The car travels far from the college, the hot environment is suddenly chilled, it is semi-dark outside due to clouds, the car travels through the washed-out concrete jungle, the raindrops roll over temples, it is almost city outskates, the burial ground of with scattered flowers, and leaves fall down in the rain. The road runs alongside the sea on one side and a mountain on the other, with a river running beside it, which merges with the sea at one point. The inexorable car is on its way; there are no rainy hints here.
The greener fields are parched and devoid of water, and it is extremely hot here. Kalyan and Kala are exhausted and eventually fall asleep.
"Most of the time, our friends comment on us; nevertheless, if you want true friendship, you must accept it. Why did his son choose the wrong path?" Kala is surprised.
"There are two types of friends: those who want to see you flourish and those who want to smash you. You must accept both or walk away from them but humans do not wish to be alone in society; they like to blend in with their peers. If someone is out of order, he will have to deal with the wrath of others. He has internal desires, hopes, and aspirations, but he does not despise anything because he is afraid of people. Internal thoughts are continuously at odds with external, or he must take criticism from others, and both options are terrific. There is no support other than people's comments; if you desire a new thought which not is recognized by your friends, you must accept this truth.
Every new innovation, product, or brilliant concept faces the same dilemma; the victors are those that accept all criticism, abandon established ways, and implement new ones.
It is not wrong to have no friends at all because no one understands your inner emotions; in some ways, it is preferable to be alone; nevertheless, few individuals comprehend this truth and make poor decisions as a result." Kalyan explains.
"You tell you to have no clues in your life but you speak as a world-famous philosopher, isn't it?" Kala admires him.
"From the minute I got into this car, I was thinking about his son, and I even asked myself the same question, so I could understand his anguish. I'm still waiting for an answer to my own question." Kalyan clarifies the situation.
"How do you intend to spend your vacation?" Kala wishes to shift the conversation's focus.
"Well, I'd like to learn to paint from one of my close friends." At least, it would give me some peace of mind," Kalyan says.
"Is he a schoolmate, that close buddy of yours?" Kala is taken aback.
"It's not he; it's she, my best friend, not a classmate; she's a carbon copy of me," Kalyan informs in a nonchalant manner.
"Could you just tell me her name?" Kala is the more inquisitive of the two.
"Well, I'll tell you her name later; I'm weary and sleepy." Kalyan has fallen into a deep slumber.
Now it's Kala's turn to figure out what his closest friend's name is. Even though she is exhausted from thinking about her, she does not sleep.
It's Kala's house first; she gets out of the car, even Kalyan is with her; he spends some time with her before moving on.