"WHO DID THAT!" he exclaimed as he tried to look for the culprit. Only to come face-to-face, with a fist hitting his face. "I did ya prick"
Standing above the knocked out blond dumb-ass, Ryuto quickly helps Siesta up. "Hey, you ok?" she was visibly shaken up but was physically alright. "I'm fine, but did you have to go that far?" i look back at the still whimping state of the blond-dumb ass still holding his very bloody nose. "Nope, but if he gets up and tries to fight me, one of his arms are coming right off." dumb-ass then chose that moment to get up, grab his wand, and summon a bronze valkyrie armed with a lance and spear. "COMMONER! I challenge you to a duel!" i quickly pick Siesta and sat her on a chair near Louise before looking back at this poor fool. "Alright, terms." this made everyone -including Louise to my surprise- gasp and look at me as if i was a dead man. "A battle to the death. No mercy" i gave him a savage grin and say. "I accept" i quickly grab my ridewatch and driver, place said driver on my waist then twisting the 'face' of the ridewatch and pressing the button above it
I then place the opened ridewatch on the right side of the driver and said the magic words
Once he had said those magic words, armor suddenly appeared and began to form around his body with a large clock-like thing behind me. Once the armor had formed, letters from the clock-like object then transfered over to me forming the words 'rider'
Slackjawed and at awe, everyone around me saw what he had turned into and what he had become. "To be honest, i had a line that i was going to say. But someone else beat me to it" Ryuto thought to himself as he saw Mika walk out from the crowd of students. "Rejoice! The one to inherit all Rider powers, the time king who will rule over the past and the future! His name is Kamen Rider Zi-O!" with that announcement out of the way, Ryuto quickly summons his weapon
"Jikan Girade: Ken!"
Then proceeds to cut down dumb-ass's summoned valkyrie in half. "Y-you!" in responce, dumb-ass then summons more valkyries to try and kill Ryuto. Enphasis on 'try'.
With a few straightforward sword swings, all five valkyries were immediately sent back to home, or wherever they came from. Then I look back at the dumb blonde's terrified face. "So doing this will get you nowhere. Just give up." Ryuto asked as he threw his weapon and sent it somewhere else. "THE GRAMONT NEVER GIVE UP!" but before he could even send another valkyrie to attack me, a medium sized ball of fire instantly garners our attention. "Cease this bout immediately!" turning his head, Ryuto sees the professor from yesterday alongside two new faces. A woman with green hair and an old man. "He issued the challange, he knew the risks coming in. So why interupt us now?" to my immediate mistake, the idiot chose this time to summon a single valkyrie towards me. With me still trying to react in time, the valkyrie manages to get a hit in before i kick its head clean off. "Alright, gloves are off" i quickly reach behind me and pull out another ridewatch, but this one had different design as to what i had used before. I then twist the 'face' and press the button above it.
And without a moment to lose, i place the now activated ridewatch on the leftside of the driver, pressed the button above it unlocking it and gave it a good spin.
A large tube-like object suddenlt popped out of the ground revealing a new set of armor, i went ahead and punched it, sending the armor towards me fusing itself to the armor underneath, thus completing my new form.
With the armor now formed Ryuto rushes towards the blond dumb-ass who was running away while tossing out valkyries to delay him. "Hmmm, might need something new for this one" as he stopped to look at what the blond dumb-ass had left him. A giant valkyrie golem standing about five meters in height.
Louise POV
She didn't know what to do when she had summoned this familiar of hers. He was rude, obnoxious, and overall annoying. She never wanted to summon a familiar like him... But now, she was having second thoughts. Because right in front of her was her summoned familiar, soloing a giant golem summoned by that playboy Guiche wearing armor that was clearly unknown to her and to everyone else while wielding weapons that make others look weak. Even the teachers didn't know what to do. And they're the ones that RUN this school.
Ryuto/Tony Pov
'Ok, this might prove to be a problem' looming above him was the most biggest hunk of bronze that dumb blond has summoned in his effort in avoiding him. Speaking of which. "HA! YOU HAVE NO chance in beating me now that i've summoned my strongest and most powerful golem." the dumb-ass cowardly proclaimed as he stood on top of the giant golem. Ryuto knew that to minimize colatoral damage, the golem must be dealt with immediately. Quickly summoning his sword in ◇Drill Crusher◇ configuration, Ryuto used his rabbit legs to get closer. The valkyrie retaliated by swinging its mahusive lance at him but was quickly dodged as the damn thing was moving very slowly. And using the same ability, jumps towards the golem's head and kicks it with the 'tank' side of the suit which caused the whole thing to fall backwards. But i knew that the fight wasn't over. So i pressed the buttons above both ridewatches once more, pressed the button on the driver itself and gave it a good spin
"Voltic! Time Break!!!"
The whole thing shattered upon inpact as it couldn't handle the high powered kick. And with that, the fight was over. Atleast with this golem it is, but with the blond bastard, it hasn't even started yet. "Where is the boy?" i asked in a semi-threating tone. The teachers steeled their emotions and readied their wands/staffs in battle. The students... No so much, well only two of them bravily stood up to fight me. The slut from yesterday and the blue-haired bookworm. "No answer?" with no one replying to his question, he then removes both ridewatches which turns him back to normal. "Very well. Miss Valiere!" the girl in question jerks up and looks at him in worry. "We need to have a chat, Siesta you can come too" and with that, the trio leave for a secluded area to talk in private.
"(huff, huff) That... Commoner! I swear i WILL have my REVENGE for him humiliating me, ME Guiche De Gramont. I swear he will pay. For it will be the last thing that i'll do!" unknown to him, a strange gray and purple ridewatch appear out of no where which lands right in front of him. "Hmm?" and to his shock and immediate surprise, the ridewatch floats up and plunges itself inside his body. "AHHHH!!!!" and with a painful scream, his whole body changes.
And thats basically it. Next chapter will have a explanation and Ryuto/Tony's first encounter with an another rider.