C57 You Can Choose Anything You Want

Manager Lin was the manager of Wanda Plaza. As soon as he heard what had happened from both sides, his face turned dark. Although he knew who was really in the wrong, it wasn't as if he could berate the staff at Valentino for discriminating against them–not when there were so many people. The best he could do was to try and appease the man quietly.

"Good morning, Sir, I'm Lin Tian the manager of Wanda Plaza. We are being headed under Shengxiang Group," he said kindly, trying to suppress his nervousness. "If you have any complaints, you can easily file a report against Valentino privately. We shouldn't cause any scuffle, wouldn't you agree?"

Mu Shengchen gazed at him indifferently before turning to the other side of the room.

"I–Sir..." Seeing as the man was ignoring him, Lin Tian's forehead broke into a cold sweat. Why did he even have this job in the first place?

Right then, Yan Rui had already arrived. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he rolled up his sleeves, obviously exhausted after the long sprint. 'Just in time,' he thought, upon seeing the way they were facing off.

"Y–Young Master," he panted out.

"You're finally here."

Yan Rui didn't have to be a psychological expert to know that Mu Shengchen was furious. In fact, he was even angrier than the last time he had seen him back at the study.

Whatever had gone on between him and the manager–it was serious. He cringed away from the man's glare, before glancing at Ning Qianyu. She seemed to be silent this entire time. Although he could see that her hand was placed on Mu Shengchen's shoulder as if trying to hold him back.

"Madame is–"

"The manager stated that we aren't allowed to touch the clothes on the mannequin because we couldn't afford to pay them

Yan Rui furrowed his eyebrows. The salesperson refused to let the Young Mistress touch any of their clothes? Do they even know that Wanda Plaza was under Young Master Chen's company? Not only did they embarrass them, but they had also looked down on them.

"Manager Lin, are you saying that you wouldn't let her touch the clothes in the shop? Is that it?"

"I...Vice President..." Recognizing who he was, Manager Lin staggered backward.

He had planned on using the name of Shengxiang Group to get them to back off, but who would've thought that they know the boss himself? Resisting the urge to shudder, he stared up at them. "I could explain–"

"If you can't give me a proper explanation, then smash the fucking shop down!" Yan Rui said through gritted teeth. "Since you wouldn't let anyone touch the clothes in that shop, then why bother opening the shop in the first place? Smash the windows and close them down! Now!"

Yan Rui clenched his fists. How the hell did they manage to humiliate Young Madame? Not only had they manage to do that, but they even made Young Master furious. Fuck, they're a bunch of idiots. "Have you ever heard of the saying to never judge a book by its cover?" he muttered, annoyed.

"I...Of course, right away, Sir." Manager Lin didn't have to be ordered twice.

Within seconds, he had already found someone to smash Valentino's windows. It didn't take them a few minutes till the shop was closed down for good. Screams were heard all over the vicinity.

The surrounding onlookers were all sighing and shaking their heads in shame. The salespeople were all clutching their heads and crying from the sudden closing. Mu Shengchen, however, looked unbothered by the sight.

Yan Rui stared at the closed-down shop with his arms crossed. "Let them open another shop here, and I'll ask you to smash their windows again–got it?"

"Yes, Sir."

After all, who would dare refute him?

While Valentino was an international brand, Shengxiang Group is China's biggest business tycoon. And they were in China. If they couldn't follow the rules that they've set, then they might as well be kicked out.

As long as they've given order, then it would be impossible for Valentino to enter City A–or in any city for that matter.

On this day, the shop had not only lost its revenues, but it had also lost its Chinese market. Mu Shengchen smirked at the thought. Everyone should know that he'd do anything to protect those close to him.

"Young Master, is this okay?" Yan Rui turned with a smile.

The young man simply pursed his lips and didn't say a word in reply. Helpless, Yan Rui turned to Ning Qianyu instead. "Madame?" he prompted.

"I..." She blinked, still in shock that Yan Rui had ordered someone to smash a store down–just because they wouldn't serve them. As soon as she heard his question, Mu Shengchen immediately pulled her away, asking her to pick more clothes. "I...It's okay."

"Damn, he really does love her," Yan Rui murmured in his heart.

"Shengchen?" Ning Qianyu asked uneasily. "Wouldn't it make things difficult for President Yan if you make a bigger fuss over this?"

He shrugged in reply. "He has plenty of time. It's fine to make things difficult for him every once in a while."

Every once in a while? Yan Rui froze.

"Don't you know how busy I am?" Yan Rui grumbled as he stood in front of the Valentino doorway, out of earshot from the couple. "The headquarters is still waiting for me to head back for a meeting, but no, I have to settle this for you." However, seeing as he couldn't do anything, he simply followed right behind them–with his head bowed low and his arms crossed over his chest.

"What brands do you like? I've never seen the brand on your clothes before." She peered.

Even if she had looked for them, she wouldn't be able to find a specific brand. After all, all of Mu Shengchen's clothes were custom-made from Italy. As such, they were probably more expensive than anything here.

"There are plenty of shops in Wanda Plaza," he said softly. "You can choose any of them."

"But there are so many brands here, and they're all so expensive."

Yan Rui blinked. 'The entirety of Wanda Plaza belongs to your husband, and you're still looking at the price?' He was already tempted to scream at the top of his lungs from the frustration.

"It's fine," Mu Shengchen answered comfortingly. "We have Yan Rui to treat us."

Treat you. "Just treat it as me helping my company increase its sales," Yan Rui stepped in.

Manager Lin obediently followed right behind them, opening a path for the couple and the others. He was the one carrying all their bags as they went in from store to store. He gazed around, hoping that they wouldn't come across any Valentino shop here again.

If another shop appeared, he'd most probably be fired. And the deputy would already lose his temper.

Ning Qianyu chose a lot of suits for Mu Shengchen to wear. Of course, all of them were bought using Yan Rui's card.

In the end, he even dragged her to a few women's clothing stores to buy clothes for her.

"But I already have clothes," she protested.

"You might need a few coats," he suggested.

"But I don't want them." Ning Qianyu glanced at the price tags on the clothes. They were all at least thirty thousand yuan each! Many of them would go around a hundred thousand yuan! That could pay her entire tuition fee! "Let's just look somewhere else, okay?"

"Then we'll come again next time." He saw the way she had glanced away upon seeing the tags. Mu Shengchen glanced at Yan Rui, and the man nodded in understanding. He whispered something into Manager Lin's ear before he headed back into the store.

Ning Qianyu simply looked around absentmindedly, not really noticing what they were doing.

"What are you looking for?" He raised his eyebrows slightly. The curve on his lips was evident.

"I..Nothing." She staggered back in panic.


Her face turned dark red. "I–just don't ask."

While many men would've shrugged and left it alone, Mu Shengchen only crossed his arms in reply. If she wasn't going to say anything, then they weren't going to go anywhere.

At the sight of his stubborn expression, she finally stomped her feet in defeat. "It's your fault, you know. You tore up all my und...you know what!" She could simply glare at him in reply.

It didn't take long for him to realize what she was trying to say. He chuckled. "I'll accompany you to buy underwear then."

"There's no need! I'll just go get them myself." The last thing she needed was to have him enter the lingerie store with her while choosing what she should wear. The thought was enough to make her flush.

It was just too much!

While she was too busy stuttering out for words, Mu Shengchen didn't look too bothered by his suggestion. "I'll simply give you my opinion on them," he said simply. "Wouldn't you be wearing some of them for me to see?"

"I..." Ning Qianyu glanced around to see that there wasn't anyone there to overhear their conversation. This was a public area! They shouldn't be discussing this in the first place. "Forget it."

His lips curled up, and he held her back.

"Let's go."

"But President Yan is..." Ning Qianyu gazed at Yan Rui. He had been following them this entire time, and if he followed her into the lingerie department, she wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment.

Mu Shengchen stared to the side. "Yan Rui, aren't you in a hurry to return to B City?"

'You're the one who called me here?' He wanted to cry.

Instead of doing that, however, he simply nodded in reply. "Yes."

"You can go," he stated. "You don't have to follow us."

Yan Rui didn't know what else to say. Instead, he called Manager Lin and left in a hurry.