Chapter 13: Big idiot, Big idiot

With the increase in the number of single men and women, and the loneliness of some lonely old people.

The pet market has attracted a very hot phenomenon.

Among most pets, canine pets are the most popular.

After some hype, some foreign native dogs, just because they look cute and fluffy they bought them at sky-high prices.

The pet street where zhou feng is located is also there.

Most of them are shops selling cats and dogs.

For large species like dogs, especially once they evolve, their body size will increase, such as his own needle fly.

Under this circumstance, zhou feng does not intend to purchase canine pets to expand his team for the time being.

As he can not use big canine to assassination job because of its large size and low agility.

But he didn't know what pets to buy for a while, so he slowly wandered the whole street by himself.

Then watch one store after another.

In thirty minutes, zhou feng had visited around three stores.

These three stores are basically cats and dogs and those fluffy domestic pets, so he simply asked the price and walked out.

And just an hour later.

When he walked into a pet shop decorated high end like costly store to buy.

Before the boss could open his mouth to greet him, a sound came from behind his head.

"Boss, boss, another fool, another fool!!!"

Hearing the sound, zhou feng couldn't help but frown.Although this was the first time he entered the store to do business and was scolded as an fool face to face.

Even-though he know customers are fools for business men, it doesn't have to be so obvious, right?

But just as he looked up, a green-winged parrot with sly eyebrows appeared in his line of sight.

After seeing this parrot, the parrot turned his head shamelessly, and then continued to shout: "The fool is looking at me, the fool is looking at me!!!"

"Go go, you foolish parrot, I will stew you sooner or later."A slightly chubby shopkeeper walked out while speaking. After he walked out.

After the parrot heard it, he was not happy. Although he didn't know what the other party was saying, it was not difficult to guess as he has seen this expression many times in its life. So it knows that it is definitely not a good word.

Seeing that the parrot was no longer speaking, the boss immediately looked at zhou feng, and then became enthusiastic, not caring about the idiotic parrot said.

"The customer, what do you want to buy?"

When facing the boss, zhou feng was just looking at it, but when he found such a funny parrot, he couldn't help but be moved.

Took a look around at will and find that this owner has more pet categories.

Turtles, cats, fragrant pigs, dogs, and scorpions.

After reading it, he finally put his eyes on the talking parrot.

Upon seeing this, the boss immediately added: "This is a pet that has been with me for a long time, so I won't sell it for the time being!"

Hearing this, zhou feng smiled and said nothing. There is nothing in this world that is not for sale, it's just a matter of price.

"Boss, don't worry, can you say a price first?" zhou feng asked soon.

"This is really not for sale." The boss showed embarrassment, as if it was really not for sale.

"A lie, a lie, a lie!" However, at this moment, the parrot suddenly spoke and directly exposed the boss's lie.

When he heard that his pet was dismantled, the boss was a little bit ashamed and angry, but there were guests in front of him, so he didn't want to take any action. He just looked at zhou feng awkwardly, and said, "Boss, that's the case, you're like this. What is the price in your heart?"

"As a buyer, of course I hope that the less the better. As a seller, of course the more the better. Let's make a price directly. I am also sincere." From the boss's words, zhou feng knew that the other party was testing, no matter he was The opponent will raise the price as much as the price is opened, so in this case, he kicked the ball over.

The boss saw that the other party was not fooled and did not waste time. He hesitated, and then reluctantly said: "In this way, this parrot has been with me for more than a year. The feelings can be said to be priceless, but I think you like it so much. , In a word, thirty thousand yuan, you can take it with you if you can."

The boss also opened his mouth, and the initial price was 30,000 yuan.

In response, zhou feng frowned. It was not that he didn't want to buy it. In fact, he could buy it with his money.

But the problem came. The other party obviously took himself as a idiot, so he turned his head and left.

He left without saying anything, and immediately made the boss a little anxious. He quickly blocked zhou feng. He could see that the other party really liked it. After blocking, he quickly said: "customer, then you say, you say a price ."

After seeing the boss blocking him, zhou feng knew that the price could be lowered ti the minimum.

For this reason, he hesitated a bit, and then quoted a price: "I'm in business, and I talk about auspiciousness in everything. This taking parrot i really like it, so, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, if you want to, I take it, don't want me to then i leave now."

At a price close to nine thousand yuan, zhou feng felt that it was almost the same.

But after he finished speaking, the boss immediately shook his head and said with dissatisfaction: "sir, your price is too heavy, fifteen thousand, if you don't want it, I will keep it."

"Oh!" zhou feng didn't follow the boss's trap, and the other party asked himself to leave, he immediately turned and left.

Seeing that the customer was about to leave, the boss persuaded him and shouted: "This way, twelve thousand, twelve thousand, I'll be less, you can add a little, okay?

But at this point, zhou feng still ignored it and continued to leave as he know this not the final price.

It's just this departure that the boss panicked even more.

"Good, ten thousand yuan, let's make a whole!!!"

When the price fell to 10,000 yuan, zhou feng was also moved.

His current situation is not worse than this one thousand yuan. Instead of lingering for a long time, it is better to make a decision earlier.

In this way, zhou feng turned around, and when he was about to agree, the parrot spoke again.

"Big idiot!!!"

"Big idiot!!!"

"Big idiot!!!"

Good guy, no wonder the boss wants to sell this parrot,OMG this is chasing customers out of the store.

If you are the boss, if you meet such a bad pet, you can't wait to send it away.

"Okay, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight!!" when the pet shop owner heard the unlucky parrot's words, and finally shut the price without saying anything, then took out the invoice and started writing!

As if he even waited a second this parrot with ruin his store with it unlucky mouth so he wanted to pack it away as soon as possible

As the shop owner was not sure when he will a another fool like zhou feng will show up.