Bank Account

Chapter 49: Bank Account

"Brother, so you are saying that you are about to create more golden bananas and sell them at the auction?" Nana asked. It was already evening and Michu just sent a goodnight message to Venomous along with some pictures with his stupid yet cute smile.

He talked about his experiences in the game world, then. It was true that Michu had been learning a lot of battle experiences, but his banana farm was also doing great as soldiers could just harvest bananas in his place.

Though the farmer should return soon to take care of the banana herbs, Michu wasn't worried and focused more on his class. It was also fun to speak and learn from KongFu! Michu also requested the previous monkey god to teach Yakuzan a few tricks.

"Yep!" Michu replied!

"I hope you will strike gold with those! However, if you want to exchange the in-game currency into real money, then you have to get a bank account!" Nana explained, "If you want to earn money, you must have a bank account, so go to the town center and get one!"


"Get one..." Nana's words reverberated in Michu's mind.

He was exactly in the town center, surrounded by the skyscrapers, loud cars, and shops whose content was so expensive Michu nearly fainted by looking at all those zeros. He was overwhelmed by the number of people here and their eyes looking at him with irritation.

Well, he stood in the middle of the road...

Michu's clothes also didn't belong to the common ones. It was even of worse quality as no brand could be seen on him. He wore plain clothes that were just colorful and unmatched, making him seem like a poor dude who would wear whatever he could.

"Let's go..." Michu was also often deterred by older people in the real world, at least. His teachers weren't patient with him enough and in his early days, parents of other kids would point fingers at him to show some kind of example of the poor dude.

Though it was not seen in the game world as Michu felt like someone else here, the monke had it hard in the town center. He couldn't tell whether it was the aura, lack of black magic, or just the clothes and technology all around him that forcefully reminded him about his poverty.

"Michu?" However, someone suddenly called him out and Michu turned around to face the origin of this voice. It turned out to be someone older than him by at least fifteen years, but this person was someone Michu knew.

He absentmindedly replied, "Villager guy?"

"Yeahhh, it's your villager guy! Heh!" The loudest farmer who often bickered with city guys stood before Michu. He also wore rough clothes and even sucked on straw, so no one would mistake his profession and affiliation.

He was also someone not from the town center!

"Oh! Hi! It's my first time seeing someone from the game in real life!" Michu's exuberant side returned with the old man by his side, "How are you?"

"Not bad! If we exclude the fact that I had to go to this city, then I am doing just great! And my name is Roland." The villager guy and Michu were also going in the same direction, so both of them engaged in a talk that was so loud that passing people shook their heads.

The talk reached the crux, "Oh, so you are also going to the bank. Your first time?" Roland asked and to his question, Michu nodded a few times.

He added, "I have everything prepared. My ID, mom's number, and... ughhh..." Michu didn't have his own phone yet and all other stuff needed for the bank account had been prepared by Nana, "Email... I think."

"Goddamnit! This damn black magic! I am also here because of it!" Roland scratched his hair roughly while complaining about the black magic. He and Michu shared the same problems and so they were on the same page here.

Roland was also considerate of Michu. Seeing his clothes and lack of experience, he decided to teach him a few valuable lessons, "Listen, Michu... Don't back off when they look at you with scornful eyes."

"Why would they look at us with scornful eyes? Is it because we don't understand black magic?" Michu asked and Roland nodded heavily.

His explanations continued, "Damn officials. They look down on us. Whether it is a bank, tax office, or any other office! Just because they are doing black magic and paperwork and sit down on their asses, they dare to look down at us! That's why never back off. If you don't understand something or need more explanation, just ask them! Don't look below and don't let them kick you away! Our time is precious too!" Roland said, then looked at the doors before him.

Those doors were inviting everyone to the bank's building and offered various offers for young and old people.

Roland scoffed and spat on his hand. He then rubbed his hands with a grin on his face, "Just stay behind me. No matter how much we don't understand, we will fix our problems!" After declaring so, Ronald swept his hair behind, then kicked the doors!

The doors abruptly shook and opened, then returned with heavier force.

Roland laughed out loud, clearly not being here for the first time. Another kick followed this return and he and Michu finally stepped into the bank with all eyes cast on them, "Hi, hi! I am looking for a very patient! Yes, a very patient guy who would take care of us! And! It has to be someone young!"

Roland turned his eyes to Michu, "The young ones are usually newbies here and they won't be able to kick you away. They lack experience. Heh, fools."

Michu nodded and looked around, "I think they don't like us already."

"They wouldn't like us anyway. You will understand after you ask a few questions, Michu! The whole community can use black magic, but we can't! So what?" Roland pulled his sleeves, then waved at the closest bank guy! This guy's face distorted in irritation, then all bank officials exchanged glances.

The lady stood up and invited both Michu and Roland to a room, "Our new addition will take care of you." Her lips kept shivering, making her look awkward. She also wanted to just slap this loud villager, but how could she?

Ronald smiled brightly at her, grasped her hand for a handshake, "Thank you very much!" But this handshake was as if he looked down on her desire to slap him! Adding his smile, it felt as if he really knew about her heart's wish.

"Now, now! We got a special room for ourselves. All other clients were forced to speak through windows, but we are here to speak with the new addition! I wonder who it might be? Haha!" Roland opened the doors leading to the office, then blinked a few times, "City guy?"

"I thought I was hearing things, but it is really you... Close the doors!" City guy, the guy whose bickering rivaled Roland was sitting behind the desk!

He threw annoyed eyes at Roland, then smiled at Michu, "I never expected to meet you here, Michu. Don't follow this guy or the whole city will hate you."

"Hehe! We got a special room for ourselves, though! But I still think Mr. Roland was too rude!" But Michu also felt relieved that there was someone to help him. Roland's brave entrance cleansed Michu's heart out of nervousness.

City guy, called Mark, exhaled loudly then nodded, "I guess it's a blessing in disguise... Whatever, don't look at me like that. Let's start with you. What's your problem, dear client?" City guy smiled widely at Roland, but this smile was like a taunt that could send red waves! Roland scoffed and took out his phone.

It was brick, not the phone, "You can find my password here. Tell me how much money I have in my bank account!"

Mark felt like he returned to the stone era by looking at his brick, "I am sorry? That's your problem?" His disbelief was clear.

Roland waved his hand, "You can get this info with black magic, but I don't have it! Anyway, I won't use my savings from socks for a present. I must know exactly how much I have because my daughter's birthday is coming!"

"Maybe invest in a better phone, get an app and check your bank account from the house?!" Mark spat out all his thoughts, then snatched the brick from the table, "God... My father used to have such a phone when I was a kid!" Clicking buttons felt like a chore already, but Mark had to dig out through all this old technology and find passwords!

"Invest in a better phone? You fool saw how expensive this shit is?" Roland coughed as he just cussed next to Michu, "I don't mind coming here! No one can stop me!" He smugly smiled and nearly got his face beaten by his own brick.

Mark held himself back and passed enough information to him, "Buy a phone for your daughter, then. Kids these days learn fast and she will be the one to help you."

"As if! What if she somehow used my money through black magic to buy toys for herself? No! Do you have kids?"

"Yes, and I have a phone, not a brick," Mark replied.

"Hah! At this age, you are either monk or a parent, I guess." Roland yet again smugly smiled, then won this small spar with the city guy. He was in a better position here, but in the game world, Mark swore to battle him on the same foothold.

Mark then shifted his eyes to Michu, "First time here. I can tell just by looking at you... So..."

"Uh, there are my passwords and information," Michu took out the paper with the phone number, his email, and all the stuff. He also held his ID tightly and waited for Mark to call it. His sister said that ID was very important and no one should see this information! Of course, the bank guy was fine as it was necessary for the bank account.

"What nice handwriting. This makes things easier," Mark commented, then threw a glare at Roland who burst out laughing.

The whole process was smooth and Michu could even learn some of the black magic by peeking at the screen.

"That's it. It took some time, but your bank account got officially opened. As for your debit card, just wait for it to arrive." Mark said, then shook Michu's hand, "And happy birthday. It's too early, but I don't think we will meet again so soon. I left some present on your account already,"

"Hey, hey! Don't use black magic to your advantage," Roland stood up and passed some money to Michu as well, "Happy Birthday!"

"Uh... Um... T-thanks..." Michu looked down, avoiding eye contact as he just got too overwhelmed by the sudden wishes. He always had his mom and sister saying these words and while the latter would always happily cheer, Michu's mom often hid the pain that even on such occasions she wouldn't be able to provide a proper meal and even a present. All of this made birthdays not so significant, but Michu felt pure happiness at this very moment.

"Haha!" He suddenly laughed out loud, "Thank you for the presents! It's nice to get presents! I will also prepare something for you guys! I hope so!"

"It's nothing much, really." Seeing this happy young man, both adults smiled wryly. Their smiles were similar, so Roland quickly changed into a smug smile and taunted Mark back! Both of them ended up giving more money to Michu as the former's present turned out to be less valuable.

This day, Nana and Michu went shopping and surprised their mother later on. All of them went to sleep while full and warm.