*Left apart...*
"..Hmmm... Are you sure?? You know my daughter is a bit.."
"Jésé, I really don't understand. I'm seriously trying. I'm really trying.. But I don't get you... I knew Rosé before you. I know she's far from being perfect. I know how ugly her past is. So, why give up on your child to take care of another...??"
"You won't understand..."
"What do you mea--"
"what she's trying to tell you is that there was hope elsewhere.. jésé rapidly realised that her first child, me, was bound to a fate of a murderer. she who wanted peace, got scared and ran away. she who wished for an earth without war couldn't even take care of a future killer. my mother is weak, princess. and her weakness will kill her sooner or later. thus, she found rosé. and since then, she took care of her.....hmm..looks like i talked a bit too much.. well, feels good to sort out your anger on people... anyway, i came down because you two seem disposable. a fucking sight... jésé, go find your daughter... and princess, i'll need you for something....."
i'm getting bored, not you?