Hand in my hand part 2

I went into her room with a gentle knock and there she was cladded in her slight red one piece and red lipstick with no make up. She was looking like a pure boulevard who is ready to begin the amazing process of growth in her self. She smells mixed fruit perfumery and her little spiky hair makes her perfectly fine.

"Why she is so beautiful?"I talk silently and let her hand in my hand. Her burnt hand were unknowingly wrapped with a skin band aid and she didn't let herself hide in.

"Daniel you look great, hmm? I Know you are catching a glare of me, Danny? " she replied.

Rosa took a grip over me and smooch a lip kiss giving me a ripy surprise of my day. "Good morning love, I was thinking about you, I am pretty sure that you were doing the same. I can see eye bags, hmm let's go I am excited."

I was caught in a fire of love. She added a dash of feelings on it.I took her hand and lock her door, we took out a cab and decided to go to Bondi Beach to feel the surge of nature and it's bounty.

Bondy Beach is popular for it's exotic beaches, amazing waves and we both walk around the white sand crescent of Bondi to relax our five elements of body. I asked her is she okay with it, she slightly nods her head and sassily replied, if that was the place she would have wear some light clothes and comfy shoes.

I said to her, "I am sorry, I am unaware about the situation and this is my first date Rose, Rosy!"

"First date Danny", she smirked gently. We tightly clutch our hands to let the gentle breeze of love to seep in. We let our hands conversing without words. I constantly caress her forehead and let her rest into my shoulder. I feel like I am a man of her. I couldn't let this moment to swift away.

I had already pre-planned with Max,the hotel owner in our online conversation to make sure about my first date special with some relishing dishes and with lightsome music and peaceful air.

When we enter in our dining venture, many couple were in their discombobulated gingerly faces to which I was little abit disturbed. Two lousy couples were judging her appearance by talking loudly that , "Is she a sufferer of a blood cancer disease, or something, she seems like a drug addict, is this new trend of shaving hair, weirdo fashion upto?"

Their bitchings brought me the hostility to nab their shoulders, but before I could react Rosa react placidly and asked me, what's the next plan?"

" Rosy, take your patience in a slow heart rate, we will glue our sweetest time together."
