Chapter 11: Mysterious Shadow, the case is over

In terms of rhetoric, zhou feng has no suspicion.

But compared to everyone present that day.

zhou feng's suspicion is the biggest.


Because he is a foreign student, he rushed to the nightclub the first time, especially the unusual consumption concept.

As mentioned before, although college students are all this kind of people, the observations of zhou feng's previous consumption records are all ordinary. If he was this kind of person before, then all current consumption should be taken for granted.

But he was not such a person before.

For this reason, the police still emphatically doubted this aspect.

But no matter how you suspect, people have an alibi, including surveillance shows, that they never come back after leaving the nightclub.

And, it happened after tens of minutes.

Under this circumstance, is it possible for adults to operate intentionally? Then kill invisible?

This is totally unrealistic.

Therefore, despite some doubts about zhou feng, he was eventually let go, but they will pay more attention to zhou feng in the future.

After zhou feng left the police station, he also began to have some thoughts in his mind.

Although he has passed the test today, he will face it more than once in the future.

The first time I hit the scene of the crime, everyone can only say that it was luck.

But two, three, four, or even five times? ? ?

It's impossible to say that every time there is a murder where you are?

Can't it be Detective Conan's possession?

Thinking of this, zhou feng also began to think about what he should do in the future.

Today's events can be regarded as a reminder for him.

Let him see how terrifying the ability of the police is.

Everything is not as simple as I thought.

And after zhou feng left.

The administrative team monitors the room.

Several top criminal investigators in the province are staring at the surveillance of yesterday's homicide.

They didn't know how many times they watched it, but they still didn't get tired of watching it again and again.

Until I watched it hundreds of times.

Suddenly, an old police officer who was in his forties and approaching fifty suddenly shouted: "Stop!!!"

After shouting.

The technician immediately pressed the pause button.

Just after pressing, there is nothing.

"Go back!!" The old police officer immediately continued to shout.

The technician instantly obeyed the order and put it back.

"Slow down four times for me!" As it slowed down, the old police officer said.

The technician is no nonsense, follow the instructions.

"Slow down eight times!" The old police officer seemed to have noticed something and spoke again.

"What's wrong? Old Feng, did you find something?"

"Old Feng, what did you see?"

This scene appeared, and the rest of the people who followed to watch the surveillance could not help asking.

As for their inquiry, the police officer called Lao Feng did not answer, but watched the surveillance closely.

"Sixteen times!!"

"Thirty-two times!!"

Until it slowed down thirty-two times, it was almost frame by frame.

Old Zhang suddenly pointed to a place and shouted: "Look, look here!!!"

Everyone was puzzled and looked in the direction they were pointing.

I saw that Lao Feng was referring to a place less than one meter away from lin's throat.

In this place, everyone can clearly see a very small dark shadow.

After seeing the shadows.

As the playback continued to slow down, people saw a dark shadow passing by Lin's neck little by little.

After passing by, Lin seemed to feel something, and his hands slowly approached his neck. .

After returning this time, Lin's eyes shot wide open suddenly, as if he had suffered tremendous pain.

Then, what followed was the picture of him clutching his neck.

When he saw this, Lao Feng took a breath.

Then he said: "If you didn't guess wrong, the cause of death should be inextricably related to this shadow."

He finished.

Everyone in the audience agrees very much, but the question is, what is the shadow? ? ?



Because this shadow turned back once.

In other words, this shadow is definitely not a cold weapon.

After all, they have never seen a weapon and can turn their heads back.

But because the picture is extremely blurry after zooming in, and the picture in the monitor is also messy with lights everywhere, it is already amazing to be able to see black shadows.

As for what this dark shadow is, no one can guess.

The case has also entered a very difficult stage.

that's all.

Three consecutive days passed.

They still don't see any clues, and in the end they can only give up the idea of ​​finding this bounty hunter.


Rental house.

After zhou feng saw the report about the nightclub incident, he took a sigh of relief, then turned off the phone, and then began to communicate with the system.