C47 I'll Keep You

When Ning Qianyu arrived at the autopsy room, Professor Mo Yan was already giving a lecture.

Hearing the knock on the door, he turned his head to look at Ning Qianyu. When he noticed that Ning Qianyu was the woman he had met outside the dean's office that day, causing him to be slightly startled before asking, "It's you?"

Ning Qianyu said embarrassedly, "Sorry, Professor Mo Yan, I'm late."

She was his student? Why didn't he know? Mo Yan nodded.

The moment Ning Qianyu walked in, Faang Zijian waved at her, "Miss Ning, here!"

The girl next to Fang Zijian frowned and moved away from the seat.

Mo Yan continued to give his lecture about anatomy, also getting even more interested in Ning Qianyu.

It was rare for a female to study neurosurgery. On one hand, they could not bear the boredom of this subject, and on the other hand, females normally would not choose such a difficult subject. Even if there were females, it would probably be their minor, while Ning Qianyu seemed to be majoring in neurosurgery.

Ning Qianyu's seriousness and her familiarity with every step of dissecting had made him looked at her with new eyes.

"Next, I'd like to invite a student to come in front to give a demonstration," Mo Yan suddenly stopped what he was doing.

His gaze swept across the classroom before finally landed on Ning Qianyu. He then pointed at her and said, "Let's invite this student to come forward."

Ning Qianyu's head was lowered as she stared at the notes on the notebook. She did not notice that Professor Mo Yan had chosen her to give a demonstration.

Fang Zijian, who was beside her, slightly pushed Ning Qianyu, "Miss Ning, Professor Mo wants you to go up and demonstrate."

"Huh?" Ning Qianyu lifted her head in shock and pointed at herself. "Me?"

Mo Yan smile gently at her, "Student, please come forward and give a demonstration."

Ning Qianyu hesitated for a moment before walking to the podium.

Mo Yan stood in front of the dissecting table and looked at Ning Qianyu with high anticipation.

He was certain that this student would give him a pleasant surprise, and he had been looking forward to it too.

Staring at the scalpel on the dissecting table, Ning Qianyu lifted her right hand hesitantly, kept telling herself, Ning Qianyu, you can do it, you can do it! However, her trembling right hand seemed to be mocking Ning Qianyu's cowardice.

Ning Qianyu struggled for a long time before she lowered her right hand and stood with her head bowed in front of Mo Yan, "I'm sorry, Professor Mo Yan. I don't know how to dissect."

Mo Yan's eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses were filled with doubt. She clearly knew how to dissect, so why did she lie? Her hand!

Mo Yan had a sharp-eyes, immediately, he noticed Ning Qianyu's problem, "It's fine, you may leave."

After Ning Qianyu went down the podium, Mo Yan called another student to give the other students a demonstration.

After the meeting, Ye Xi walked into the office while holding a pile of documents with a bitter face, "Young Master Chen, aren't you going to meet your employees?"

Originally, Ye Xi was overjoyed that Young Master Chen came with him to the company, thinking that Young Master Chen finally decided to take over the subsidiary company by himself. However, he never expected Young Master Chen to directly sit in his office without even going into the conference room.

Mu Shengchen raised his eyebrows and lightly said, "Mine? Isn't it yours?"

Ye Xi was exasperated, "Young Master Chen, this company's name is Mu, your last name."

"Isn't the Deputy CEO name Ye too?" Mu Shengchen said calmly.

Ye Xi twitched his face and handed the documents over.

"Young Master Chen, please sign these documents."

"It's time to pick her up," What Mu Shengchen meant was that he did not have time to sign the documents.

Ye Xi's expression turned displeased as he wailed, "Young Master Chen, I'll go pick up Young Mistress. Can you please sign these documents first?"

"No," However, he did not expect Mu Shengchen to directly reject him.

Young Master Chen, do you have to be so willful? Or should he said, Young Master Chen, you had now started a family, could you stop being so willful?

But under Mu Shengchen's gaze, how could Ye Xi dare to refute?

He, as an assistant, not only had to manage a company for Young Master Chen, but he also had to attend all the meetings for him. Nonetheless, he would have to be his driver too.

The only thing that left was Young Master Chen had yet to put the company under Ye Xi's name. He really did not know whether it was a good thing to be trusted by his boss that much.

Mu Shengchen lifted his eyes and stared at the clock hanging on the wall, completely ignoring Ye Xi's bitter face. Mu Shengchen swept the dust on his shoulder and controlled his wheelchair out of the office, Ye Xi had no choice but to followed him helplessly.

Ning Qianyu was daydreaming through out the whole lesson and only came back to her senses after Fang Zijian had reminded her.

"Miss Ning, the class has ended. Are you still not leaving?"

"Hmm?" Ning Qianyu nodded, picked up her bag and walked out of the class.

Fang Zijian quickly chased after her, "Where does Miss Ning stay? I'll drive you home."

Ning Qianyu stopped and smile gently at Fang Zijian.

"No need," With that, Ning Qianyu quickly walked toward the institute's gate.

"Hey, Miss Ning, you…" Faang Zijian chased after her and saw an Audi parked beside Ning Qianyu.

Ning Qianyu get on to the Audi and left.

Fang Zijian watched the Audi disappear from his sight and clenched his fists tightly.

He did not expect Miss Ning, who was so innocent, to be a gold digger who needed a sugar daddy.

His eyes flashed viciously, throwing his schoolbag down on the floor, stamping on it a few times, and stormed back to the institute.

After returning to the apartment, Mu Shengchen entered the study. When Ning Qianyu went back to her room to change clothes and opened her bag to pack, she saw the contract that the Old Madam Mu gave her previously.

How could she bear to see her man suffer? It had no different than gouging out her heart. Let's see what he thought first. Ning Qianyu sighed and put the documents back in her bag, got up, and left the room.

Mu Shengchen was sitting in the study room looking up information. When he heard a knock on the door, he then lifted his head from his computer and said, "Come in."

Ning Qianyu was feeling a little uneasy, standing at the door and asked, "Chen, are you busy?"

"No," Mu Shengchen turned off the computer and waved at Ning Qianyu.

She only walked in from outside and then stood in front of Mu Shengchen's desk while Mu Shengchen was leaning lazily on the chair and stretched out his hand towards Ning Qianyu.

Ning Qianyu put her right hand into Mu Shengchen's palm and walked towards him, allowing him to hold her hand, "Chen?"

Mu Shengchen's eyes twinkled as if he was waiting for her to speak.

Ning Qianyu's expression was slightly cautious, "Chen, are you tired from work?"

"I'm not tired. I didn't have a job anyway, Ye Xi was the one who picks up some cases for me to check at home. With the economic recession, I can't even afford to financially support my wife anymore," Mu Shengchen winked and replied jokingly.

"Then you can count on me," Ning Qianyu walked behind Mu Shengchen and gently massaged his neck.

"How could a man let his wife financially support him?" Mu Shengchen's gaze turned exceptionally dark. To other ordinary people, they could just talk about this casually, but he knew that the woman in front of him was not one of them. She really did not mind him being a cripple, did not care if he was rich or not, and even wanted to financially support him.

Although he sounded calm, yet his heart was aching as if it was piercing by thousands of needles.

"I don't want you to work too hard," She noticed that Ye Xi sent many cases to Mu Shengchen every day.

"It won't be hard if I have you with me." Mu Shengchen lifted his hand to hold Ning Qianyu's hand that was massaging his shoulder, pulled her close to his chest, and let her leaned on his chest as he chuckled.

This woman believed in everything he said. Had she never looked through the documents in his office? Such a silly girl.

Ning Qianyu's heart ached when she heard Mu Shengchen replied so casually. Originally, he should have been the successful businessman and the center of attention in City A. Yet, he would need to pick up such tiring cases now, how many grievances had he suffered?

"Then…" Ning Qianyu wanted to tell him about the sales manager's contract of Mu's Group, but in the end, she swallowed her words. No, she couldn't do it.

Tears filled Ning Qianyu's eyes as she tightly hugged the man in front of her.

Knowing Ning Qianyu's struggle, Mu Shengchen's heart ached as well. Thinking that she had struggled so long to tell him that because she cares about him a lot. He thought to himself in such selfishness that, although he felt heartache, he forced himself not to expose her.

Ning Qianyu raised her head with a bashful expression, "Kiss me."

The first time she asked for a kiss, looking slightly perturbed and uneasy.

Mu Shengchen smiled from ear to ear, face was filled with ridicule, "It won't be merely just a kiss."

Ning Qianyu was stunned and when she came back to her senses, trying to escape, Mu Shengchen had already put his arms around her waist.

"It's too late," Mu Shengchen gave out an evil laugh from his throat.

Then, he slowly pressed his lips against hers. At first, he only wanted to taste it, but the woman in his arms was too seductive, causing Mu Shengchen refused to let her go.

A deep kiss ended up unstoppable...