The Man in the Dream

He saw a yellow ginkgo leaf fall into the pond with a snap. Several red-tailed koi rushed over to grab it, thinking it was fish food, but they soon realised it wasn't for their tummies. Disappointed at being tricked, they blew water bubbles and hovered around, seemingly reluctant to leave.

Gently, a slender, white hand deftly fishes the fallen leaves out of the water. The palm of that hand is light and thin, with long delicate fingers, clean and transparent nails, and light blue veins faintly showing under the fair skin, making one think that the hands of the beauties of the past who pick flowers, catch butterflies and do needlework are not as graceful as the hand that has just fished the fallen leaves out of the water; or, if this hand were to pick flowers, catch butterflies and do needlework, how tantalising it would be.

Yuan Ge is mesmerised by the scene before him. Separated by a pool of water and a mist, he cannot see clearly, but he knows exactly who the owner of the hands is.

The man turns his head, revealing a look even more forlorn than the autumn, his thin figure, set against the desolate garden, makes one's heart ache.

It is Rong Qing.

Sitting on a Taihu rock at the edge of the pond, he takes pity on the fish in the water being teased by a fallen leaf for no reason, picks up the fallen leaf from the water, and then scatters fish food for them to eat. All the fish in the water immediately gathers around to grab the rare treat.

The pond is not very large and there are far too many fish in it, flopping around as they fight for food, many pushed out of the water by their fellows and struggling to find gaps to re-enter. As far as the eye can see, the water is coloured red by the crowded schools of fish, as if they can all be caught in one net.

Such a thrilling scramble for food is no fun at all in Rong Qing's eyes. He doesn't want to see the usually graceful koi lose their dignity in their hungry state, so he quickly empties all the fish food from the pouch into the water. Just as he is watching the fish happily eating, he hears a languish voice coming from behind.

"Rong Qing, it's so early in the morning, why aren't you in bed instead of sneaking out to the pond to watch the fish?"

Yuan Ge doesn't know from whom these words come from, and he can only see that Rong Qing has turned his head towards the man at the sound of his voice and returned a light smile. There is a hint of reluctance and bitterness in that smile, while in his eyes, there is no obvious emotion, only a wisp of melancholy, like a pool of autumn water in front of him.

He is as indifferent and graceful as a chrysanthemum in the autumn breeze.

As if his soul has been taken away by this faint figure, a strong emotion rushes to Yuan Ge's heart, making him want to go forward to embrace that lonely figure.

However, a mist rises from the pond and obscures the image in front of him. When it's disappeared, he finds himself no longer in the garden, but standing inside a private room.

Yuan Ge has done a thorough research of the Rong Mansion before beginning filming, and he knows that this is the study suite in the Yi Qiu Garden called Yi Qiu Hall, which has a bedroom behind the main study. Through the window, one can also see the pond in the garden, and the large ginkgo tree by the water's edge with its luxuriant branches reaching down to the eaves, shading the house from sun and rain.

Unlike the actual place in reality which has fallen into disrepair over the years, the Yi Qiu Hall in front of him at the moment looks magnificent. The outer study is furnished with an upholstered daybed and a low table for the owner to sip tea while reading, while the inner bedroom is furnished with a mahogany bed covered with fine velvet sheets and an exquisitely embroidered silk quilt that appears to have been in use just moments ago. Fragrant smoke is emanating from an antique brass incense burner on the table, curling up in the air and lingering with a sense of indulgence.

Just when Yuan Ge is hesitating whether he should intrude into someone else's private space by mistake, he feels arms hugging him tightly from behind.

"You're finally here!"

Looking back, to his surprise, it is Rong Qing, elegant and simple in his moon white robe, looking at himself with a loving gaze. It is impossible to say whether it is joy or excitement, anger or melancholy in his beautiful eyes, but he can feel a fervent hope in the strength of his embrace.

In an instant, Yuan Ge feels this passionate embrace stirring up boundless desire in his body. His heart is filled with an unquenchable lust. In a trance, he hugs back Rong Qing somehow. Their lips and tongues eagerly seek each other's comfort, as if it matters not when, where or who, except to quell the aching desire in their hearts.

Bodies are entwined; whispers are soft.

He is so close to him that he could feel his breath and taste his sweetness. His peachy eyes, full of love and seduction, are gazing deeply into his own eyes and heart. His soft kisses are falling eagerly on his temple, his chin, his neck... that convey an indefinable sensation, sensual and ambiguous.