Meeting Survivors

Somewhere in the hospital, two figures could be seen sneaking down a dark staircase, they walked slowly and soon reached the end which was a door, the one in the lead peeped through the door then placed his hand on the doorknob but just as he was about to open it, he suddenly paused then turned around.

"Could you please stop breathing so deeply behind my neck, it's annoying" I said with annoyance.

"What are you talking about, I ain't doing nothing" Rash replied with a frown.

"Yes you are, I can't even concentrate with your hot breath against my neck" I said.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" Rash said with a raise of his hand.

"Good, now lets go" I grinned as I twisted the doorknob and opened the door slowly as I stepped into two doorways with plenty doors, one on the left and one on the right, and luckily this floor had light but the far end had its light off.

"Okay so now where do we go?" I asked as I took out the map and stepped under the light to see clearly.

"So we're here so we Rash could you come over for a sec" I said to rash who walked over.

"What's the problem?" Rash asked.

"The map said that we were supposed to arrive at one doorway if we took the stairs but there are two doorways here" I explained with a frown as I tried to understand how this was possible.

"What does this say?" Rash asked as he saw some writing at the top of the map.

"I think it says out of use, the fuck is this, Rash where did you say you got this again?" I asked suspiciously.

"Um you know interesting fact, I just remembered something I saw on the news, this hospital would have celebrated its 40th anniversary in a few days" Rash suddenly remembered a news flash he had chanced someone watching.

"What?, no but this hospital is around 80 years" I had heard my dad say how this hospital was built in the mid 90s.

"It is supposed to be but 50 years ago this hospital went up in flames killing thousands but it was rebuilt 10 years later, that means that this map is for the old hospital, okay my bad, I might have um, obtained it from some cabinets while I was hiding" Rash said with embarrassment.

"What?, how could you make such a big mistake?, that is so irresponsible of you" I scolded after hearing his explanation.

"I'm sorry mom, it was dark and I couldn't see well" Rash replied sarcastically.

"Oh so now you're being sarcastic after stranding us here, now what the fuck are we supposed to do, we don't even know if the control room is even on this floor" I said as I felt my anger rise, I couldn't believe that he was behaving such foolishly at this moment.

"I said I'm sorry grandma, what else do you want, want me to buy a cookie, fuck off bitch" Rash said angrily as he shoved me backwards.

"Oh I'm gonna whoop your as…." I was just about to punch him when we heard something in the darkness that made us pause. It sounded like something fell down.


"What was that?" Rash asked with his fist only a few inches from my face, my hand was also grabbing his cloth.

"I don't know but it definitely won't be good, stay here and I'll go check it out" I said with alarm as I released my grip on his cloth and walked slowly towards the darkness my hand clutching the axe tightly.

"Ba-dum, Ba-dum, Ba-dum…" as I walked I could hear my heart beating furiously in my chest and just as I raised my torch to peer into the darkness.

"BEEEEEEEEP" A very loud beeping sound echoed through the hallway as I lifted the torch to find nothing in the darkness, I immediately turned in alarm to see Rash fumbling with his phone.

"Sorry, it's my alarm, shit fucking phone" Rash cursed under his breath as he finally turned the alarm off.

"Are you trying to give me a freaking heart attack" I said as I grabed my chest to calm down, but as I did I suddenly felt extreme danger behind me and I don't know if it was reflex or just luck, I turned around and swung the axe with no idea why but I soon found out after, I felt the axe strike something solid.

"Shit zombies" I shouted as I slammed my foot into the zombie's chest which caused it to crash into the zombies behind it, which bought us some time as I immediately turned around and took off.

With Rash in the lead we ran at top speed through the hallway with no idea how many zombies behind us in chase, we reached the second hallway and gave a sharp right but not before I overthrew a locker onto the ground causing the foolish zombies to trip and fall to the ground, which bought us more time again as we headed for the stairs to the 3rd floor which we guessed to be at the end of the hallway.

"We're almost there" Rash said but then skidded to a stop as we saw even more zombies flood out of the door to the 3rd floor just ahead of us, I immediately took out my gun and shot the zombie In the lead then turned behind us and did the same.

"Try to find an open door quick, I can't hold them off for long" I shouted to Rash who immediately went into action trying the doors to see if any was open.

I turned behind me to see a zombie just a few meters away from me so I swung the axe as hard as I could at it's head, the veins on my arms bulged as the axe struck the head and went straight in and struck it's brain, killing it, after doing this I turned to my back and shot three zombies that were approaching then turned again just in time to shove the butt of my axe into the mouth of the zombie that was about to bite me, aimed the gun and busted its brains.

"Haven't you found one yet?" I asked as I smakcked one zombie with my axe and shot another, I didn't have infinite energy and I was already to feel fatigue after killing just 7 zombies.

"They are all locked, fuck how are all the doors in this freaking hospital locked" Rash cursed as he tried the last door but to no avail.

"Fuck, I ain't dying here" I said as I shot another bullet.



"Shit I'm out of bullets" I said with frustration as I busted another zombie's brains with my axe, just as everything seemed bleak, we suddenly heard a whisper from one of the doors.

"Hey over here quick" A door opened as a hand motioned for us to come over.

"Let's go" I said as I and Rash rushed to the door, by this time we were almost already sandwitched by the zombies from the 2 sides, we ran into the room and it was immediately locked shut as I the zombies rushed to the door and started slamming it trying to get in.

"We have to block it" I said to Rash who nodded as we moved a heavy cabinet to the side with difficulty and only after we stopped seeing the zombies face even though we could hear them did I take a deep breath.

"Thank yo…" The remaining words stuck in my mouth as I turned to thank our savior, I came face to face with one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen, she was blonde, had blue eyes and was extremely fair, her hair was combed up in a ponytail and that coupled with the blue tracksuit she wore only served to make her more beautiful.

"Hello, are you okay?" Her sweet voice sounded which woke me out of my daze and only now did I realize that there was another girl here and even though she was beautiful, her beauty didn't match the first girl in my eyes.

"Sorry um, I was just stunned by your beauty" I blurted out unconsciously and immediately regretted it, but as I watched the girl crack a smile with a set of white teeth, I knew it was worth it.

"Okay lover boy, this isn't 'All of us are dead' but we will be if we don't get the hell out of here" Rash said with a pat on my shoulder.

"Hello beautiful ladies, thank you for saving our lives, I'm Rash and he's Dominic" Rash said to the girls with a smile.

"You're welcome, I'm Tasha and she's Christine, it's nice to meet you" The second girl said as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Rash replied as he planted a kiss on Tasha's hand.

"Oooo, a sweet talker, I like you already" Tasha also said with a smile.

"Okay Romeo and Juliet, that's enough, we have to figure out how to get out of here or you guys won't live long enough to go out" I said with a light cough as I glanced at Christine who was also staring at me so she quickly looked away as reddish tinge appeared on her cheeks.



Suddenly a loud bang sounded which immediately garned out attention, we stepped back in alarm as we watched the cupboard shake violently from the hits, seeing this I immediately looked around to find a way out and I spotted something as an idea appeared in my mind.

"The vents…we can move the vents, based on the structural pattern of the building, if we take this vent we should be able to get to the 3rd floor" I said as my eyes landed on the vents.

"Yea that's right, let's go, what are we waiting for then" Rash said as he walked over to it and started piling boxes in front of it, we also joined him and finished in a few seconds, by now the cabinet was now battered.

"It looks fine, Rash you go first" I said after looking into the vent with my flashlight.

"Wait what?, why me?" Rash asked with a frown.

"You gonna let the ladies go first?" I asked with a smile.

"No but why can't you go" Rash said.

"I gotta stay behind and hold the fort until you guys go first, or would you want to take my place?" I asked with a grin as I watched Rash's expression change.

"On the other hand, I'll just go first, don't die on me, I still owe you a punch" Rash said with a grin as he grabbed a broom and broke it in half before climbing into the vent.


"You guys go first, I'll be right behind you" I said to the girls who nodded then climbed in, Tasha first then Christine who turned to me first as if to say something then paused and changed her mind then left.


"Okay my turn" I said with a grin as I saw the last of the green particles enter my arm which shined with a green light then dimmed, I first placed the axe into the vent then climbed into it, sealing it behind me as I saw a large figure slam through the door, as the dust cleared, I caught sight of the familiar spider man figure which looked around the room for us then screeched in anger as it left, I turned around and maneuvered my way through the vents.

Meanwhile in a dark room, a figure could be seen staring at several screens, it was currently staring at the room where I and the others left with an interested smile.

"Hmm it seems like they are not just lucky, I wonder what other surprises you will bring" The figure said with a grin as it moved it's attention to another screen where a man could be seen with a sword slicing the zombies up, he then stared at the camera and pointed his sword at the camera then left.