061. A Good Thief.

When Ji Kang arrived at the mansion, the three met Tae Jung after meeting Gong Tae Gwang in the first place the two met.

.Woo Sik who gets a two-hour break begins to make good use of his own time, while Park Ji Kang meets with his male cousins ​​to discuss what will happen next and what plans they will make to eliminate all the pests that try to attack him from.

"Bro," Tae Jung called when she just came and went straight into the secret room between Ji Kang and Tae Jung.

There are no windows, doors other than the entrance, balcony, and anything made of glass.

There are only beds, bathrooms, and some fast food that Ji Kang occasionally enjoys if he wants to stay in this mansion.

Mansion of the three points of pride, soundproofed, fireproof, and explosion soundproof because it was specially designed as well. "Bro," he called again, making Ji Kang roll his eyes lazily.