This Is No Ordinary Toy Shop

Rong Qiu Chen and Yuan Ge gently pushed open the door and walked into the tiny toy shop. Instantly, it is like they have crossed over from the noisy New Year's Eve market to a quiet and mysterious "other world". The shop is only about 20 square metres and the aisle is so narrow that it is almost impossible to turn around. At the far end of the shop there is a small counter, behind which sits a young man with his head down, concentrating on something in hand. He didn't even raise his eyes when they entered the shop, let alone greet them.

There are no other customers in the shop, which raises serious questions about the wisdom of the owner's choice of location. Although the shop is not far from the pedestrianised streets of the city centre, it is located in such a quiet alleyway that it is unlikely to be frequented by tourists and passers-by other than regular customers.