The Girl Same As Me

Sigiriya was a place considered to be the place where Ravana built his grand palace.

It was considered to be the mightiest place on earth in Treta yuga. Myths even have that the city made by Ravana was golden and he was even able to nearly construct the staircase to heaven.

Upon learning about my brother, Karya and I discussed the course of action to be taken. He could travel with me to the jungle but from there I would be left on my own. He could not follow me as it may put risk upon my brother if they find out a demi-human is collaborating with me. My shoulders had been laden with heavy responsibilities.

'Shall we go now?', I asked Karya and he presumptively shook his head.

'But, you know that I can't accompany you till the end.', Karya continued. 'You have to be careful- the group of Ravana's followers is the epitome of evil and they could use many sneaky tricks on you.'

'Yes, I will stay considerate and stay on my guard.', I snickered.

Both of us got out of our lodge and walked towards the parking area. Lord Kiaan had managed to convince one of his friends in Sri Lanka to provide us with a private car. It was convenient for us rather than calling a taxi. We were fortunate to have the car delivered to us just when we checked in at the hotel.

Both me and Karya got in the car. Since I didn't have the car keys and didn't know how to drive one, I couldn't go alone so we had decided that Karya will accompany me up to the entry of the forest.

In response to Karya's turn of the key, the engine started making a vile noise. We could conclude, the car could be considered a rough one. But, we had no other options.

I opened the maps on my phone and searched Sigiriya. The place was about three and half hour ride from the place we were in.

We began another continuous ride of three hours. It was about one p.m when we landed in Sri Lanka and the message was sent to us by Lord Kiaan at four. I directed Karya to use the map on my phone to guide the car. The road to the Sigiriya was slaked.


During the long drive, Karya drove for extended periods without making a sound. We were nearing the Sigiriya just when he asked me about my brother.

'How much older are you than your brother?', he asked me.

'He is five years younger than me.', I answered him scratching my head in confusion. 'Why are you asking me suddenly?'

'Just formally.', he gave me an answer swiftly.

Again, the rest of the journey was shrouded in silence.


We reached the city near Sigiriya. Our arrival in the city was already late in the evening. The sun had already gone down and the darkness of the night was approaching. We searched for a hotel for Karya to stay in while I was gone.

'Don't turn off your phone and if you don't return till morning I will do my best to find you.', Karya reminded and reassured me.

'Okay, I will.', I nodded as I got out of the hotel room. I didn't know how to drive the car so, I searched for a taxi around the area and luckily, found one without a lot of struggle.

'Please take me to the nearest entrance to the jungle of Sigiriya.', I asked the taxi driver as I was getting in the car just when another person popped right in front of my face.

'Can you take me with you?', an unknown girl of around the same age as me queried me. Dazzling moonlight reflected on her face making it as fair as snow. Long dark, black, and lithe hair floating in the air- she seemed like a fairy. I kept staring at her dazed by her appearance.

'Since we have the same destination and the car is pretty big so it shouldn't be uncomfortable for you too.', she broke the silence in the air with a lofty sound.

'Yes... Yes, it would not be uncomfortable for me. We can travel together since we have the same destination..', I replied hurriedly as if trying to collect the spilled beans.

'Thank you!'

The rest of the ride passed nonchalantly.


We reached the entrance of the forest of Sigiriya. The girl who traveled with me also got out with me together. Both of us split the fare for the taxi half-half. I truly believed in gender equality.

I knew according to the information given by Lord Kiaan my brother was supposed to be in the forest but the exact location wasn't known. Not even a speck of light was seen within the range of my sight. I wondered to myself how was I supposed to find my brother without any leads on him. I was a little lost in my thought when it was broken seeing the girl that had come with me dive straight into the forest. I dashed towards her and grabbed her hand trying to stop her from progressing any further.

'Where are you rushing in suddenly?', I asked the girl. She gave me a cold stare trying to let go of the hand I was grabbing. I tried even harder to not let her go hoping she would first answer me.

'Aren't you the one who is in possession of Ravana's will?', she shouted but the words she spoke were not something I was hoping to hear. I was shocked thinking how was she able to know that I was possessed by Ravana's will. 'Is she a witch- since demihumans do exist- witches also can!', I wondered to myself.

'So, you still haven't recognized me. I am the one who possesses a little bit of his strength. You know what I mean?', every time she spoke she continued to startle me. The conversation went on for a bit of time because of my ignorance. She told me that her sister was kidnapped by Ravana's followers too and just like me she was also helped by the society of demihumans. The demihuman realm she mentioned was different from the one I visited considering what she said the one I visited was like sort of headquarter of the demihumans or capital of all the demihuman's realm.

After getting enlightened by her about various things I also came to know those Ravana's followers were from the faction of Asuras. According to the myths, Asuras had a pair of horns on top of their head, had more than a pair of hands, and were vicious and evil in nature. They were also considered demihumans but unlike the demihumans, they despised gods and were always in a state of war against various gods.

'Oi, why are you so drowned in your thought?', the girl pinched me on the hand which I was holding her.

'Sorry, I was too absorbed in my own thoughts.', I told the girl. 'By the way, you said you possess Ravana's strength, did you come here on a plane too?'

'Yes, I came on a plane and I also remember seeing you on the same plane! Don't you remember me?', she replied.

Scratching my head I told her, 'Sorry, I couldn't recognize you.'

'No problem, now let's stop the chit-chat and find my sis and your brother.'

'Do you know where exactly those Asura's are hiding?'

'YES', she replied with a smug on her face.