Ride Your Dreams Forward, With Songs Along the Way

Seeing Rong Qiuchen's teary face at the end of the film, Yuan Ge tries to console him, "I don't know how many times I've seen this movie already and I've been moved by it every time. I can't believe I watched it again with you today."

"I never imagined that after the fall of the Qing Dynasty and up to the present day, China has undergone so many changes. The fate of man is like dust, flowing with the waves of time. How can we fight against the years and the world? …"

"What can stir the obsession in a person's heart to not give in before fate and not give up so easily in the face of life and death … Probably only art and love can do that."

Rong Qiuchen nods in deep agreement at his words, and then asks, as if suddenly remembering something, "May I ask who was the actor who played Dieyi in the film? With his talent, he must have been a famous actor of his time, right?"