Opening The Coffin

Several hours later, the planes landed in a large base surrounded by sand, the base was basically in the middle of nowhere.

"Take her to see the doctor and take the coffin to the lab" The captain issued some commands as they entered the heavily guarded base.

After issuing some more commands, the captain went through a series of locked doors which required a high clearance to enter and found himself in a large room which was filled with luxurious furnitures and specially prepared food made from rare ingredients, in the middle of this huge room sat a middle aged man at a table who was fiddling with some objects.

"How was the trip?" The middle aged man asked the leader who gave a salute to him before replying.

"We recovered a coffin but there was only one survivor who seems disoriented , she seems to have experienced something vicious enough that scared her to that extent " The leader answered .

" A coffin you say , I would very much like to see this coffin and as for the families of those who died , you know what to do " The middle aged man said as he stood up with his walking stick .

"Okay sir right this way " The leader said with a smile as he led the middle aged man through a series of doors until they arrived at a well furnished lab.

"Sir its very nice to see you again, how are the suppressants?" The head scientist who was a woman asked with a smile .

"They are working quite well but their effects are starting to wear off and if we don't find a cure soon then I am afraid that I maybe unsavable " The middle aged man said with a cough .

"Oh don't say that Mr Kurt, we are working as hard as we can to find a lead so don't lose hope" The head scientist said with a smile .

"As long as you are here, I won't so how is the analysis going?" Mr Kurt the middle aged man asked.

"Well so far no weapon or substance

has been able to cause a scratch on the

coffin so it should have been made out

of the same unique material as the other

two items that we found, we are currently

thinking of a way to open it' The head

scientist said with a glance at the coffin

which was being kept in a containment cel

where some tests were being run on it.

"Okay well if you find anything then alert me

immediately" Mr Kurt said then left.

"You didn't tell him" The leader of the

soldiers said.

"I don't think we should until we are sure"

The head scientist said.

"This is of utmost importance, it says

clearly that we shouldn't open the coffin,

pure danger lies within" The leader said

with a serious expression.

"Relax, what could possibly be within this

coffin that could have survived all this

while, and besides we haven't even figured

out how to open it" The head scientist said

with a smile

"Still I have a bad feeling about this" The

leader said.

"Relax, what are you so worked up about,

there is nothing to be scared of" The head

scientist said.

"Out of the 50 archeologists that went to

the ruins, only 1 returned disoriented talking

about strange occurances, dont you think

that's even a little bit suspicious' The leader


"Well after all what's happened, you can

say that strange is the new normal, I mean

come on, aren't you even the least bit

curious about what's in the coffin?" The

head scientist replied.

"I am, but I'm more interested in staying

safe" The leader said.

"He has been sick for 30 years, he only has

few months to live, he has been searching

for 25 years, do you think that he will be

willing to stop now?" The head scientist

said with a sign.

"Dr, we found something" A scientist said

from within the room as he handed a tablet

over to the head scientist.

"What am l looking at here" The head

scientist asked.

"This is the structural analysis we ran on

the coffin and this is the structural analysis

we ran on the other two items" The scientist

said with a smoke.

They are a match" The head scientist said

with a smile.

"Yes it seems that the three items were

made from the same indestructible material

which means that unless we find a way of

opening the coffin naturally, we can't do

anything to it" The scientist said.

"Hmm, wait a minute, send the images to

the big screen and zoom it on that location"

The head scientist suddenly exclaimed.

"What is that?" The scientist asked.

"Looks like a hole" The leader said.

"Not just any hole, a keyhole" The head

scientist said with a smile.

"Yes it looks like it but we don't have the

key" The leader said.

"Actually we do, judging by the shape and

size of the hole, l'd say it's safe to assume

that the second item is the key to opening

the coffin The head scientist said with


"Wow that was fast" the leader said with


"Well what can I say, I am good at my job"

The head scientist said with a grin as she

made the robotic arm in the containment

cell pick up the second item and place it in

the keyhole.

"Hmm, I expected more of a dramatic s..."

The head scientist said but was suddenly

interrupted by an earthquake which lasted

for a few minutes before stopping.

"What the hell was that?" The leader said

with shock.

"I don't know.holy shit' The head scientist

said with shock.

"What's the prob...oh my." The leader said

with widened eyes as he stared at the

containment cell which had a huge gaping

hole in the center.

"What could have caused such a huge hole"

The head scientist asked as she stared the

huge hole.

"The coffin.. it's open" The leader said in


"Which means whatever was inside is now

out" The head scientist said with a grin.

"Why the hell aren't you alarmed, do you see

the hole whatever was inside created, I told

you we shouldn't have opened it, now look

w..." The leader said with slight fear but was

suddenly interrupted by an alarm sound

which rang throughout the entire facility.



"What's going on" The leader asked.

"This is strange, it seems like our defense

has been breached but that's impossible,

our defense is one of the best in the world"

The head scientist said with confusion.

"Put the whole facility on lockdown" The

leader said.

"What, why should I do that?" The head

scientist asked.

"Something escaped from that coffin, we

released it and now we have to make sure it

doesn't get out" The leader said.

"Yeah I still think you are thinking too f."

The head scientist said but was suddenly

interrupted by a shout from one of the

scientist in the room.

"What was that?" The head scientist asked.

"It's still here" The leader said as he drew

his gun.


"Arrg" Another scientist shouted as he

suddenly disappeared.

"It's too fast, attention to units, report to

my location at once, we are under attack, i

repeat we are under attack, the number of

enemies is currently unknown, report here

with weapons at once, Captain Hank out"

The leader took out a communicator as he

sent a message across the base.


"Arrg, hel...." Anither unfortunate scientist

also screamed as he was suddenly


"Everyone move to my location now, the

enemy want to take us out one by one but

if we are together, it will be harder for it to

do that" The leader shouted after seeing

another scientist being captured.

"Good now form a circle and if you see the

slightest movement, alert me immediately"

The leader said.

"Hahaha, how sweet of you to gather at one

place now I don't need to take you down

one by one" A cold eerie voice sounded in

the room which sent chills down spines of

all of them.

"Where is the voice coming from?" A soldier

asked with fear.

"Everywhere" The leader said with fear.

"Holy shit, what the **** is that" A scientist

asked with a trembling voice as it pointed

at a humanoid figure crouching in the


"I cant move, arrg i can't fucking move"A

scientist screamed with fear after realizing

that he couldn't move.

"I can't also move, we are all going to die"

Another scientist also screamed.

"Shit, what the hell is this, damn it, **** The

leader thought to himself as he stared at

the creature which started to move towards

them but then he suddenly heard the sound

of heavy footsteps approaching.

Captain, we are here, what the." The

leading soldier said with shock as he

spotted the creature only a few meters

away from the captain.

"Enemy spotted, open fire" The soldier

shouted as he immediately aimed his gun

at the creature and started firing which

caused the others to follow suit.

"Arrg damn humans, always a nuisance"

The creature said in its cold eerie voice as it

scurried away into the darkness.

"I can move again The captain said with


"Spread out in groups and search the entire

room, immediately you spot it call for

backup" The captain immediately issued

the order as he turned to the head scientist.

"Are you okay?" The captain asked with


"Yes I think I am" The head scientist

answered with a smile.

"Good I need you to focus on getting the

lights back on and the rest of you need to

leave now before you get hurt" The captain

said to the head scientist then turned back

to the other scientists who were escorted

out by a group of soldiers.

"The creature makes use of the darkness

to hide so if we can bring the lights back

on, we may weaken it partially" The captain

said with a smile as he explained his plan.

"That's a good plan but unfortunately I can

only bring it back on for a few minutes

before it's lights out again because for

Some reason, the power supply has been

destroyed so we can only use the backup

generator which has also been damaged

but can last for a few minutes" The head scientist said with a frown.

"Shit, well i guess we are going to have to

work with that" The captain said with a grin.




"Shoot it down, **** its attacking, its too

fast" The captain suddenly heard the

shouts of some soldiers.

"Everyone move to that location and provide

support" The captain shouted.

"I have to go provide support, take this in

case of anything" The captain said as he

handed the head scientist a handgun.

"Pray I don't have to use this" The head

scientist said as the captain left.

"It's dead?" The captain said with surprise

as he arrived at the scene.

"Took down 10 men before it died, what the

**** is this?" A soldier asked with fear as he

stated at the creature

"Be careful, it may not be dead yet, I wil

be right back' The captain said as he went

towards the location of the head scientist.

"What is it?" The captain asked.

"Didn't you order for all soldiers to move

to this location, why are these ones just

walking around?" The head scientist asked.

"I dont think those are soldiers" The captain


[Backup generator will be turned on in 3, 2,


"Then what are they?" The head scientist



"Those are zombies" The captain answered

with horror as nobody noticed the eyes of

the dead soldiers open suddenly.

[ Switching Power ]

"Shit arrg, something just bit me" The shout of a soldier suddenly appeared which was immediately followed by others as the lights went off.

"Shoot the dead soldiers, they are zombies " The captain suddenly shouted as he

rushed towards the location where several gunshots could be heard as the light came back on.

"Captain, we have a problem, the body's gone" A soldier suddenly said as he stared at the previous location of the creature .

"Shit, Nancy" The captain said with realization as he stared at the location of the head scientist .

"Arrrg" The head scientist's voice suddenly
