expression on her face start to become dark. She didn't look well. He tried to change subjects:

            - Certainly, the graduation ceremony will be as soon as possible…

            - They didn't define a date. I want to talk about this later. Right now, I'd like to take Galm's sword. After you're done with the necessary procedures, go to my tower.

            - I'll take only the necessary amount of time. I'll be there before nightfall.

            And old hooded man saw the woman go for her brother's equipment and said:

            - That would be blasphemy. You can't do that, my dear. Your brother's belonging should be buried with him. Don't make this mistake!

            Akhenahi ignored him. She reached for the items and armor on the table that her brother had used during combat. She had found the sword next to the Sect's badge. In silence and while others observed her, she left the badge with disdain and grabbed the sword.

            While she returned, she stopped in front of the old man:

            - It's not a blasphemy on my part, Rarid, because I won and the winner can decide what happens to the loser and its belongings. My decision is that my brother will have a worthy burial and that the sword will be mine.

            Some voices came from the people around Galm. They could say whatever they wanted to say. Akhenahi would ignore them anyway. She followed her path to her tower. While she crossed the courtyard that takes to the tower's entrance door, Akhenahi saw a woman in the distance, but who spoke was the woman:

            - Congratulations on your victory! I confess that I had put my bet on Galm and, to my surprise, he lost. Actually, to the surprise of many.

            As the woman looked to the sword, she smiled:

            - And this is the sword that I betted enough so that I wouldn't need to exert my profession for a month or two.

            From the other side of the courtyard, Akhenahi maintained the silence to demonstrate her lack of interest in all that conversation. When she didn't receive an answer, the woman began speaking again:

            - Okay, okay! Let's go to what matters. – She showed her a bag of equipment. – I have to make your mark as I promised if you won. Let's start before the sun leaves us.

            They entered the tower and while she climbed up the spiral stairs, the woman mentioned how much she hated to have to climb up the dorm's stairs. Once again, Akhenahi didn't even fake to be interested.

            That was annoying for her client and Adarsac had gotten the message.

            When everything was prepared, Akhenahi came to her and showed her the scroll that contained the symbol she wanted, but since she was such an expert, Adarsac decided to give her opinion on some traces:

            - I suggest that you divide the central line then…

            - No. – Akhenahi stopped her. – There'll be no alterations.

            With a breath of depravity, Adarsac took the scroll off of her hands, impatiently.

            - You're very difficult to deal with.

            Akhenahi laid over the table as to show off her impatience with such a delay.

            Adarsac prepared the paints, separated the needles and the cotton with a chemical that would prevent the tattoo from getting infected.

            - Choose the color.

            - Purple.

            - Now choose the place.

            - My face's right side, the forehead, and the chin.

            Surprised, Adarsac faced her:

            - I don't care for the reason that you choose the face, but what I want to say is that this could bring up future problems. A person with a tattoo on their face draws too much attention and if in the future you make enemies this will be a fact that can be used against you…

            - … Or, could it be that however will be my enemy, will have an idea of what they may face just by remembering about it.

            Adarsac laughed at such insolence. After she recovered, she asked:

            - What's your name?

            Akhenahi stared at her for the first time:

            - I'm Akhenahi.

            Adarsac had finally recognized her. Until the very moment, that woman was no more than a client to her, like many others. But the name she had just spoken wasn't unfamiliar. She didn't care to know the name of Galm's opponent when she placed her bets, now she knew:

            Akhenahi was the name of Galm's sister, that's what the rumors said. They told me that she had been killed during the competition on the tournament's eliminatory trials. So, if you're his sister and his opponent in the arena, then, you're responsible for killing your own brother!

            - Exactly. – Akhenahi reacted without emotion. – Now start the procedures, I have a lot to do today.

            Adarsac had to focus to not keep that subject on her mind to not mess up the tattoo. The procedure had been painful, although Akhenahi never complained.

            Before the sunset, the tattoo was done. While Adarsac had finished the bandages and recalled her things back to her case a thought crossed her mind that since she had won the championship, she wouldn't be graduated as the new leader of the Sect. She was a woman and that made her think that she would be judged as a new Kiranara and when that happens there's only one solution besides death: Exile.

            - I'm so sorry. – She said with a look of pity in her eyes. – It's not graduation that awaits you. It's the exile.

            Akhenahi looked her seriously:

            - Don't be, I don't seek compassion.

            The woman grabbed her purse full of coins and tossed them to her.

            - Then, I won't be. However, I'll help as I can. The payment money will be more useful during your trip. I recommend that you go to the old city. There, lay the tombs of our ancestors. There lays Kiranara's forbidden crypt.

            For the first time since Adarsac saw her, she noticed that the woman started to smile as she was illuminated by salvation while also being the first emotional trait that she revealed, despite the dark appearance, but it was a quick smile that soon turned back to that emotionless mask.

            -Excellent idea, Adarsac. – Akhenahi got up from her chair next to the window. – You should know where I can find a scroll that has a map or keywords to find the place's location.

            - In fact, I do. There's a section at the Academy's library that stores old tomes volumes. Certainly, there should be what you seek.

            Akhenahi looked at the distant Sun setting between the mountains in its slow process to let the darkness take place.

            - If you're tired of working to receive small quantities of treasure, know that I have a place for you for what's to come. Just like me, you can have much more rather than follow the orders of a dated and obsolete Council. It's more than obvious that Raldrak doesn't want the Sect to go back to what it once was, or should I say, something that it never was.

            The other woman stayed in silence. Breathed deep, passed her hands through her hair, and stared at the window, then, she said:

            - Kiranara once said: "It doesn't matter if in a thousand years or more they say my name and speak of my feats as mere trivial things. It only matters that I've realized what I came to this world to realize and that I was decisive while doing it, and no one else did it. Don't judge me you fools, for what I've become, only I can do it because only I have the right and innate power to do so".

            Akhenahi made a small movement with her head. It was a brief approval of Kiranara's words. She said with a deep voice and full of seriousness:

            - Then I'll be better than Kiranara. I won't judge anyone because I don't have the power to do so. Not now. I opt to recognize her and her words and legacy will be the guide to my Ascension.

            Before the sun could set, Meven arrived at Akhenahi's tower, just like he had said. Adarsac was already gone to the library. She explained that the burial procedures didn't cause any problem. She also said that Qlarf, Galm's master came to see him one last time:

            - He asked about you. If you were okay. He also said he was sorry for your loss and the exile. He asked me to hand you this.

            Meven handed her a scroll while he observed the tattoo.

            - He mentioned that this is a scroll that'll help you to open the gates of the Sect's old city, but he warned you to go in secret. The Council is completely against it.

            The woman opened the scroll and studied it for some time. Its written lines were old and in a language that stopped being used, just like the recently acquired scroll. Some minutes later, Akhenahi put it over the table, grabbed a nearby chest, and opened it. Meven saw her grabbing another book with forbidden symbols inserted on the cover.

            - The Council banned and exiled me. What I do or don't do doesn't say right to them, or anyone, ever again.

            She opened the book and started a new search. Meven was sitting on a chair in silence and while she searched for something, he remembered how he used to visit that place as a child. His favorite pastime activity was to wake up Galm very early, which, in fact, annoyed him. Something that not even his master would do.

            While he remembered the things he used to do and the pranks they used to play, he felt a deep sadness and started to miss his friend. He knew that Akhenahi felt something. Maybe not sadness. Maybe a sensation of loss caused by her own hands, like a valuable bet that despite the result, would be in vain. And it was. That tattoo on her face had a meaning, but she hated questions. Whatever it be.

            Meven never got close to her as he got to Galm. Although Galm could be very annoying at times, he used to communicate better than his sister and was more sociable. In a certain way, talk to her about anything had always been difficult for him. She made sure to show that she didn't like trivial talks. Maybe friendship to her was something trivial. Maybe the affection was a weakness and maybe she never sought comprehension from people, nor their advice. At least not with Meven. The sound of another book being placed over the table brought him back to the present.

            When he looked back to the table, he noticed that there were more things over it. There were other scrolls and a book that Akhenahi took with her during her travels.

            - The reason why Kiranara was persecuted is explained by the fact that she found a way to acquire power fast. A power that highlighted. Here it says that she was persecuted by people she had never met or saw. The more her power grew, the more her fame reached the kingdoms and more people started to fear, hate, and envy her.

            Meven approached her and took a peek over Akhenahi's shoulder. There was a list of things that were being quoted. One of them was that Kiranara prepared three scrolls, The Mains. The description said that one of them was with the people of Fideran. One with the Araznas, servants of Nagstt, and one was stolen and taken to the kingdom of Eldwen.

            - We must prepare for the search immediately. I'll take back what was taken from us.

            - Armies would be needed for that. It's obvious that they won't hand them over willingly.

            Akhenahi grabbed a book from the shelf and handed it to Meven:

            - There's no need for armies. The least people we send the more discrete we'll be. You'll go to the Nagstt kingdom, but before that I want you to go to Qrazc and recruit people from our sect that live there. Havec is the responsible master, as well as an old lineage of Kiranara's followers. In this book, there is information about the place and a map.

            - And what should I do if I don't get their support? You know well that they're faithful to the Sect, not to you or me. To be sincere, we don't have any influence with anyone from the Sect or outside of it.

            - Then you'll do your best to convince them that you went there at the service of the Sect by orders of the Council. If all the alternatives of receiving support fail, act as if your life depended on it and force them to obey you. If you fail with me, your life will be finished by my hands sooner or later. Find a solution. I know very well that you're capable of it. Your efficiency is the sole reason why I allow you to speak to me and participate in my plans.

            Her tone sounded angry. Meven didn't dare to question. For years he thought of her as a friend. "Your efficiency is the sole reason why I allow you to speak to me and participate in my plans". He sadly thought. So that was it. Meven slowly looked at him and when she looked again it was him who spoke:

            -  During years I saw you close to us, to me and Galm. For years we spoke so little because you preferred books over people. Now you tell me I'm nothing but "efficiency". I may have not been a friend and maybe I'll never be one, but I never did anything to deserve your contempt. Your tone is of someone that doesn't know me and doesn't feel empathy, but we both met when we were teenagers. Maybe you hate me and everyone around you. I have no obligation to serve you, to walk through the world doing what you order based on threats. You threatened me as if I didn't mean anything to you. I'm from the Sect and a childhood acquaintance…

            Akhenahi grabbed Galm's sword and in a swift motion, she turned her feet and placed it on Meven's neck. The sword edge made a little bit of pressure on his throat. He felt a little bit of blood drain. Akhenahi stared at him and locked her eyes on him as she spoke:

            - In fact, you don't mean anything to me. However, your life means a lot to you. You choose whether you want a quick death or if you'll follow me without any more questions or irrelevant conversation like that one just now.

            He stared at her without fear, his eyes stopped at the tattoo. The movement made a line of blood drain from his face. He cared, but dying wasn't in his plans:

            - I'll follow you as a favor to Galm. I'll take care of you as a favor to him and you won't hear trivial conversations coming from me anymore, nor a friendship, affection, or love. Never forget, even for a second, that I don't fear you and that I won't serve you as a dog without a future. My promise to Galm is the only thing that makes me stay near you.

            - You'll learn to fear and to serve. – Akhenahi increased the pressure of the sword on his neck. – You want it or not.

            Getting away from the blade, the man grabbed the book and turned back to her:

            - See. – He raised the mourning robe's sleeve. His arm was black. – I offered an arm for power. To obtain the power it's necessary to be willing to sacrifice something in exchange. It has always been like this. But why did I want more power? I wanted more power to defend myself. To kill whoever wanted to kill me. I have to say that I'm tied to an oath that I did to your brother, the reason why we won't fight now or any other moment if it depends on me. I cannot kill you. Maybe I'll come to be the best one you can count on, but if someday I need to defend myself, I'll do it without hesitation.

            - I don't seek protection. Don't deceive yourself. When your "efficiency" fails, you'll die and this trivial conversation we had won't be more than a memory buried with you. In my Ascension, I won't have space for useless people.

            He gave a long sigh. He cleaned his neck and resumed speaking:

            - Don't think that you're the only person who'll test someone. I'll test you and I'll see if you're truly worthy of Kiranara's power, and her legacy. If you fail, you won't have more support coming from me, got it?

            Akhenahi turned serious for the first time in a long time:

            - Learn to forget the questioning. Asking questions means nothing. Questions mean nothing. Empty promises mean nothing. You didn't study to the point of being at a level above others and yet you threaten someone who did so. Tell the ones you recruit that I'm not searching for idiots. I seek the best. And about you, I suggest that you abandon any and all kinds of questions that you still have. Doubts succeed in failure. If you fail you'll know that I won't keep you alive enough to regret doing so.

            - I'll do my best to not fail. Not that I fear death. The thing is I don't like to lose at all. By the way, your tattoo makes you more closed and less friendly, not that this is any news. However, it looks great on you, because it suits your personality.

            Meven grabbed all he needed. He obeyed what Akhenahi had told him and the time he was supposed to leave. His trip was scheduled for the following morning. When he closed the door behind him, he noticed how difficult his days at the Sect would be.

            - Her Ascension, she says. I hope that the rumors about the high destruction of the Sect don't happen a second time. This time, there will be no survivors that'll fall on another kingdom's grace, once the threat comes from the same place as before.

            In the morning, when she heard that Meven had already left before dawn. Adarsac came to her and brought her a book that she had found in the library. It was through her that Akhenani heard about Meven's departure.

            - If you managed to find the map, I'll leave immediately. – She said to Adarsac. – Preparations have already been elaborated.

            - I found the map and a tome that'll help you understand the ancient language.

            Finishing the preparations to start the trip, Akhenahi told her that she would be her eyes, ears, and voice inside the Sect. Akhenahi preferred to leave without anyone coming to prevent the procedures and to avoid the unnecessary talking from the Council and the execution of her exile.

            - Someone will come in my name with instructions. Keep me up to date on everything that happens. Send someone with messages about more relevant subjects. Nothing more.

            - So it'll be done. – Adarsac answered.

            Akhenahi put on her hood and started her walk. She didn't say goodbye nor she looked back.




            Her journey, initially, took her to a path between the mountains. She appreciated the place in silence. It had been years since she didn't go out for long walks, even though she never stopped exercising. She spent three years preparing for the championship, just to win and don't actually win anything. Years ago, the oligarchy of the Sect had made drastic changes and Raldrak had a big share of the blame for it. The sect once was worthy of fear and respect. Now, for Akhenahi, it was nothing more than a decadent sect. It had a lot in common with those mountains. It was too quiet, abandoned, and apparently lifeless. It needed a change. However, Akhenahi wouldn't try for something for everybody. She would do it for herself, and although her thoughts were focused on the problem, she wasn't necessarily inattentive and she soon noticed that she was being followed. She didn't give the proper attention and focused on trying to see if there was somebody else other than the hooded man.

            In a higher corner, next to a tree, there was another hooded person, who was a bit shorter. So far there were two. Akhenahi continued the path. Up ahead three more appeared on the way. The two from before came from behind surrounding her. From right to left, long walls created a narrow path that wouldn't allow Akhenahi to escape.

            From under the traveling cloak, she made a silent movement and grabbed the sword by its handle.

            A man with tattoos on his face, made by ritualist people, asked:

            - What does a woman do around here?

            He didn't receive an answer.

            - What does a woman, alone and mute, do around here?! – He shouted in a mocking tone.

            Akhenahi raised her head and stared at him:

            - I can speak and I believe you have noticed it. The point is that I didn't find anyone recently worth wasting my voice.

            They laughed and mocked her. The dwarf was audacious:

- We can take good care of her and then take her to the slave market in Eldwen or maybe keep her with us. – He said as he let out a burst of annoying laughter.

            More laughter came. While they laughed, Akhenahi observed the way they acted and how they approached little by little. "Distraction through conversation, shortening the distance so that my response time to their attacks will be in vain". She deduced in thought.

            - Let's see if you like my company.

            She made a move and conjured a simple sorcery against the ground ahead of her, the dust raised with an explosive blow, a moment later, the woman turned and charged against the two behind her. The trio didn't know what was happening, because the dust prevented them from knowing. The reaction caught the unprepared. While the dwarf moved his hand to grab the ax on his belt, the archer by his side tried to pull the bow's string and received a lethal blow on the neck. He fell on his knees, with his hands on his neck, choking on its own blood and with fear of death in his eyes, which Akhenahi appreciated. He knew he would be dead soon. The dwarf thought the same too. That fast death made him understand that she wasn't a defenseless woman.

            Akhenahi turned herself to him:

- You, the talking dwarf, won't see the end of this day.

His despair in withdrawing the ax made him an easy target. The blade met the flesh, in a quick and precise cut the dwarf's hand fell in front of his eyes.

            - No! Please! Please…! – The others            hear his supplication.

            - You wished for my company, now, enjoy it.

            Again, the blade met the flesh and the lethal blow on his stomach made his entrails fall on the ground.

            When the dust settled, the trio saw Akhenahi with the bow ready. The first arrow hit the taller one. A straight hit between the eyes. The middle one received three consecutive arrows to the neck and fell, lifeless. Only one remained. The one with a tattoo on his face.

            Another arrow was fired, but this one didn't hit its target. The man had created a protective energy field around himself. Akhenahi noticed that he still had power, although apparently weak.

            - A ritualist and at the same time a thief.

- As a matter of fact, a ritualist who chooses this life instead of following a leader.

            Akhenahi analyzed him in silence. She noted that his shield was breaking, its light, was vanishing. The rest of his power was ending.

            - You have until the shield disappears to convince me not to kill you. Not a second more. I'll give you this chance because you're a ritualist.

            The pressure of those words made the man try harder to keep his shield. It was a hard task to keep the concentration and speak convincingly, especially for him who didn't practice his magic for a long time. Akhenahi continued to evaluate. In the end, the shield fell off and he fell on his knees. He dropped his dagger and stared at her:

            - You handled us very well. All my partners are dead. From what it seems you'll be the last one to laugh, and all that because we misjudged you like a woman like everyone other women. A mistake that cost us our lives. A lesson that'll cost mine.

            Maybe he was useful. After all, he was a thief:

            - There are only two options for you: die here or serve me without questioning it. You'll decide your faith. I'll judge it for you.

            What choice did he have? How not opt to accept the second option? He didn't leave his sect to die at the hands of a traveler which name he didn't even know. He took a deep breath. With his life at stake and with the executioner in front of him it wasn't difficult to choose:

            - Eternal absolute obedience, if you wish, my lady. I put my destiny in your hands. I just ask that you spare me.

            - You won't be my follower that easily. – Akhenahi stared at him deeply and then proceeded. – There'll be a test, of course. When this test is over, you'll see that if you fail me, you'll wish you'd rather have died before meeting me.

            Her words didn't reveal an inch of mockery. She was serious. She had killed his friends without hesitating.

            - I have no choice but to obey.

            Akhenahi threw the bow to her side. Her eyes were still watchful of the man on his knees. She noticed that his tattoo was a faint color as if it were about to disappear:

            - I noticed that you didn't do a ritual to revitalize your powers.

            - If I did a ritual, the people around me would condemn me. I decided to be a person like any other since I didn't want to ruin my life in Eldwen.

            - You'll do a ritual and you'll use your colleagues as a source of sacrifice. Be aware that I'll be watching your procedures. If you try something suspicious it's better to think twice. I never forgive.

            - I won't.

            - We'll see it. – She said while she squinted her eyes in distrust.

            While the man prepared the markings on the ground, Akhenahi studied his abilities. In fact, he was a skilled ritualist. It wasn't just any sect that opted for making symbols instead of circles or pentagrams in more complex rituals. Maybe he was an advanced ritualist. If he was, that'd be a great find.

            Akhenahi walked around the ritual's place and she observed carefully the lines and marks. His ritual was good, however, it needed improvement:

            - You can't nor you should avoid who you really are. Just like your face tells me who you are, I soon understood who you were and that gave you a chance to prove that you live up to what's represented on your face. It's not as strong as it should be, but it'll be. It all depends on your efforts and your understanding that it's not shameful to be a ritualist. I have plans I wish to execute. Ritualists are pieces that I seek to build this puzzle and that's why I want you to be my Follower.

            She stopped in front of him with a dagger and handed it to him:

            - As you grab the dagger, you'll say your name.

            - I'm Ryarx, my lady. – He said as soon as he grabbed it with his extended hands.

            - Well, Ryarx, Let's begin the Initialization Ritual.

            Ryarx saw his friends burn, piece by piece, but he didn't feel sad. In a certain way that didn't matter anymore. It had been ages since he didn't feel like his people had taught him, that friendship meant weakness. She was right. It didn't make sense to stop being what he practiced for years of his life. Suddenly, his tattoos on his face and arms started to shine. He felt the power flow through his veins. A ritual like that was, in a certain way, familiar and different. The procedure was the same one that his people always used, but the result was different.

            All the weakness was ended together with the end of the ritual. Ryarx opened his eyes and saw Akhenahi in front of him, with crossed arms, evaluating him without an expression:

            - It's been a while that I didn't feel so revigorated. From my friend's ashes, I obtained power and I feel no sadness or remorse by doing so.

            - Forget your friends once and for all. Friends have proven to be more and more a failure as I see them. Let's go to what matters: now that you have power. I'm ready to fight. Have your vengeance, or at least, try.

            Ryarx learned fast, it had always been his biggest gift. It was a test, of course:

            - I won't dare to face you no matter the place of the power I have. You obtained my respect and admiration, although it may be difficult to say that I can trust you completely. If that'll happen or not only my eyes will tell.

            - Great. You obtained my attention, but you'll never obtain my trust. Always be aware of this.

            - Thus, we obtain things that we must handle. I have a new life to test. I have new things to learn. Far from home, I found the path for my salvation. Guide me, my ritualist lady, and I won't disappoint you.

- I'm the salvation. I'm Akhenahi. A name you'll never forget.




            They had been walking towards Eldwen for hours now. Akhenahi's silence made Ryarx stay with his own thoughts for hours. He had recovered part of his power. Certainly, she only gave him a third of it. "Precaution". He thought to himself.

            The precaution was something that he didn't care about for a long time. Maybe it was time he learned some basic lessons again.

            On an elevated rock, both stood still and observed Eldwen's gates. The sun was about to set.

            - We'll make a bonfire and we'll rest.

            - I'll go hunt something.

            Akhenahi looked around and saw some trees next to some huge rocks.

            - We'll make a bonfire there.

            Ryarx went hunting while the woman prepared a sorcery. When the man found a deer, it was a very good opportunity for testing some magic tricks. He paused. He put the dagger away and started to rub his hands lightly, then, faster and when he felt the time was right, he prepared a sorcery and launched it towards the animal. Purple lightning passed through the trees and when the animal raised its head to identify where the strange buzz was coming from, it received a blow between the eyes. Its head turned into blood, meat, and bone paste. Ryarx was surprised. It was only supposed to stun it. He always knew how much magic he should spend to cast a sorcery. That newly acquired magic confused him. Another lesson he should review as soon as possible.

            When he reached the huge rocks, he saw that Akhenahi was sleeping. He dragged the animal closer to the bonfire. He looked at her and noticed that energy emanated from the woman, almost totally invisible. Around her, there was a protective force field. "Precaution", he thought once again. "In fact, it's very important to make use of it".

            - I'll use the time I have to prepare a good amount of roasted meat while she sleeps. I definitely need to train my abilities. This power that she offered me was something new, but I have to get used to it.

            While he cut the meat and put it on skewers, Ryarx resumed talking:

            - Maybe I can try a teleportation ritual to see what happens. After all, I can tell that the magic has been more potent than I expected.

            While the meat was roasting, he made two circles with identical symbols with a few meters between them.

            - Let's see… If the proportion is identical, I must be able to come and go whenever I can gather enough energy. If I can't come back it means that the shared portal is incomplete or that this new power must be studied more carefully.

            Ryarx crouched and put his open hand inside the circle. The portal activated and he disappeared and reappeared on the other side, but the amount of spent energy was far beyond his calculations, making the ground under him crack, destroying the circle. The sound of the explosion woke up Akhenahi.

            She looked in the explosion's direction and heard:

            - Look!

            Akhenahi undid the force field and noted the marks on the ground.

            - I don't know what you're doing, but it seems obvious that you have failed. Explain yourself.

            - I didn't fail. I managed to teleport. Look, I utilized both circles as a conduction point. It's my people's specialty. I'll show you.

            He prepared two more circles, while Akhenahi took a skewer with well-roasted meat. Ryarx grabbed a rock and threw it on the circle. Akhenahi saw it disappear and reappear on the other side. Surprised, she started to pay more attention to the details.

            - Inorganic matter doesn't suffer alterations. Unless the ritualist wants to. The organic matter suffers alterations without permission. Therefore, it's important to always know the weight proportion between the trip through the circles and the time spent. If the calculations are wrong or if you utilize too much magic, the circle will burst. It's important to highlight that a circle connected to the other has a connection like a bridge that connects the two edges of an abyss. It can take you and bring you back, as long as you don't do anything to make the bridge fall.

            Akhenahi paid attention to the explanation, calculating the usefulness of that ability and deducing how powerful it could be.

            - Show me. I want to see how useful this can be.

            Ryarx crouched and touched the circle, but this time, he invested less power. He disappeared. In the blink of an eye, he reached the other portal.

            She came to check how he had prepared the circle, leaving the skewer behind.

            - A very useful ability. Let's see what you used.

            For a couple of minutes, she just observed the circles, without saying anything. Testing a sorcery here and there. She was studying the reactions. She deduced:

            - You distorted time and matter. In a way that the speed didn't allow you to stop being what you are. The time stopped to guarantee that you didn't change a part of your body so that you could have enough time to conclude the process without alterations. I think that this is also the reason why the inorganic matter doesn't change. Because they are more resistant to time and alterations in space.

            Impressed, Ryarx smiled:

            - Excellent deduction. In fact, this really happens, but there's something else. Something crucial: the amount of magic spent influences the process and even more on its result. As you can see, the circle that broke was due to the excessive use of magic. If the portal that you came from was destroyed, it doesn't matter if you make a new one, because the link would be broken. So, if a portal that has a connection to another one is undone only two new portals would be the solution. Just as important is: when you create a portal, you must do it with equal symbols, because they serve as coordinates. The person who created the portal controls who can come through it. A portal needs permission to be used by anybody.

            - I imagined a use for that. Let me explain what we'll do.

            On the following morning, Akhenahi's plan was being revised. For Ryarx there were no difficulties, much to the contrary, the information he obtained in the city during the time he lived there was very relevant. Everything seemed to be easy, except that he was the one that would have to execute the first part.

            - I need to hurry. Ercdrul has a protegee that always goes out during the morning. I'll capture her and bring her here. Be attentive.

            - Go and be quick.

            Ryarx knew Ercdrul, leader of a guild, a rich and smart man. But Ryarx also knew Akhenahi, strong and relentless. They both were weights put on the sides of the balance. Their strategies and cunningness were the difference between which weight would win. According to Akhenahi's plan, Ercdrul would have to act according to the rumors or his name would become a new rumor that would contradict his fame.

            He ran under the morning Sun. The sensation of the Sun over the revigorated skin after a ritual was good, even though he preferred the night, he couldn't say that the body went against natural light. Ryarx knew that she observed him. He remembered her words about his test. He would be tested just like in any other test, to fail would be a complete failure. If he failed her, it was like failing the attachment he had to everything he wouldn't like to lose.

            - Something that intrigued me is that she didn't even ask my name. Now that I think of it, she didn't even ask anything. Doesn't she have doubts? Doesn't she like questions? This is intriguing.

            He ran, with proper attention, over the treacherous rocks that were part of the path to the street. When he arrived, he noticed a guard sitting eating his breakfast. When he saw him he smiled:

            - If it isn't Ryarx, the bet debtor! – He greeted him.

            - As far as I know it, I don't owe you anything. – Ryarx returned.

            - You don't owe me because I charged it in the same hour. To handle you the secret is to guarantee that you don't run away. – And he laughed. – How are things going, son?

            The man returned the laughter, but little did the guard know that the debts were nothing compared to what was coming.

            - I'm fine. Today is a reason for me and the guys to commemorate. Well, I have to go grab a table for me and the guys. They must be coming.

            The guard finished eating his cheese, he cleaned his mouth with his hand, he cleared his throat, and spoke in a serious tone:

            - Ryarx, boy, you should leave that group behind. They are worthless. Do yourself a favor, leave them, and go live your life. You're still young.

            - I believe you're right, but no one will give a job to a thief, not even the Iradrius guild. The people in this city stopped believing in people like me. I'll stay just for a while and then I'll leave. You're right. I'll follow your advice and I'll restart my life somewhere else, far from here.

            The guard got up, cleaned his hand on his tabard, and raised his hand to Ryarx, inviting him to a handshake.

            - Do it, son. Nothing is more meaningful to a man than his name and his convicted actions. If you leave before I resume the shift it's best to greet you now. Go in peace and take care of yourself.

            - Thanks, Tried. Stay in peace, old friend.

            The time had come. It was a pleasant talk, but it would be different now. Ryarx had a mission and his objective had just walked through a crowd. Together with two guards, there was Lesana, Ercdrul's protegee. He recognized her from far away. He knew that Ercdrul will train her to succeed him as the guild leader.

            Ryarx left soon. His objective was where she always came and returned. Arriving there, he prepared the trap, he grabbed a flask full of blood. He doodled the symbols and waited. He waited for a while and while he did so, he bought some items. He spotted that she was coming with her guards, that carried a chest just behind. Probably, a collection of loans. He moved to an alleyway, then grabbed a sword that he had just bought. The moment to act was coming together with the echoes of the footsteps. Lesana looked at the alleyway, exactly where Ryarx was hiding. How she did that? He'd like to know, had he been careless? No. Someone was pointing at him accusingly. It was one of the designated thief observers that the Iradrius guild had designated.

            - Guard! – The woman screamed when she saw the signal. – Stay alert. We have a thief nearby.

            - Damnit! – Ryarx whispered to himself.

            Ryarx acted. He ignored the girl and struck one of the guards. The armor was good, the articulations were the only weak spot that the thief had thought of at the time. A lunge on the shoulder and a scream of pain made the marketers look in that direction. The other guard was pushed out of the circle. Ryarx grabbed a scroll and tossed it at him. He spoke as Lesana tried to run:

            - Take my demands to your leader and if he takes too long, Lesana will die.

            With a hand touch on the chest, the wounded guard, Ryarx and Lesana disappeared.




            The circle started to shine. The ritualist had said that this was the signal of his arrival. She prepared herself. When Ryarx appeared, Akhenahi noticed that an extra person had come, beyond what was expected.

            - Hold her. – He said as he walked towards the fallen guard. I'll take care of this one.

            The guard opened his eyes wide open:

            - What's happening? Who are you?

            The response he obtained was a sword strike to the helmet, which caused it to fall abruptly from his head. The next strike cut off his head. Akhenahi moved her sword so that the blood would touch the ground. She put her sword away and turned to the woman:

            - If you try anything suspicious, you'll die.

            The girl set herself free off Ryarx's grip and pulled a dagger she had on her belt:

            - Do you know who I am, you troublemaker?

            Akhenahi stared at her, then she walked in her direction. Her face was expressive, something that Ryarx learned wasn't a good sign.

            The woman attacked Akhenahi, who dodged the attack, then she grabbed the arm that held the dagger and she held it tight.

            - Who you once were doesn't matter anymore.

            Ryarx saw a punch being delivered. The snap of the blow had scared him.

            - Who you are doesn't matter.

            Another punch was delivered.

            - Here you're nobody, except by what I say. Here. – Akhenahi grabbed her by the neck with a tight grip and pulled her near. – Both you and your protector will see, for the first time, who am I and why I came after you.

            When Akhenahi finished talking, her tattoo on her face was shining and her eyes too. The woman learned, for the first time in her life, the meaning of being threatened for real.

            With a push that made her fall on the ground, she ordered:

            - Look for weapons, then take her and tie her. Leave her on a corner where she'll have no comfort. She doesn't know, but soon she'll know that all the protection that comes from Ercdrul is useless.




            The guard ran to the Iradrius guild building and summoned the master Ercdrul. He explained about Lesana's kidnapping as he took the guard to his private room.

            - So Ryarx kidnapped her? That fool. I forgave him countless times for his debts and now he acts like that?

            - My lord, I saw Ryarx making a ritual and disappear in front of my eyes. That was the reason why I couldn't chase him.

            - Ryarx, a ritualist? That explains the demand for the Arcane Scroll. If it was only him who was with her, then he wouldn't even think about taking the scroll. Someone strong must've hired him. Also, this could be a trap. This is not right, on the other hand, there are no doubts that this is a real threat. I can't put the life of my old master's daughter at risk.

            Turning to Erjik he said:

            - You must prepare my horse and a chest to transport gold and the Arcane Scroll, summon Irzin and his archers and tell him that I want them here immediately.

            - Yes, master.

            Ryarx observed the movement at the city's exit. Some men accompanied Ercdrul's horse. He was coming as a powerless and wealthy king with limitless resources. The curious people watched in distance the reason why such an important man for his guild had finally come out of his hideout. A curious fact even for the guards of the gate.

            Ercdrul watched the ritualist ahead and a hooded woman. By her side, Lesana was chained and stuck to a stake. When he saw her face marked by aggression, he changed his mood:

            - How dare you hurt Lesana? I always forgave your debts. I always helped you when you asked me when you were at your worst. Is that how you return my generosity?!

            - You were generous with me countless times, that's true. However, you're wrong if you think I'm the one who hurt your protegee. I captured her and nothing more.

            Confused, Ercdrul looked to the woman that hid her face under the hood:

            - Who's this? One of your hired girls for special services?

            - A completely wrong judgment. – Akhenahi interrupted him. – "special services" isn't the judgment that you have the right to make about me. You don't know me. Let's not drag ourselves with these trivial talks. The deal was that you'd bring the Arcane Scroll, and in exchange, you'd have your protegee back.

            Ercdrul didn't like her tone:

            - It doesn't matter who you serve or work for. I'm Ercdrul, this city's master and I deserve due respect.

            Akhenahi grabbed the dagger that belonged to Lesana and put it over the woman's neck. The tip of the dagger hurt the skin. A line of blood ran.

            - You'll hand over the scroll in person immediately. If anyone tries anything suspicious, you'll see with your own eyes your protegee dies.

            - If she dies, assassin, you won't escape!

            Ryarx prepared to do a sorcery if necessary. Ercdrul got down from his horse, opened the chest, and grabbed the scroll. Akhenahi followed his moves. Ercdrul walked to her with a triumphant smile:

            - You know assassin. At this exact moment, I have many archers surrounding us, on the trees and behind the rocks ready to shoot. We can solve this without you and Ryarx having to die.

            As she looked more carefully at the trees, she noticed that he wasn't lying. She looked back at him and while she looked carefully at his eyes the dagger dug in Lesana's flesh. Ercdrul saw her try to scream, but the gag didn't allow anything but a painful groan, he saw her die without expressing a single word. A painful death, ruthless, and without the right to say goodbye. Ercdrul opened his eyes wide open and shouted:

            - No!

            But it was too late. The dagger was lodged up to the base in the jugular. Without mercy, Akhenahi threw her to the side, a move which signaled to Ryarx to execute the teleport ritual. At the same time that he executed the ritual she shouted to the people:

            - All that one day belonged to the Iradrius guild is now yours.

            A flash and on the following moment they were gone. Except for Lesana, whom Akhenahi ordered to stay behind, as an example of her mercy.

            Not far from there, the three appeared between the trees, on a circle made by the murdered guard's blood. Ercdrul couldn't understand how, in a blink of an eye, they had moved. The sword blow came without waiting. A perforation to his thorax. He coughed blood. Akhenahi sank the sword even deeper:

            - You tried to fool the one who had already fooled you even before you had come out of your hideout. You made your moves believing that because this is your territory, the advantage would be all yours. Well, your protegee was killed by me, I made the scroll come to me, I executed your death blow, as you can see, none of this was in your plans. Those were the "special services" that I offer you. I hope you enjoyed it before you die, know that I'm Akhenahi, the responsible for ending your life.

            She removed the sword with force, the movement made blood spill on the ground. In silence, Ercdrul fell on the ground, lifeless. Ryarx saw her grab the scroll and then open it. That was Kiranara's calligraphy, she quoted some words, and soon after the scroll started to shine. There were no doubts that this was the real one. She closed it and stored it. She turned to Ryarx, who had watched all that in silence:

            - You executed your test with ability. Your magic was the main component to know if you'd serve my purposes or not. In fact, you revealed yourself as a very useful one. Consider yourself, Ryarx, my first Follower.

            He was approved and that brought him a sense of relief:

            - Your words honor me, Akhenahi, lady of my destiny, and my salvation.

            She didn't care for Ryarx's words, what really mattered was that he did the same way a dog who follows the owner's orders does: without hesitation or questioning. Akhenahi noticed that he was going to be one of the best ones to have the right to follow her.

            - Let's go. We should go to Fideran and take the next scroll.

            - Yes, master.