C39 Stealthily Changing the Sheets

Ye Xi nodded and hurriedly left. If he did not leave now, he might have gotten killed by Young Master Chen's cold laser gaze.

Mu Shengchen asked as he moved his wheelchair into the kitchen.

"What did Ye Xi say to you?"

Ning Qianyu did not expect Mu Shengchen to come over to ask her this, feeling slightly disappointed, but she still answered, "He said he would come to pick me up to the research institute tomorrow."

Speaking of the research institute made Mu Shengchen remembered that if Ning Qianyu went go the enrolment, most of the time she would not be home, causing him to suddenly regret his decision on helping her to get into the research institute.

Ning Qianyu continued to cook as if she had forgotten about Mu Shengchen, making Mu Shengchen slightly pissed. Was she that unwilling to talk to him? Tried to flee from him this morning and now she was ignoring him.

Mu Shengchen's cold eyes twinkled. If he did not take that step last night, perhaps he would still follow her wishes. However, since he had already taken that step, he would tie her up and keep her by his side.

She could only be Mu Shengchen's!

Ning Qianyu did not know about Mu Shengchen's thoughts. She turned around and saw that Mu Shengchen was still at his position, thinking that he was hungry, then immediately said, "The rice might need more time to cook before it's ready to be eaten."

"Alright," Mu Shengchen replied coldly, turned around and left the kitchen.

Ning Qianyu retracted her disappointed gaze and continued cooking.

As usual, Ning Qianyu ate quietly together with him, but this time she felt difficult to swallow her food.

After the meal, Ning Qianyu got up and get ready to clean up the dishes, but Mu Shengchen called out to her.

"Let me see how's your foot."

"Huh?" Ning Qianyu took a few steps backward as she recalled what had happened, causing her face to blush.

"I-I'm fine now."

"Come here," Mu Shengchen's handsome face sunk as it darkened.

"It's recovered," After saying that, Ning Qianyu went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Do you want a trash like me to go over?" Just as she carried the plate into the kitchen, Mu Shengchen's calm voice sounded behind her.

Ning Qianyu closed her eyes, lowered her shoulders, and walked at an extremely slow pace to sit across from him.

When she heard him call himself a trash, her heart softened.

Looking at Ning Qianyu lowered her head, Mu Shengchen lifted the corner of his lips into a faint smile.

He leaned over and lifted Ning Qianyu's right foot onto his thigh, took out the ointment that Ye Xi specifically sent over, and smeared the cool ointment on Ning Qianyu's foot.

His movements were so gentle that Ning Qianyu could only feel slightly numb with a hint of pain.

On the contrary, his gentleness made her rosy cheeks blushed.

She could feel his gentle massage on the back of her foot with his warm palm.

The wind was blowing through the trees outside the window, and the dining room was filled with warmth.

After Mu Shengchen applied the ointment, Ning Qianyu lowered her head and was about to withdraw her foot, "I'll go wash the dishes," However, Mu Shengchen grabbed on her leg.

With her foot in Mu Shengchen's hands, Ning Qianyu blushed even more. She raised her head and stared at Mu Shengchen with question marks on her face, and just happened to bump into Mu Shengchen's star-like eyes.

"It wasn't an accident last night," The man's low and hoarse voice sounded beside Ning Qianyu's ear.

Then he let go of her foot and steered the wheelchair away.

The friction sound of the wheelchair gradually faded away. Mu Shengchen's words kept on echoing in Ning Qianyu's mind, "Last night was not an accident," What did he mean?

Ning Qianyu was washing the dishes in the kitchen while thinking about what Mu Shengchen meant.

In the afternoon, Ning Qianyu went to the hospital to visit her mother. And when she came out of the hospital, she suddenly remembered that Mu Shengchen's bedsheets were already dirty, so she headed straight to the shopping mall.

After searching for some time, she still could not find a similar bed sheets to Mu Shengchen's.

Ning Qianyu had no choice but to ask the shop assistant, "Miss, do you have the bed sheets with VERSI's logo on?"

The shop assistant sized up at Ning Qianyu and said, "Miss, are you talking about the international brand, Visha? You'll need to go to a Visha store to purchase it."

"Visha? Oh! Alright!" Ning Qianyu came out of the mall then searching around the city for a long time before she finally found a similar bed sheet in Visha's store.

After purchasing the bed sheets, she took the bus home.

And after entering the apartment, she sneaked into Mu Shengchen's room, lifting up the blanket. Ning Qianyu's face instantly flushed when she saw the bright red blood smeared all over the bed cover.

A sound sounded from the outside. Ning Qianyu quickly pulled up the bedsheet and took out the new one from the bag. However, she was not able the change it in time.

Mu Shengchen had already came into the room in his wheelchair, and a teasing voice sounded behind Ning Qianyu, "Now that you're here to destroy the evidence, isn't it a bit late?"

When he saw her sneaking into the room from the study room, he never thought she was here to change the bedsheet.

Ning Qianyu turned around and saw Mu Shengchen sitting in a wheelchair with his arms crossed. His gaze fell on the bedsheet in her hands with a teasing face.

Ning Qianyu looked slightly embarrassed as she stammered, "Let me change it."

Mu Shengchen raised his eyebrows, yet remained silent. Ning Qianyu turned around and laid the new bed sheet on, smoothing it out bit by bit. Just as she was about to take out the bed sheet to wash, Mu Shengchen suddenly hugged her from behind.

"Leave it aside for today," Mu Shengchen's voice seemed to possess a bewitching charm. Ning Qianyu's body trembled and the bedsheet in her hands fell to the ground.

Mu Shengchen smirked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pull Ning Qianyu around, facing him.

Mu Shengchen got closer and closer, the distance between them was so close that she could felt the warmth of his breath touching her facing, making Ning Qianyu felt like her heart was about to pound of her chest.

Her body went limp and fell onto the bed.

Mu Shengchen stood up and before Ning Qianyu could react, he had already pinned Ning Qianyu down on the bed, covering her with his muscular body, staring down from the above.

"Chen…" Ning Qianyu's eyes were dazed as she looked at the man before her. Slowly, she reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The scene gradually became out of control. The night was still young, they still had plenty of time...