Chow's Choice

The next day, after a busy day of filming, the four founders of Dragon Dreams have gathered at a trendy bar by the Rong Mansion, all because Chow Mingrun was being secretive and insisted on asking everyone to meet together for a drink after work.

Yuan Ge was waiting for his Martini at the bar when he saw a man walking over to their table and tapped Chow Mingrun on the shoulder, "Hey, I've been looking all over for you. Why are you sitting so far out of the way in the back?"

He takes a closer look and recognises him to be Yin Fenghua, a pop singer still active on stage and the male lead Chow Mingrun has decided on for their film 'Qingqing'.

"Ah Hua, you're finally here." Chow Mingrun tilts his head upwards and reachs out to pinch his chin, "You look so hot! Why... you are dressed up just to meet me?"

Yin Fenghua pulls over a stool and squeezes himself next to Chow Mingrun, takes a sip of the gin and tonic Chow is drinking and says helplessly, "Just finished a gig, I'm dying of thirst. This was supposed to be a meet-and-greet reception. If they hadn't told me there was a photographer there to take some promo photos, I wouldn't have bothered to go! Fat Tom is a fucking slave driver, absolutely sucked us dry!"

"Tom Tang still has some contacts in showbiz. He's been helping you stay in the public eye all these years, maintaining a considerable popularity for you, it's not easy lah. I see you've even appeared in quite a few variety shows this year, not bad at all."

Yin Fenghua glances at him flirtatiously and says with a pouting smile, "It's all your fault. Had you hurried up and expanded Dragon Dreams into the pop music industry, I wouldn't have to stay with Fat Tom. I could come to join you in a heartbeat."

The two of them carried on talking to each other as if there was no one else around. After holding back for a while, Yuan Ge finally interjects, "Mr. Yin, you're really taking your time to come to join us. Our shooting schedule has been delayed for three weeks already because of your late arrival."

Hearing the unfriendly tone in Yuan Ge's words, Amélie hastily winked at him, trying to stop him from doing further damage.

"Yuan Ge, don't be such a killjoy. Our big star is here now, isn't he? He's got a very tight schedule these days. Let's all be a bit more understanding of each other, shall we?" Chow Mingrun looks at Yin Fenghua with an ingratiating smile on his face, "Come on, Ah Hua, let me introduce you to my capable partners - director Yuan Ge, producer Amélie Jiang and cameraman Du Jinghai; this, as you all know, is Tom Records' leading singer Yin Fenghua. "

Yin Fenghua stands up lazily, touches Amélie's hand lightly, greets Du Jinghai with a barely visible nod, and then turns to Yuan Ge, looks him up and down with a hint of frivolity, and says, "Brother Run has mentioned your name to me many times, I didn't expect you to be so young and handsome in person! Oh and, I've been working in the pop music industry for many years, but I've never made a movie before. It's an honour for me to work with Director Yuan this time. I welcome your guidance." Then he extends his hand to shake.

Yuan Ge feels that his hands seem to be coated with something like a moisturiser, slippery and greasy. Looking at him again, he is wearing a scarlet transparent top with a large collar and matching shiny patent leather tights. His face is indeed quite pretty, except that, taken as a whole, he looks slouchy and slutty.