C2 Accident

After leaving the district, Ning Qianyu's eyes glimmered with watery tears and she felt as if whole world was about to crumble. She sobbed and tears flowed down her cheeks like the waters rushing down from a waterfall and the only time she would stop was to gasp for air.

She was raised by a single mother and both of them depended on each other to survive all these years. After graduating from medical school, that was when she met Mu Jinbo. In the beginning, her mother did not agree with their relationship, saying that the status gap between them was too big and it would become a problem between them in the future. However, Ning Qianyu refused to listen and even broke off the relationship with her mother just to be with Mu Jinbo. For the past three years, she had rarely went back to her mother's place.

They had even decided the date of their engagement and were waiting for their leave at end of the year until both of them got engaged. In the end, she found out that Mu Jinbo had cheated on her with her best friend.

"Your fiance cheated on you with your best friend and betrayed you. Ning Qianyu, your entire life is a tragedy!"

Ning Qianyu chuckled softly as tears streaming down her face. She then slapped her own face, feeling the pain burning on her face, yet it could not conceal the pain in her heart, being betrayed by her two loved ones.

Suddenly, there was the sound of an emergency brake. Ning Qianyu, who was on the road, lifted her head and vaguely saw a car charging towards her. Immediately, she felt her entire body went numb as if all the energy in her body had been drained away, causing her not to have the strength to dodge.


She faintly heard someone calling her name. Who was it?

She only felt a sharp pain from her right arm before she fell into unconsciousness.

Ning Qianyu only felt pain all over her body, but not as hurt as the pain on her right hand. She wanted to open her eyes, but the only thing she saw was a white room with a white veil, suddenly an unfamiliar face appeared before her, "Miss, you're awake? You've been unconscious for a day."

Only then did Ning Qianyu realized that she was lying in the ward, and the one who was talking to her was the nurse.

She remembered that after she ran out of Haoyuan Community and was hit by a car. Who sent her to the hospital? When she was hit by the car, she seemed to hear someone calling her name. Was it Mu Jinbo? Ning Qianyu tried to prop herself up with her hands, but only felt a sharp pain in her right hand. "Ouch!"

"Miss, stop moving. You've broken your right arm and just came out of the operation room." The nurse ran over in shock to stop Ning Qianyu.

Her right hand was broken? Hands are the most important thing is to a surgeon. Staring at the bandages on her right hand, Ning Qianyu felt like she had fallen into the black hole, her world had filled with only darkness.

Seeing that Ning Qianyu did not say a word, the nurse left the ward after making sure that Ning Qianyu's hands were all right.

Ning Qianyu only came back to her senses when her cell phone rang.

Ning Qianyu picked up her cell phone and realized that it was a call from the hospital.

"Ning Qianyu, because of a mistake you did in the surgery, your patient had suffered from severe complications after the surgery, which eventually resulted in his death… The hospital has decided to revoke your medical license and dismiss you as a doctor. Please come here as soon as possible to complete the procedure of resignation and to compensate the patients' families."

Ning Qianyu was petrified as she heard about the incident. After hearing that, her body was trembling uncontrollably.

There were many kinds of postoperative complications. Although it was rare to cause death due to complications, it was not impossible too. However, normally, there would be no problem after explaining it properly to the family, or the hospital would be responsible for it. But now, the hospital was pushing all the responsibility onto her? Letting her take full responsibility for it? And wanted her to compensate the deceased's family?

Ning Qianyu felt as if she had fallen into an thaw hole, even forgetting how she hung up the phone.

Ning Qianyu remained silent all day, until dinner time, when the nurse brought her dinner.

"Miss Ning, it's time for dinner!" The nurse pushed out the little tray table, placed it on the bed and put the the food on it.

Ning Qianyu glanced at the plate. A private luxurious ward with specialized nurse care. Was Mu Jinbo the one who arranged it?

"Nurse, I'd like to transfer to an ordinary ward, sorry to trouble you!"

"What?" The nurse stared strangely at Ning Qianyu, "Miss Ning, your ward is arranged by the authorities. I have no right to transfer you."

"Then I'd like to discharged from hospital!" She did not want to have anything to do with Mu Jinbo anymore.

"Miss Ning, let me ask for you," At last the nurse finally gave in.

Ning Qianyu leaned against the bed and gazed out of the window. The twilight was dim, the sun was blood-red, and the sunset looked as if it was not willing to leave, looking much like the desperation of a dying person, just like her.

On the same day, she caught her fiance having sex with her best friend, her medical license being revoked for making a mistake while conducting surgery, and broke the arm that she used to hold the scalpel...

There was a faint sound coming from the VIP ward next to Ning Qianyu's ward.

"Young Master Chen, Miss Ning insisted on moving out of the VIP ward and insisted on paying her own hospitalization fees."

"Let her be."

"Yes, understood."

However, before Ning Qianyu could move out of the VIP ward, her cell phone rang again. Seeing that it was her mother calling, Ning Qianyu startled and her fingertips trembled as she answered the call. "Hello, Mom."

"Qianyu, I'm Aunt Wang from the next door. Your mother had a heart attack and was sent to the Shi San Hospital for rescue…"