Students who have never visited a temple before travel a significant distance to begin praying in the temples. Even in the dining hall, students enter with books, putting a stop to talk, favourite pastimes, and weekend wandering. A lover can only meet their loved one time because even a single break causes them to fall behind. Even in their dreams, they get their syllabus.
This is a tough time even for lecturers, they review prior assessments to identify the most common mistakes pupils make. Then they set aside a class hour to emphasise and analyse these typical faults, with the purpose of explaining and rationalising why they are blunders. They use the best methods to help pupils feel less stressed. They monitor every single students progress.
Few students begin their preparation early in order to give themselves enough time, and others are preoccupied with organising study materials, workbooks, and past exam papers. Kalyan and his friends begin group studies as they did in previous exams. Few people begin to have doubts that they did not have earlier in the year.
"We are studying for long hours, and we have already started group studies, I have a lot to read, and I am afraid about tests this time mom," Kalyan says.
"While it may appear like studying for long periods of time increases productivity, it really depletes your energy, making it difficult to learn and recall information. As a result, taking regular breaks is critical for memory retention and mental refreshment.
Always remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.
Consider using intervals to create a study schedule that works best for you. Take your break early if you prefer to study at night, for example. If you are more productive in the morning, start studying first before taking a lunch break." Jaya responds with patience.
"Obstacles must pressurize you while you work with a border or in a box. You simply study without regard for boundaries, and the knowledge gained as a result of the exam pressure, knowledge developed in that manner, is not actual knowledge. When you plunge deep into a book for divine knowledge, you won't feel like you're studying for lengthy hours or being terrified of exams. You study for the sake of learning, not for the sake of passing exams. If you study with that mindset, I am confident that even if the knowledge isn't immediately beneficial, you will enjoy studying and it will be valuable to you in the future." Jaya set right him.
Kalyan gathers himself and tries to comprehend his mother's comments.
Finally, exams day approaches; students are focused, perplexed, or motivated to accomplish anything. They're all on time for the exam, and they're all focused on succeeding. With all of the exams stacking up, students are ready to call it a day.
When all the other students are waiting for the exam results as the results are important for the further assignments. Students who performed well in these exams are in dreams of entrance exams of medicine. The results are at the notice board, students go and check their results over there one by one.
Few students purchase candies from a campus shop and distribute them to all of their friends, classmates, and lecturers; this is a proud movement for them, and the gates for the upcoming final examinations are now open. Few kids remain mute; the world is black; the score sheets are stained with tears, and no news is good news for them. And there are a few students, like Kalyan, who are at ease because they, enjoy peace of mind as they know their real potential.
All of their buddies passed their exams with honors, and Syam is the class topper, which means he may finally be moved to his friend's class, which is the cutest thing ever. This happiest movement brings friends together to rejoice.