The Talented Brother Puppet, Fish Tank and Vegetable Garden

When Rong Qiuchen returns to the large modern kitchen on the ground floor, Yuan Ge has already put the lunch on the table - Italian tortellini with fried sea bass, but Rong Qiuchen is completely indifferent to the food, instead he curiously surveys the kitchen, especially the tall wine fridge.

"Is it so unusual? That is just for wine and drinks." Yuan Ge explains and pulls open the built-in fridge, "This is the fridge for fresh ingredients, similar to the 'ice box' used in ancient times. If you want to eat anything, just help yourself, or you can ask Vivi to get it for you."

Just then, the little robot that has finished cleaning the upstairs bathroom buzzed down the track by the stairs.

"It usually comes back to this floor automatically to recharge when there is nothing else to do. Most of the housework is happening in the kitchen, so it's quite nice to have it around to help with cooking or just for a chat."