CHAPTER 3: "Wanna Know You More"


"Don't keep running back to the person you should be walking away from." - Karen Salmansohn



"Smile Jea Mortez, do you accept Adrian Lance Martinez as your lifelong partner?" The priest asked me.

"Yes!" I answered happily.

"Adrian Lance Martinez, do you accept Smile Jea Mortez as your lifelong spouse?" The priest asked again.

"Yes." Waah! He said yes? Oh my!

"You may now kiss the bride." Said the priest. Adrian slowly lean his face closer to mine. I swallowed my saliva. This is it! This will be my first kiss with him.

"Smile! Awake!"

"Argh! Lilia!" I angrily shouted at her. She just ruined the moment! That would have been it! Annoying! That would be my first kiss with Adrian even it's just a dream.

"Hey, woman! Get up already." She shouted at me.

"I don't want to!" I went back sinking into my pillow.

"Hey, Smile! We're going to be late!"

"Ahh! Can you not shout? Get out of here!" I shouted back.

"Oh, Sorry." He still signed peace. My cousin and I are just like this, more like kids. She's 2 years older than me but sometimes I feel like I'm the older one in terms of logic.

"Why are you dressed? Going somewhere?"

"It's school! We're gonna be late for school." My eyes widened upon hearing what she said

"School? As in now?" I ask her in disbelief.

"Yes, my dear cousin. So take a bath and brush your teeth because your breath stinks!" I threw her a pillow before I ran into the shower room.

I quickly took a shower and cleaned up. After 1 whole hour and 30 minutes, Lilia and I are finally at school. We're not wearing our uniforms because it's still the first day.

Just stubbornness, you know.

My cousin went to the architecture building and here I am taking a walk to explore the campus.

"Yes honey, there. Ahh! Haha! Easy, baby." My ears cannot believe what I heard. I went to the back of the building where that voice was coming from. I'm just curious, don't get me wrong.

Shit! What the fuck!?

Sorry for cussing but that's really what I thought when I saw what they were doing.

I just caught two people having making out more like doing sex! Aren't they just embarrassed? The woman was leaning against the wall and was locked in the man's arm. I can't see the man's face because it's turned away from where I was standing.

"Oh, baby." The woman said. I could not move from where I was standing.

Just stupid, Smile. What else are you doing? Run away!

I whispered in my mind but my feet did not cooperate.

"Ehem!" I faked a cough so the woman looked at me. She gave me a death glare! Dead!

I was swallowed by saliva because of her deadly gaze. It looked like it can kill a person, and I'm probably her target now. Suddenly, the man turned around and didn't expect what I saw.

"Adrian?" I was dumfounded! I feel a needle in my chest. It hurts! He just smirked at me then walk away from that place, dragging that cheap woman with him! I saw a bottle of alcohol on the ground, maybe he's drunk again. This is a school how can he even go to school with that? He is no longer on his right mind.

I no longer followed them. I'm totally dumfounded. Yes, I may be a bad girl in the way I look and dress but I'm still a virgin, dear! From lips to toe! Yes, I haven't had my first kiss and I haven't had a boyfriend because of Adrian. I took a deep breath then looked for my classroom.

"Hey! Smile!" Lilia shouted in front of me. We finished class early so we are here in the canteen for lunch. "I've been talking here forever but you're not even listening." She said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry." I bent down and played with the fork.

"Hey, I'm going first. You're crazy, get yourself sort! Eat up!" She said. I just nodded and she left. I still can't forget what I saw this morning!

While thinking, someone suddenly sat on the vacant seat of my table. To my surprise, I didn't expect the man I had been thinking about was now in front of me. However, he didn't even pay attention to me. Later, two women sat beside him.

As usual he doesn't notice my existence just like these flirtatious women. Hey, I'm here!

I was staring at him quietly while he was eating when he suddenly looked at me. "Finish your food!" He said firmly like my dad. And here I am like a fool, quickly ate my food! What? He made me obey!

I left after I had eaten all my food. I need to breathe! I was like a high school girl who was thrilled and nervous!

My day ended with only Adrian on my mind. I don't want him to be this way forever. I want the old Adrian back. I need to help him. I wanted to.

Will I really be able to do it?

"How was your day?" Lilia asked me when I got in the car; she drives. Reluctantly I just gave her a thumbs up. "Have you met yet?" Yes, she knew about Adrian.


"And then?" She asked again. I just didn't answer her. "In love, you always need to sacrifice. Why is that?" She sighed. Where did she get that?


I was about to enter the canteen when I saw him with that girl I saw in McDonald and he was with two other women. I'm just looking at his side view. I miss him so much!

I know he changed a lot since that day I broke up with him. All he knows was that I already love someone else and it's Ryle but no, he's the one I love! I have to let him go so he can find a woman who will make him happy forever and I can't do that. I wish I could but with me he would definitely not be happy. He deserves someone better than me.

"Lyca!" Ryle called out when I suddenly ran away. It's good that Ryle is here to support me."Lyca, don't run, please!" I stopped. I just cried and sat on the ground, well I was in the back of the canteen, there weren't many people.

The pain of seeing him in that state is killing me as well. I cannot approach him, hug him or say I love him. I just can't. He did everything to win me back but I wanted him to avoid me for his own good.

I cried a lot but my chest suddenly tightened. I put my right hand on my chest. It's here again!


"You look great, couz" Lilia said.

"Of course." I brag as I look at myself in front of the mirror wearing our new school uniform.

"Arrogant bitch!" She said and I just laughed. Black fitted pencil-skirt and well-designed white blouse is not bad especially when my sexy butt is getting more formed. I even paired it with high heeled shoes, perfect!

I am already at BLUE SPRING UNIVERSITY and currently taking a walk. I went to the back of the architecture building. May be its fate's work and I saw Adrian sitting on the grass again.

I didn't hesitate to approach him, am I still going to be a baby like in the movie? Remember, I'm not the type of woman who is kind and modest.

"Hey!" Courageously, I started the conversation. I went straight to where he was sitting. He turned his head and stared at me for a while. "What are you doing here?" I asked when and sat next to him. And since I'm sitting now, my skirt is a bit raised and I can see half of my perfect legs.

He didn't answer my question. Snobbish! I was shocked when he lit a cigarette. It was as if he was playing with the smoke from his cigarette.

"What is it Adrian! That's insane!" I snatched the cigarette from his hand and threw it away. He was startled of what I did and so was I. It's just like my hand moved itself without my mind. All I know is I don't want him to be like that. That's not how I knew Adrian two years ago.

"Fuck!" He said angrily. "What the hell is your problem?" He shouted at me. He stood up violently and looked at me with disbelief. He looks scary. If a look can kill, for sure I'm double dead. "What's your problem?" He asked angrily as I looked up at him.

"My problem? You!" I also stood up and pointed at him. "Shit! I was talking to you but you don't answer, then you just smoke in front of me?" I said in disgust.

"Why do you care? You have no right to interfere with my life!"

"Yes, I have no right to interfere with your life but Adrian do you have to do that? Do you have to change like that? Do you really have to ruin your life? Look at you! You're a mess!"

"What do you know, ha Smile? What do you know about my life?" He said then walk away. I was just dumbfounded. He knows my name, how come?

What do I know about his life?

I know a lot, Adrian, not all but a lot. However, I'm willing to know you more even if it will hurt me if that is the only way to help you.

I was just eating a cake inside the canteen when two women suddenly sat next to me. "Are you flirting with Adrian, bitch?" Whispered a woman. I hate someone messing with me especially when I'm not in the mood!

"Yes, I am. Do you have a problem with that?" I said with one of my eyebrows raising.

"Don't you dare approach him again, or else ..." Another woman threatened. She looks familiar. Where did I see whore? Wait, he was Adrian's girlfriend yesterday! The one he was making out at the back of the building.

I just smirk at them then stand up. I don't care what they're up to, I might even bury them alive! Annoying!

I was about to leave when the girl grabbed my hair. I held her hand and pushed her away, gave her a death glare and walked away.