68. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : Didn't Get For Each Other.

Song Ji Min.

The woman who was still in the recovery stage walked a little holding the stomach that was once covered in blood by a man whose full name was Kim Tae Hyun.

Very stupid considering how he monologued, talking to himself believing that if she was alone in his room without thinking about the consequences if she said many more things, honestly this was the first time Ji Min let go.

Honestly, Song Ji Min is not a woman who will openly say everything she wants, because according to her judgment. She is quite shy and doesn't talk much to people he needs to talk about seriously.

For example, now, Ji Min is sitting by the pool because she wants, the house owned by his father and mother is now the first escape where Ji Min has to languish in this house without mercy there are no good consequences, but according to Ji Min, this is better.

Ji Min can communicate more freely and call the 'real man' she loves without wearing her mask for a long time.