Innocent Seduction

Such being the case, Yuan Ge did not bother to retort. With his eyes closed, he adjusted his thoughts and emotions to get into character. When he opens his eyes again, they are like trembling clear springs overflowing with affection that seem to reach deep into one's soul; the slightly curled body, the rapid breathing, the lips that quivered uneasily, all show the innocence of a virgin and the fear of unfamiliar lust. His holding of Liang Zitang's hand, wanting to push it away but unable to let go completely, accurately expresses Qiuchen's conflicted feelings at the moment.

Yin Fenghua lets out a silent gasp of astonishment. Damn, this kid can act! Why be a director? He's a genius actor! Compared to that, his own acting just now was indeed elementary. This is what's called an advanced level of seduction - "innocent and seductive", as the popular saying goes. A paradoxical combination, but he did it!

Under the disguise of the character in the play, he lifts Yuan Ge's chin with one hand, greedily enjoying the emotions conveyed in those eyes. Yin Fenghua finds himself actually being seduced - those eyes are so alluring, conveying the affection and attachment of first love; and a purity that makes one want to possess and destroy immediately.

To see a white dress defiled and a beautiful person humiliated, this kind of evil lust probably lurks deep inside everyone's heart, and Yuan Ge is indeed a demon who is good at figuring out people's deepest desires, otherwise he wouldn't be able to perform these feelings with such precision. In contrast, he indeed doesn't have such ability or acting skills.

But it is one thing to admit it in one's heart and another to admit it in public. He is the one who had challenged him, so how can he admit in front of so many people that he is inferior to a junior?

As these thoughts go through his mind, Yin Fenghua unceremoniously leans down and tries to kiss that "innocent and seductive" face, groping around with both hands wildly in an attempt to show the eagerness of Liang Zitang's burning lust. He is a little amused and feeling smug when he hears the the crew being stunned into silence by the passionate demonstration of the sex scene between him and their director.

If they are so absorbed in the daring performance, then they won't have time to think about who is good or who is bad in terms of acting, will they? Since I am now showing Stephen how to play Liang Zitang, it is the lustful scholar in the play who is acting indecently - so why not indulge a little in his disguise? What's more - Yuan Ge, you still don't want to admit that you're gay? If you can act out this kind of seduction, I don't think you need to pretend any longer!

"The demonstration has served its purpose. Now stop it."

Feeling Yin Fenghua pressed firmly against him, not caring about the stares of those around him and showing no signs of reining in, Yuan Ge frowns and turns his head to avoid his kiss.

But Yin Fenghua does not relent, and while fully displaying the eagerness of a man possessed by lust, he whispers in his ear, "What are you afraid of? Let's go all the way. You can act with Brother Run, but why are you so shy in front of me?"

"What are you doing! The film doesn't need a scene like this! I'm just showing you what Qiuchen is supposed to feel like at your request. it's done now, so get off me!"

Yin Fenghua looks at the anger in Yuan Ge's eyes and for some reason feels a sense of pleasure in bullying him, so he reaches out and gives his tight buttocks a good squeeze. Seeing his cheeks turn red, he feels much amused, so he touches his private parts flirtatiously as well.

"Let go of me!" Yuan Ge no longer cares about the gazes of the people on the set, gets out of Yin Fenghua's hold with both hands and feet, rolls off the chaise longue and gets back on his feet, his eyes burning with anger, "Yin Fenghua! You are the leading man in the cast, yet not only are you not dedicated to your work, you also have no respect for your colleagues! Do you deserve to be treated as a senior by the whole crew?!"

When Yin Fenghua sees how angry Yuan Ge becomes, his initial flirtation quickly turns into confrontation.

"Am I not dedicated to my work? The amateur you got here had no idea how to act out the right kind of lust, and I'm showing him how to do it out of dedication to my job, so how is that being disrespectful? Let me ask you, do you really know how two men go to bed? Isn't kissing and fondling the right kind of foreplay? How can an actor claim to be a professional when he squirms even at such an elementary level of performance?"

"What this film is meant to show is not a physical relationship. The love that Qiuchen pursues is a love based on equality and respect, a resonance in the spiritual realm."

"Equality? Respect? If you wanna respect, then stay as friends, end of story! Why bother becoming lovers? Since it's love, there must be lust. And who's the top and who's the bottom, can you please be clear when you make up this story? The script is so vague, with so much umming and arring, that the actors don't know how to act at all!"

"What top and bottom, don't you apply this kind of narrow-minded definition of today! Qiuchen has none of these thoughts in his mind. He thinks that Liang Zitang doesn't care about social status and gives him absolute respect and genuine love, which in the eyes of a Qing Dynasty opera singer is a true luxury worth fighting for!"

"Yuan Ge, are you saying you're making a gay film without knowing anything about gay? If that's the case, let's just stop making it right now! Otherwise, even it's made it's going to be so pedestrian that will make the gay community laugh! Gay relationships are not as idealistic as you might think. There are a lot of people in the arty circle who are gay - who wants to see your imaginary and glorified unrealistic same sex relationships? Brother Run said that you know what you are doing, and your previous gay film won an international award, that's why I was willing to come join your little no-name crew. If I knew you were such an amateur, I wouldn't have taken the role! Even if you had the nerve to direct, I'd be too embarrassed to act. It's a bloody disgrace to be seen in it!"

"Yin Fenghua, if you're really afraid of being embarrassed, then stop talking nonsense here. Forbidden emotions are not something that superficial people can understand. It is because of too many of narrow-minded perceptions like yours that homosexuality is so misunderstood by the world!"

"I'm superficial? At least I have the fucking guts to admit that I'm a gay, unlike you, so provocative that even a straight man can be bent into a gay with that kind of look in your eyes, and yet you're still pretending you are straight and don't have the balls to admit you're gay! If you ask me, you are the same kind of bitch as that Rong Qiuchen in this movie - born with a slutty face, just asking to be fucked!"