Chapter 9: Supernatural events?

Thought of this.

zhou feng fits this kind of boss character perfectly.

As for why there was no movement at all when the target was killed, everyone would naturally not wonder.

However, after these people noticed this, they couldn't help but wonder about zhou feng.

It can be said that in the entire forum, members do not say tens of thousands, but there are at least five or six thousand people in the world.

Among so many people, less than a hundred people will become this super assassin.

Moreover, for each super assassin's identity, which one is not a member with more than eight stars?

After all, the low-level members are still taking on tasks non-stop to make money.

Who has this idle time like these people, looking for excitement after eating.

Therefore, in consideration of this point, this discussion group also made a decision.

Discuss the way the highest-ranking person in the group gives orders.

"In the future, I will find a customer service special service for him. No matter what he wants to do, he will answer as soon as possible. This is a hidden boss. If we are offended by the time, we will be reported in the organization and association. At that time, we will all be punished."

"Understood!" Several people nodded earnestly, and then separated.

But zhou feng, who had been lying in bed and sleeping soundly, didn't realize that he had been taken care of by the government.

If he knew it, he would be speechless.


Let's talk about another place.

Inside the police station that governs a street in a nightclub.

A serious meeting is going on.

In the meeting room, a dozen police officers and a few chief leaders sat together.

About a few minutes later, the leader in the middle position asked: "Is there any progress regarding the case of lin tan 's return three hours ago? Xiao Wu, you come to briefly report."

When he finished.

A 30-year-old middle-aged police officer called Wan Wu stood up and reported all the data he had so far.

"feng Ju, currently we know that this prisoner is named lin tan. He is a famous bully nearby and is also wanted by our police. Many arrests have been unsuccessful, but we did not expect that the arrest was successful with the help of bounty hunters. Up."

"But this arrest process is too spooky."

"And the minute before lin tan fell to the ground, several people were still cheering. According to the monitoring, he went to bathroom, and then waved his arms, like driving away flies, and then less than ten seconds later. In time, he suddenly covered his throat with his hands and died soon after."

"During the period, the two person around him were pissing and chatting with others. This can be seen from the monitoring just outside the bathroom, so no one is close to each other around. We also suspected that some people who specialize in hidden weapons were standing by. Do it, but in the sight of the surveillance, and the other behind, and this person has also checked, let alone have the skills, the moment the accident happened, he I'm scared to pee, there is no such thing as an expert."


Following his answer again.

Everyone's eyes widened. Although they had been exposed to countless criminal investigation cases, this time the case made them bewildered.

According to what the other party said, how did that person get cold?

I can't just sit there and then I'll get cold.

This is impossible, this is unrealistic.

"Wan Chen, you are a forensic doctor. Do you have anything to say through the wound." After hearing this, the chief frowned. He felt that what the other party said was a bit wicked, so he wanted to hear other people's opinions, especially the forensic one. .

"Feng Ju, according to the investigation on the first scene, we found that the other party was killed by a sharp weapon that slashed his throat and cut his bones."

"But there are three things that are strange."

"First, the other party's wound is deep, but the size of the wound is like a line."

"Second, in terms of the depth of the wound, the opponent's strength should be very large, but the monitoring does not have any picture."

"Third, I never wanted to understand. This wound is said to be a sharp weapon, but it is not a knife-like weapon. It even gave me the illusion that it is a silver needle-sized murder weapon, which can be said to be incredible."

After a series of words were said, they were more weird and suspenseful than the last Wan Wu said.

For a while, everyone began to doubt whether they encountered a case or a supernatural event.

"huuuu..." Director Feng took a breath after listening to the reports of the two subordinates.

But soon, he still answered.

"In this way, notify the superiors and let people send professional criminal investigators to solve them. Don't sit idle and collect useful information. Especially who is entering the scene at that time, it is best to be able to grasp all of them."

"Yes!" Hearing the Secretary's words, everyone got up, and then they answered powerfully one by one.

After waiting for everyone to leave, the director sat alone and watched the surveillance video over and over again.

But after reading it a dozen times, he just couldn't see any useful information.

In the end, he can only give up! ! !

The reason why he still went to zhou feng after the case was over was very simple.

Although zhou feng helped them through the reward platform.

But every bounty hunter possesses unique skills. To put it bluntly, they are both good and evil.

Those who have three views on the right may become the elites of the society, together with them to protect the safety of the people.

However, if you encounter the kind of three wrong views, you will directly become a killer, which is definitely a headache for their police.

You know, in this era of the rule of law, even those who can open the locks have to go to the police station for filing.

The purpose is to prevent and control personal strength from being too strong, and then do some unpredictable things!

In particular, the police should also promote the bounty hunter.

Let more strangers in the society join this organization, so they must find the person of zhou feng, understand the other party's foundation, and then do publicity and publicize!

But, I didn't expect to know if I didn't check it, I was surprised when I checked it.

This bounty hunter turned out to be so mysterious, not only did he complete the task alone, but he was also so mysterious.

For this reason, zhou feng became the attention of the police even more.

Be sure to figure out who this person is. Only in this way can everyone be at ease! !