The Ride Departs

'Well, we should probably hurry. After all, the place we need to go is not near us!', Karya muttered. Raj turned towards Karya to ask where the place was. Karya with his sharp intuition understood what Raj was trying to ask and answered before the question,

'It's in Sri Lanka a country in South Asia.'

Upon hearing those words Raj dropped his jaw. 'Then how are we gonna go there?', he said.

'Of course, through airplane, do you have any other ideas?' Karya told.

'What about that zip-zap ring that brought us here from my home?', Raj turned the question into another question.

'Sorry to disappoint you kid but it only works once a day and the ring can only transport you to the sacred fig tree from other places within the country.', this time instead of Karya answering lord Kiaan answered the question who was listening closely to their conversation.

'Well, I understand the mechanism of the ring but what about Karya's appearance, this sword, and mostly of all, the expenses for the airplane fare.', Raj queried.

'Rest assured about those trivial matters we can manage otherwise, how do you think we have survived for this long without any humans acknowledgment about our existence!'

'But still not that I am trying to say nobody knows about us.', the King continued again 'And, about your sword, I will keep it until we reach our destination.'

'Here, give it to me.'

Raj agreed and gave the sword "Chandrahasa" to the King. The moment the King took the sword it instantaneously vanished in the thin air. It was yet again another jaw-dropping scene Raj had witnessed. Karya explained to Raj about the ring that they were wearing and said the sword had been stored in it and he will teach him to use the ring after all this mess was over. It was a multi-task ring forged within the domain of the demihumans. It could transport people from within any place of the country to the sacred fig tree, store goods inside it, and with a little enchanting technique also help demihumans to take their respective human form. A ring was provided to every demihuman from their birth and except for the master of the ring, nobody else could use it. A person's consciousness should be poured into the ring to become the ring's master and if someone else had already inserted their consciousness into the ring, another person couldn't pour theirs and would feel the severe headache if tried to pour their consciousness into other's ring.

Raj shook his head after Karya told him about the ring but still couldn't process everything that he said.

All of them got out of the mansion of the King and walked towards the same place where Raj had first stumbled; upon entering the demihuman realm. Previously, he couldn't get a clear view of the place of the demihuman realm he had first stepped on because of the anxiousness in his head but now the view was clear as he felt relieved after meeting with the King and discussing various things with them.

'Be ready Raj, we are going back.', Karya said.

This time Raj gripped Karya's shoulder himself rather than Karya pulling him like the previous time. He must have felt secure after talking with Karya while last time Raj didn't even knew Karya's identity and couldn't even conclude whether he was human or not! Turns out he was not a human but still was more kind than any human he had met.

They all put on the ring and same as last time Karya grabbed Raj's hand and chanted the same words as last time. Again, the space around them distorted, bright colors blinded them, and the next moment they knew all of them were in Raj's room.

'What..?', Raj yelled 'Why aren't we in the jungle near the fig tree?'

'It is how the ring works, I can't give you a brief explanation about it cause nobody knows about it till now.', Karya replied.

'Shall we start our adventure to rescue your brother?', the King spoke with his eyes gleaming with excitement.

'Sorry for intruding your excitement but who said you are going with us "My Lord"?', Karya blurted. 'You have to attend to your own responsibilities within the demihuman domain and you don't have time to roam with us.'

'Huh... Why can't I?', King Kiaan questioned with a huge sigh.

'Just like I said you have to attend many other important appointments and also need to regulate your own domain.', he replied.

King Kiaan scratched his chin and agreed to go back. Now it was time for Karya to change his appearances in order to go out of the room. He again chanted some poems!- this chant was not similar to the one used to warp from different places to the demihuman realm but rather it sounded like a beautiful melody that could even make famous songs flop in front of it.

The chant ended as the furry ears and paws of Karya changed in human ears and hands.

'Wow, you are human and to top it off without those furry ears you look quite handsome', Raj mused.

Karya looked embarrassed. 'Yeah, maybe I am.'

After a little bit of discussion about the planes and kinds of stuff about where to stay after reaching Sri Lanka- all of them got out of Raj's room. The King told them that he had already managed the tickets for the plane and its fare. He then gave the sword which was stored in his ring to Karya to store in his ring and also gave expenses that were needed on the journey.

'Also, teach raj about the ring along your way to Sri Lanka.', King Kiaan ordered Karya.

'Sure, I will.'. Karya agreed.

Raj took out his smartphone and called uber. Until their ride arrived the King went back blessing both of them on a successful journey. A while later their ride came and both of them got in it and went towards the airport.