Physiological Errors

Yin Fenghua rearranges his costume and by the time the Camera signal goes off again, he is already lying down on the chaise longue as if asleep. Stephen also actively cooperates. As Liang Zitang fumbles to undo Qiuchen's top, Qiuchen's performance reflects a change from panic to submission. He eventually stops struggling and allows Liang Zitang to kiss and caress him, a low moan escaping his lips…

But as Liang Zitang gets deeper into his action, the low moans suddenly changes tone, filled with a surprisingly sugary sweetness of being pleasured, causing a few young crew members behind Yuan Ge to burst into laughter before hastily covering their mouths to force themselves to hold it in, while Stephen rolls over and get off Yin Fenghua, looking at Yuan Ge with an embarrassed look.


Yuan Ge walks up to Stephen and asks him what is wrong. Stephen blushes but wouldn't say why, just keeps saying sorry to Yuan Ge.

Reclining in his chaise longue, Yin Fenghua puts his hands behind his head and says lazily, "It's not my fault this time. He was way too nervous. After all, he hasn't done any professional acting training. A student with limited life experience, especially not enough experience with love and sex."

"Liang Zitang's food, clothing and accommodation, as well as offerings to his teachers and bribes to officials in the capital, are all provided by Rong Qing. This state of having no strength of one's own but greedily wanting to possess Qiuchen's beauty is very well interpreted by Stephen. It is exactly this mixed feeling of trepidation and greed."

When Yin Fenghua sees Yuan Ge defending Stephen, he mutters discontentedly, "Who wants to watch an amateur performance..."

When Stephen hears Yin Fenghua has put all the blame on himself, he feels so wronged that he finally tells the truth.

"Director, it was that… that just now Mr. Yin, when he was underneath me, he tried to undo my pants… and that's why I jumped off!"

Before Yuan Ge could respond, Yin Fenghua jumps in and says, "That's because you weren't acting right, and I was just helping you correct your performance. Why are you making such a fuss about it?" He then turns to Yuan Ge and whispers ambiguously, "Director Yuan, he doesn't know, but you should know, right? If even the body position is not right, then this bed scene will look too fake. If we keep making the film this way, it's an insult to the audience's intelligence! You're a serious director and you wouldn't tolerate such physiological errors of common sense in your work, would you?"

"Physiological errors of common sense..." Yuan Ge's face turns gloomy. He instinctively feels that it is inappropriate for Yin Fenghua to talk like this in front of the crew, especially in front of many young women, so he whispers to him, "Mr. Yin, our actors and some on-set assistants are the same age as college freshmen and sophomores, so there are some things that are not appropriate to speak so explicitly..."

"Hahahaha, Yuan Ge, you're overthinking it! Don't be so naïve! Kids nowadays are much more open when it comes to sex than in my time. There are basically no virgins left in high schools. For the sake of becoming an overnight sensation, there's nothing young actors are afraid to act. Believe me, they're all veterans, nothing is too explicit."

Stephen blushes at his words and retorts, "Don't be ridiculous! What veterans! I… I haven't had..."

Yin Fenghua laughs even more at his words, "That's why I'm teaching you. First, you have to know how a man does it with another man. If you don't get the position right, how are you going to make your next move? Then you'll definitely make a fool of yourself!"

Yuan Ge knows that the young actors in Dragon Dreams are all quite innocent, especially Stephen, who looks tall and big, but is still just a boy with a warm heart. He doesn't want an industry veteran like Yin Fenghua to lead him astray, so he says, "Mr. Yin, male-male romance is still a taboo area and not widely accepted. Although our film deals with this theme, it aims to emphasise love regardless of gender, rather than focusing on the physical desire."

"Director Yuan, I didn't expect you to be so conservative at your age. How funny is that! You take everything so seriously, and you're always stressing on getting things done to perfection, so how come you have double standards now?"

Yin Fenghua seized a rare opportunity to defend himself in front of everyone, "When I was acting, I had to start all over again with every little flaw, but your own actors can just let go? How can you lead a crew like this? Where is the fairness?"

"I'm only concerned with the quality of the film itself. It's the performances I'm talking about, not the people, so how is that unfair?"

It is hard to tell whether Yin Fenghua's attitude is sarcastic or seductive as he says to Yuan Ge tauntingly, "Anyway, this is just a kind reminder. It wouldn't be good if this film becomes a laughing stock once people in the gay community sees it. If you don't know the correct body position or posture, you can ask me for advice. Since we're going to sacrifice ourselves to art, why don't we find a chance to work on it tonight?"