Trump Card

"But there's no place to go" Tasha said after hearing my words.

"There is.." I said as I pointed at the hole in the ground that was big enough for us to fit through.

"Fuck I'm not going through…" Rash was talking when he swallowed the rest of the words as he watched me jump through the hole, seconds later I yelled for them to come down quickly.

"Shit" Rash screamed as he jumped through the hole, I caught him and placed him onto the ground then caught Christina before finally catching Tasha after which I quickly dragged a large cabinet with difficulty until it was under the hole and sealed it off.



Immediately I sealed the hole, we heard the roars of the zombies above us trying to claw their way to us, I grabbed my arm which was aching more as I stared at the others who were watching me suspiciously, I knew what they were thinking at this moment, how was I able to hear the zombies from far away.

"Okay I know you guys are suspicious but we aren't safe anywhere and with Rash's broken leg, we can't afford to waste any more time here, so let's go, I'll explain on the way, we're almost at the control room" I said quickly before they misunderstood the situation.

"Are you a mutant?" Christina asked which caused me to think, even though I didn't know what was wrong with me but I knew that it was connected to the tattoo on my arm, with this thought in mind, my hand subconsciously moved to my arm and pulled up my sleeve as the tattoo became visible to the other.

"Woah shit are you part of the Yakuza or something" Rash asked with shock as he stared at the tattoo.

"No I'm not part of the yakuza and I don't know if I'm a mutant or not, this tattoo appeared when the apocalypse started, do you remember when I asked you if you could see the green lights?" I asked Rash which took his memory back to that instance.

"Wait you were being serious, I thought you were just being racist" Rash said with a look of realization.

"What!, what about that was being racist" I said with a frown, sometimes I didn't understand Rash's way of thinking.

"I don't know maybe you thought black people colors" Rash answered with a shrug.

"Why would I think that?, what sort of thoughts go through your mind" I said in disbelief at Rash's fucked up thinking.

"So back to the story, green lights" Christina said seriously.


"Yeah I realized that whenever I killed a zombie myself, some green lights would float off the corpse into the tattoo and it would glow, I studied that whenever the glow spread, my senses became stronger and I had more strength and speed than before, I didn't tell you this because I didn't understand it and I didn't know if..i could trust you guys" I paused and finished the sentence as I waited for the reaction that I expected.

"Dude you're the main character, shit are we in a web novel, hello to the author and readers, make me stronger, make me OP, please" Rash said with a grin as he looked stared at the ceiling with a pleading expression, his reaction totally out of my expectations.

"Hey you idiot, we're in no web novel, otherwise there would have been a sort of system-like interface and you would be dead by now" Tasha mused with a chuckle.

"What do you mean I would be dead, I have the best possible chance of survival" Rash bragged.

"Yeah right, says the guy with the bleeding leg" Tasha mocked.

"Hey I only did that to save you" Rash said while grabbing his leg.

"Yeah thanks for that, now we can't move fast, if we are swarmed again, there is no way we are getting out alive" Tasha said to ridicule Rash who grunted in return.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Christina who had stayed silent after I came clean.

"I'm just thinking about what Rash said, what if he's right, I mean apocalypses always happen in books and movies so what if everything isn't real" Christina voiced out her thoughts.

"Hey don't worry, even if he's right, it doesn't matter, as long as we are together, we will all face everything that comes our way" I consoled her after pondering over her words, yeah it didn't matter if we were characters in a web novel or not, fuck the author who created all this for his entertainment, whatever he brought our way, it was our choice not his, we determine our story and in our story, we are the main characters.

"I have a feeling that you have a plan" Christina said with a smile.

"Obviously I do, I think I know why there weren't any zombies on the top floor' I replied with a mysterious smile.

"Rash do you remember the pile of bodies we saw in the hallway, the first time we met?" I asked Rash who nodded.

"After scaring the spider away, what was the next monster we saw?" I asked again.

"Yeah, the eyeless reaper, what does this have to do with anything?" Rash also asked in confusion.

"You remember that the Reaper sucked the brain of a corpse right?" I asked with a mysterious grin, I loved seeing the confused expression on Rash's face.

"Yeah, okay could you get straight to the point" Rash said in annoyance as he got tired of the questions.

"What if it wasn't a human's corpse?" I asked with a wide grin, seemingly satisfied with Rash's torture.

"So you're trying to say that it may have been a zombie's corpse" Christina who was following the story said.

"What!, zombies don't eat other zombies, it's like a hyena eating another hyena" Rash said with a grunt.

"Hyenas do eat other hyenas" Tasha mused behind him with a facepalm.

"I told you guys that the one thing the reaper hates more than anything is zombies but I didn't tell you guys why, the composition of the brain matter of zombies is like a nutrient mix or like ice cream to it" I explained.

"Yum, I love ice cream, ouch" Rash said as he was smacked on the head by Tasha.

"Concentrate you glutton"

"I am concentrating"

"Hmmph" Tasha snorted as she turned away from Rash who rubbed his head in pain.

"So that's the reason why there were no zombies on the top floor, I thought it was a plan but it was all because of the reaper, the shadow knows that if he sends any zombies and the reaper encounters them, they will all be wiped out" Christina said as she snapped her fingers in realization.

"But why does it seem to be attracted to you like a magnet" Tasha asked the only question that I had no answer for.

"I don't know but the first time we met, I was like 5 feet away from it and it didn't sense me" I recalled with a frown, I hated having unknowns in my plan because that meant that there was a certain percentage of failure.

"Hey Dom, who do you think will win in a fight of the reaper against the spider?" Rash asked.

"Hahaha, you catch up fast, the reaper has its axe, its super sensitive hearing, and its tentacles, and the spider has its many legs and that corrosive goo, so in a fight, I will be willing to place my bets on the reaper even though they seem equally matched" I replied with a grin.

"You seem awfully confident in the reaper for some reason" Tasha said suspiciously, she could sense that I was hiding something.

"I guess there is no reason to hide it anymore, it's more like a cheat ability of the reaper, it has the ability to…." I whispered the secret to them as a look of shock spread across their faces.

"How crazy were you to give it such an ability" Rash said with shock at the words he just heard.

"I think I'm gonna side with Rash on this one, it does sound crazy to give it such an insane cheat" Tasha said with a frown.

"Wait then my leg" Rash said as his face turned serious.

"Don't worry I have a way out, just trust me" I said with a calming smile.

"Fuck you, you psychopathic piece of shit, you're the one I least trust among us with all your fucked up plans" Rash said with a frown which I replied to with a mocking smirk.

"Hmm, so I guess all this has to do with your plan then" Christina asked with a calm expression.

"Yes it does, it's a very dangerous plan as always but one that will guarantee our entry into the control room, with Rash's leg, our options are really limited so we have to take our chances with this one, ultimately I will be the one with the most dangerous part to play since I am the most upgraded among us" I said with a grin that showed that I was ready to take on the world.

"So what is this dangerous of yours, let's hear it" Rash said with a sigh, he wished he wasn't handicapped but he didn't have a choice.

"My plan is simple, all I have to do is face my fears" I said calmly which earned me a look of craziness from the three of them.

"Oh my God, I said it, I fucking said it, this bitch got a death wish" Rash said with a facepalm as he shook his head.