125. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : The Information Buyer.

Gong Tae Gwang, the man secretly bought a cell phone to call Park Ji Kang whom Gwang knows as Jo Ka. Master number two who always makes Gwang feel if today, the day after tomorrow or tomorrow always makes him feel this is a miracle, got so much hope and should that it gets even more annoying.

"What did I do wrong?" Gwang asked himself this time, this time his cell phone is new, the network is the best, and the signal is fast too. Gwang purposely bought it for himself because he needed it, not going to erase or burn it again.

The man just had it on purpose this time. "Can't Eun Ra go back to the man again? The last information I got was that the man was no longer in the same mansion as Eun Ra. Now there's no social media I can contact, what's the matter?" Tae Gwang always wonders what happened between Mr. Jo Ka and Eun Ra.

Gwang doesn't know at all, it's just that what makes the grown man worry about Jo Ka is that he needs the man to meet Eun Ra.