
fleur et poison

*Somewhere in a Damaged New Yorx.*

"Miss Fiftieth told me to meet Lucy Verd's team. We are 'Fleur'. Assigned by Miss Fiftieth to obey her every orders. And I am the leader of this four women squad, Shame."

"Four funny looking woman. Why not?? We stand by the name of 'Poison'. Imma Arrow. I'm the leader.."

"Good. But I don't think we will go well together. Fishy-smelly women covered in black is our thing, you see."

"At least, we are right on one thing. I hate shitty virgin stuck up...."


"Flower and Poison. My Queen, isn't that??"

"The seeds I planted. They are not to the level of My Actual Team. But they will be enough for them. Don't you think??"

"...Indeed, my queen...."