93. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : Blood is A Friend.

Park Ji Kang.

Getting a message from Eun Ra the man couldn't help but laugh, what Park Ji Kang said was true, the woman was stupid.

And it will be even more stupid when Eun Ra follows what Go Hyung asked that time. Unfortunately, the stupid woman very innocently and innocently asked Go Hyung's crazy pepper questions, so Ji Kang could hold back a little and gave good directions too.

Not much not a little Eun Ra also became more and more open pepper Ji Kang in the way Ji Kang said and asked him.

Unfortunately, a cold, discreet, caring man who understands everything loves someone. not Eun Ra at all, but Ji Kang's is very special.

To be honest, Eun Ra's last question also shifted Ji Kang's focus, so how will Jeon Eun Ra end up?

And when will Jeon Eun Ra end and change into Gong Eun Ra?