129. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : Are you guessing.

Tae Hyun deliberately did not contact his driver because the man deliberately called and asked for more time from his father to contact someone.

At least don't let Tae Hyun come home late to the mansion three hours before. "What's the problem if it's like this?" Tae Hyun asked himself as soon as Tae Hyun had been waiting for a message from Eun Ra for twenty-five minutes.

Tae Hyun purposely sent a message at the time Eun Ra was supposed to go home so Eun Ra could see and read Kim Tae Hyun's message quickly.

When Tae Hyun started to give up, he couldn't wait because his head was very dizzy and sleepy and in the end, Tae Hyun took another sip of his last coffee where he was sitting at the 24-hour cafe.


There is an answer to someone's message, and that message is from the person who has been waiting for it too. Jeon Eun Ra, the woman answered very briefly without hurting.

'Mr. Kim Tae Hyun, I'm sorry,'