C89 The Terrible Accident

The waiter quickly brought the two glasses of warm milk over to the sweet couple. Ning Qianyu took a small sip, before relaxing against her seat. In reality, she was never one for alcohol, but she had wanted to at least, accompany Mu Shengchen with this. Seeing that he was willing to adjust for her, she couldn't help but smile. The beautiful chandelier lights shone upon them, highlighting his strong and masculine features.

Just then, he turned around, catching her gaze. "What are you looking at?" he teased casually. He took out a handkerchief from his pockets and wiped the corner of her lips.

Her cheeks burned. "Nothing."

He was about to say something when a voice interrupted their conversation, "It's the Young Master Mu! Your taste really had changed over the years–now, you're like a baby drinking a bottle of milk. Can't take the heat, big boy?"

She didn't need to be a genius to guess where the voice had come from. Her hands clenched. Yuv Jie loomed over them with around a dozen people behind him. His disdainful gaze flashed.

Ning Qianyu shot him a glare. Just as she was about to push Mu Shengchen out of the way, he stopped them from doing so.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't leave." They quickly surrounded them. "We're old friends after all. Shouldn't you be greeting me with a smile?"

"Young Master Yuv, what is it?" he snapped lowly.

"I just wanted to ask why you're here–that's all." Yuv Jie eyed Ning Qianyu in distaste. Sure, she was wearing a dress, and it would've been perfect if they were heading out to a picnic. It stuck out quite badly given that they were all dressed in evening wear.

Mu Shengchen didn't answer as he stared up at him with half-opened eyes. Anger flashed in his gaze, as he clenched his hands around his seat.

Yuv Jie cocked up an eyebrow. "Young Master Mu, you didn't sneak in with your nanny, did you?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"It's none of your business how we came in, Young Master Yuv," Ning Qianyu said through gritted teeth. "If that's all, then we'll–"

"Come to think of it, I'm starting to realize why you bother keeping her around. She's quite exquisite." The man was about to hold her when Mu Shengchen grabbed him by the wrist.

"Yuv Jie." His voice was practically dripping with fury. "You should be more respectful."

His fingers dug against his chin, and Yuv Jie immediately yanked back his arm. Clutching his wrist, he cursed under his breath, "Fuck! You dare go against me, you stinking cripple?"

"Please, you're worse than a cripple." He sneered.

"Just you wait, you son of a–"

"Men, take them out." When they all turned, they saw Assistant Wei standing not far behind them. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his face had darkened exponentially.

Yuv Jie had initially thought that Assistant Wei was talking about Mu Shengchen and Ning Qianyu, so he tilted his head a bit higher.

"You know, if you start begging me now, I might be inclined to show some mercy," he said, clucking his tongue. "Maybe I'll even plead on your behalf."

Despite his arrogance, the couple didn't say a word. Instead, they focused their attention on the food and fruits on the table, regarding him as nothing but a clown for their entertainment.

The security guards quickly came over and grabbed Yuv Jie and his companions.

Yuv Jie's eyes widened in disbelief. He struggled against their hold, trying his best to point at the cripple and his nanny. "He's asking you to send both of them out! Not me! I–"

"Today is the anniversary celebration of the Shengxiang Group," Assistant Wei said coldly. His voice echoed across the hall. "Please do watch yourselves; otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

What he said was quite simple–don't mess around or you get kicked out. No matter who you are or what your status is, you'll still get thrown out.

Yuv Jie and his companions served as their primary examples.

Although he was just considered an assistant of the Vice President, no one doubted the credibility of his words. After all, while he was just an assistant, he was still the Vice President's confidant. Disrespecting him was like disrespecting the man himself.

"Thank you, Assistant Wei," Ning Qianyu thanked him once they were taken away.

Assistant Wei took a step back and bowed his head in respect. "President Yan was the one who had told me to step in."

Not noticing the little details of his expression, she nodded. "Then thank him for us."

"Don't bother thanking that guy," Mu Shengchen teased, chuckling. "The man's already getting a bigger head because of you."

"But he helped us so much. It's only fair that I thank him," she continually insisted.

Too lazy to argue with her, he shot Assistant Wei a look before sending him off.

The man turned to leave almost immediately.

Not long after, the annual ceremony officially began.

As soon as the host finished his opening remarks, Yan Rui stepped onto the stage. He looked quite handsome with his fitted suit and slightly ruffled hair.

"Good evening everyone," he greeted. "Today marks the third year of the Shengxiang Group, and I hope you don't mind me hosting the annual ceremony. I know what you're all thinking–why's the Vice President hosting it again? Couldn't he give our dearest director a chance? Well, we all know how much of a busy man he is. In fact, I pleaded with him to take over the stage as well. That way, I can sit, dine, and even drink with all of you. But alas, I have to carry the burden yet again."

Everyone burst into laughter at his cynical words.

After all, even they hadn't met the man responsible for the formation of Shengxiang Group. In fact, many who have attended had always been curious if he'd ever make an appearance at such an event.

Ning Qianyu laughed silently at his words.

Mu Shengchen, however, shot a glare at the stage before rolling his eyes.

As soon as Yan Rui sensed someone staring at his back, he immediately switched the topic. Rubbing the back of his neck almost sheepishly, he continued,

"Of course, everyone has to keep that a secret. If the director finds out I've been complaining, well, let's just say I wouldn't be hosting or even be attending next year's festivities."

He stared at all of them, more serious this time around. "Of course, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. Our employees, managers, shareholders, assistants–everyone. Without you, Shengxiang Group wouldn't have been where it was today–" His speech was emotional, capturing everyone's attention.

While Yan Rui was talking on the stage, the welding point of the chandelier above Ning Qianyu's head was peeling off the hook inch by inch. Suddenly, dust clouded above them.

Mu Shengchen suddenly heard something bellowing above his head. Glancing up, he could see the swinging sparks of the chandelier. Before long, the welding point started to shake.

The others still seemed distracted by President Yan's speech. He, on the other hand, was focused on the large chandelier above them. Crap, he needed to think fast. He glanced at Ning Qianyu who was sitting right under the shaking piece. Bang! A blinding light burst into the room, and the cord snapped.

Not even thinking twice, Mu Shengchen pounced towards Ning Qianyu and held her tightly in his arms. Everything came crashing down.

Everyone had gone silent as its crystals exploded all around them. Shards of glass fell from the ceiling as the entire lamp followed.

Everyone screamed. Others burst into tears from the anxiety. It didn't take long for the hall to revert into chaos.

Ning Qianyu didn't know what was happening. All she could feel was Mu Shengchen's arms wrapping around her as they were thrown onto the ground. Before she could react, darkness had overcome her.

All she could see clouding her vision last was a patch of blood.