The Apocalypse Begins

My name is Dominic Miles and this is my story. As I walked into the hospital, all eyes turned on me and among them, I could see worried, sad and scared looks. I walked towards the attendant and asked to see my brother and after gaining his room number, I went to his room but on the way, I saw a tall muscular man slip a gun under his clothes but I didn't take any action due to the military uniform on him.

I opened the door to meet a sad sight, my brother lay on the hospital bed with several needles stuck in him like a freaking doll, his skin was pale and his body was also cold.

"Hello brother, it's me Dominic, mom says hi, she couldn't bear to see you in this state, she says get well soon so that we can all be one happy family again, remember our deal about the race, we aren't done yet, I will be waiting for you but I don't know how long I can, the world is on the verge of destruction" I whispered to my brother as tears slowly formed at the corner of my eyes but I quickly wiped them away as I placed the flowers I had brought on the table and turned to leave.


As I walked towards the door, the whole building suddenly shook like an earthquake was happening but it stopped after a few seconds.

"What the hell was that?" I asked myself as I rushed to the door to find out what just happened.

"Dominic, Dominic" As my hand was about to open the door, I suddenly heard a weak voice behind me which made my hand freeze.

"Brad, are you really okay" I asked with happiness as he rushed to the bed.

"What happened to me?, what am I doing here?" Brad asked weakly as he tried to sit up.

"Wait, you don't remember?, that's okay I will tell the doctor that you are awake, I wonder how shocked he will be" I said with a smile as he turned to leave.

"Arrrggg, Dominic!, what's happening to me?, arrrgg" Brad shouted in pain as he held his head.

"Brad!, what's happening to you, talk to me?" I asked with worry as he swallowed his brother screaming in pain.

"My head!, it feels like its getting smashed over and over again, ARRG, I can't take it anymore" Brad shouted with pain as he clutched his head.

"Just hang on a little, I gonna get the doctor, just hang on.." I said with panic as he rushed over to the door to discover that it was jammed.

"What the hell?, damn it open the door, open the damn door" I said with shock as he pounded in the door trying to break it down amidst the pained screams of his brother.





As I was pounding the door, the whole building suddenly shook as the light fluttered on and off then I also heard a crash followed by several others.

"What the hell was that?" I asked myself as I rushed to the window to observe the situation outside and was shocked by the scene I saw.

I saw cars crashed into themselves like they didn't know where they were going and people also running at top speed but I didn't see what they were running from until I heard a fluttering of wings.

When I looked at the source of the fluttering, I was shocked to see a huge eagle swooping down to grab people in its claws before tossing them into the air and swallowing them.

I immediately backed away with fear as I tried to process what was happening but all I could think about was my parents.

[Hello humans, I am sure you are all wondering what is happening now but first things first, you can call me the gamemaster]

As I was thinking of what to do, I suddenly heard a voice in my head which made me stop thinking.

[Let me narrate my tragic story to you, many many years ago I was a supreme being that invaded worlds, I had everything I ever wanted but as you are about to learn, good things aren't meant to last, after conquering several worlds, I was finally trapped and sealed by a God whose name I won't mention but due to humans and your stupid curiosity, I was freed after many many years have passed but I am weak now and need to regain my power]

[And that is where you come in, for years you humans have been at the top of the food chain but that ends now so in the next hour your precious planet will be overrun by creatures of darkness, zombies, vampires, werewolves, banshees but that is just the tip of the iceberg, you will meet creatures that come straight out of your nightmares, abominations that will freeze you in fear but don't worry I am a man appreciates good things so as gratitude for freeing me, I will give you a chance to survive this, a chance to grow stronger and one day hopefully kill me and take my place, there will be strongholds in different locations but to get to each stronghold, you will have to pass through dungeons and that well, good luck, you better take it cause you will need it]

After hearing all what the voice said, I gained a rough understanding of the situation but it just increased my fear and panic.

"Okay, first I need to get Brad out of here and confirm the safety of my parents before doing anything else" I said to myself as I forced myself to calm down.

"Dominic, you need to leave now" Brad said weakly as he twiched on the bed.

"Are you okay?, what do you mean I need to leave?, don't worry I will get you out of here" I asked with worry as I walked over to him to see if he was alright.

"Leave, you don't understand, you need to leave now before its too late" Brad replied weakly as he ripped off the syringe that had been inserted into his hand.

"What are you doing?, what are you talking about?, don't worry I will get the door open so we can leave now" I said to Brad as I rushed to the door to try and open it while he tore off all the bandages on his body.

"ARRG, run now go, ARRG, I can't control it, break the door down" Brad yelled as he got down from the bed.

"Are you okay, tell me what's going on, the door is jammed, I can't open it" I said with worry as I walked over to Brad.

"Stay back!, ARRG" Brad yelled at me as I tried to approach him which caused me to back away with fear.

"What's happening to the lights?" I asked myself as I stared at the lights which were starting to fluctuate while my thoughts raced with fear and panic.

"ARRG!" Brad yelled as he fell to the ground and suddenly the lights started fluctuating more intensely until it burst, turning into tiny shards that rained down as the whole room was plunged into darkness and complete silence.

"Brad, are you okay?" I asked quietly as I fished my pocket for my phone.

When I found the phone, I turned the flashlight on with trembling hands as I pointed to the bed which I found was empty and then I also pointed to the previous location of Brad and was also shocked to find it empty.

I pointed the flashlight around the entire room and was once again surprised to find it empty but at this moment the flashlight started fluctuating like the lights did before it burst.


As I was struggling to find out what was wrong with the phone, I suddenly heard a low growl from somewhere in the room so I looked slowly up to find the source and when I did, I froze as I stared at the two red eyes staring at me.

"Brad, is that you?" I asked quietly as I decided to take a step forward but I was destined to regret this decision forever because the moment I did, the figure owning the red eyes leaped at me and in my attempt to move away, I slipped and fell knocking my head against the wall but even then I couldn't dodge in time and I was clawed on my arm.

When I fell to the ground, the flashlight finally landed on the figure and in my last moments before I lost consciousness, I finally caught sight of the figure, fur, sharp teeth, claws, is that a werewolf?, that was the final thought that I had before everything went dark.


I woke up some minutes or was it hours later, I sat up to try and remember what had happened and it all started coming back to me, the voice, the figure or should I say the werewolf and when I thought about this, I immediately picked up the phone and glanced around the room and was relieved to find the room empty.

I didn't know for how long I had been unconscious but all I knew was that I had to get out of here, I tried to stand up but suddenly I felt a piercing pain coming from my head which I presumed was because of the hit to the head.

I raised my hand upwards to my head and felt something wet so I touched it and pointed the flashlight at it only to discover that it was blood, I was bleeding bed but at this moment, staring at the blood, I felt something inside me awaken and suddenly I felt uncontrollable rage as I stared at the blood.

It seemed like the blood triggered something in me because I could only think about blood and something inside me which terrified me made me want to kill someone.

The feeling of wanting to kill someone was so strong that for a second, I felt like picking up a sharp object and driving it into the heart of a living being but almost immediately I felt my right arm heating up, I felt like my right arm was on fire so I tore off my right sleeve to see what was causing me that feeling and I was shocked.

On my right arm, there was a faint outline of a dragon tattoo which was glowing and that was also the source of the burning feeling but the next moment the burning feeling disappeared and was replaced by a cooling feeling that moved to his head and spread to the part that was bleeding then he felt an itchy feeling and when he touched that part, he saw that he it was healed with not even a scar.

"This is really weird, where did this tattoo come from?, I remember that I was scratched on my arm before I lost consciousness, maybe that's what caused the tattoo but that doesn't even make sense one bit, then again none of this makes sense, my brother is a werewolf and I am something I don't even know" I said as I stared at my arm with confusion.

As I was about to observe the tattoo more, I suddenly heard a loud scream coming from outside.

"A survivor maybe he or she can help me, I need to find that person" I said as I stood up and walked over to the door which had a huge hole in the middle which I guessed was from the werewolf.

I walked through the hall to find myself in the hall which looked longer than it did before but that didn't matter to me, all I needed to do was to find where the scream came from so I turned on the flashlight as I walked through the hallway which was littered with corpses of humans, zombies and something else.

"Thank God, I thought you were gone"

I bent over the body of the guard I had seen when I entered the hospital, the corpse was mangled and incomplete but what relieved me was that his gun was still with him.

I picked it up and observed it, it was a handgun with a full magazine, he also had a spare in his pocket which I found after I had searched him, I also found a pocket knife which solved my problem of how to protect myself.

After searching his body and finding nothing more, I continued walking through the hallway until I came upon a door which read "Pharmacy Department".

"Huff, Huff" I paused as I placed my ear on the door, I could hear the sound of breathing.

I slowly opened it as quietly as I could and pulled out the pocket knife and grabbed it tightly as I could then walked into the room while holding my breath, i closed the door after I had entered and turned my phone's torchlight towards the interior of the room.

It was filled with several cabinets which held medications and drugs but I could hear the sound of breathing which was where I headed as I occasionally glanced behind me to see if there was something there.

"Wait, is that?, hello, are you okay?" I asked as I saw a figure crouched over a body doing something which I didn't know.

"Hello, do you know what is going on here?" I asked again as I moved closer to the figure but suddenly I froze as the figure paused then turned towards me which caused me to gain a clear view of the figure's face which caused my heart to start racing as I slowly walked backwards.

"Roarrr" The figure roared as it leapt towards me which caused me to turn but as I did, I accidentally stepped on something which caused me to trip and fall to the ground.

As I did, the pocket knife which I was holding fell to the ground together with me and before I could grab it, the figure was already on me roaring and trying to bite me, I used my right arm to hold its throat backwards then used my left to try and pick up the pocket knife.

"Roar, roar" The figure continued roaring as blood dripped from its mouth onto my face while it tried to bite me but I continued warding it off while trying to pick up the pocket knife which was only a few inches from me, at this moment I could hear my heart thumping in my chest like it was trying to break out.

"Thump, thump, thump" As I tried to pick up the knife, I suddenly spotted a drug which I grabbed and shoved it into the mouth of the figure, pushed it away then grabbed the pocket knife and plunged it into its head as black blood sprayed out like a fountain onto my face.

"Eew, oh shit, fuck, the fuck is this" I said with disgust as I wiped the blood off my face.

"Oh my...I just..I just killed a person" I stammered as the realisation hit me, I had just taken a person's life but I didn't feel anything like guilt so I wondered if I was a heartless psycho.

"What is happening?, if I am not wrong then this is a zombie, are I in the apocalypse" I said to myself as I glanced at the corpse, I knew all these from movies and webnovel stories, but reading it and experiencing it were two different things, I didn't even know what to feel.

"Oh shit" I said as I pulled out the pocket knife and ran towards the location of the other corpse but when I reached there, it was gone which made me freeze and that was when I heard a low growl behind me and without even looking, I turned and threw the pocket knife.