
Chapter 70: Death

This day should have been different.

In their meeting, Venomous and Michu should've been talking about their future plans in the game. About their joint future too! However, Yumi had been sprinting her way toward Michu whose territory had been destroyed by someone.

She had an honest talk with him and all their secrets were revealed.

This banana farm had high importance for Michu's future! How could she not be serious and also... angered?

'If there's someone who hates Michu, then it can only be players from The Impossible Quest,' Yumi whispered inwardly, but these words weren't said for the first time. It was not her initial thought either.

Big K was the one who popped first in her mind after Michu's message reached her.

This person had a loose screw in his head. He hadn't changed after his bullying and it was clear as the sun that he wouldn't just stop after that one incident.