C91 Mentioning Mu Shengchen 

The next day, Ning Qianyu woke up. There were still dark circles in her eyes from twisting and turning on the couch. Even then, she still didn't want to sleep again.

After washing up, she went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. However, as she stood in front of the refrigerator, she suddenly lost her appetite and returned to the living room.

She grabbed her phone again, just to see if there were any missed calls from Mu Shengchen. Her screen was blank, and she immediately dialed his number.

"We're sorry, but the number you've dialed is–" Ning Qianyu switched off her phone once again. It had been a day since she had last spoken to him. What the hell happened that night?

Not long after, she received a call from Professor Mo Yan. "Classmate Ning," he greeted. "Have you settled your matters now? If you have, do come by the research institute for your supplementary lessons."

"All right, Professor." She packed her things and headed out of the door.

When she arrived at the institute, she saw Mo Yan standing by the entrance. He was wearing a fitted silver suit. Although it didn't look like it was custom-made, she could tell it was expensive.

There was a time when she had skipped classes because she was so afraid of dissecting again. Mu Shengchen had come by the research institute to comfort her. He also stared at her that way, also stood by the entrance as he did...Now...

Seeing her bloodshot eyes and smudged cheeks, Mo Yan furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Did something happen?"

Snapping out of it, she looked up at him and touched her cheeks. "I'm feeling okay," she responded. "I just got sick for a few days. Thank you for helping me with my lessons."

Shengchen would be back in a few days. It's not the end of the world yet; you'll be fine.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

He gazed at her grimly. "Don't thank me yet."

"Let's go. We'll have our lesson today."

Ning Qianyu furrowed her eyebrows at the strange look that had flashed across his face before following him down the corridor. AS the hallways grew darker and darker, a strange feeling shot down her spine.

As soon as she realized where they were heading, she clenched her fists in fear. She gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to turn around and sprint out of the institute. They had reached the dissection room.

"We'll be having our anatomy lesson," he said slowly, seeing through her intentions. This time, he carefully observed her reaction.

There was a pause before she slowly nodded. "Okay."

"All right." Nodding in satisfaction, he brought inside.

Everything on the dissection table has already been set up. As soon as she stepped inside, she could smell the distinct scent of formalin. Her fingernails dug deeper into her palm.

"Today's class is actually quite simple," he explained. "I need you to find the brain nerve. Make sure that you don't tear any nerves along the way."

He kept talking, explaining the risks of this surgery and what the after-effects could be. When he looked up, he saw that Ning Qianyu was still staring at the cadaver on the operation table–in a daze. "Classmate Ning?" he called. "Can you do it?"

"I–I'll try my best." She took a deep breath and stared at the surgical instruments right beside her. She was quite familiar with these instruments, but that didn't mean she was ready to touch them. Her right hand started to tremble.

She was about to get the scalpel, but her hand was shaking too much that she had almost knocked over the entire tray of surgical instruments.

Mo Yan narrowed his eyes. Just when he had thought that she was going to give up, she grabbed the scalpel again. Although she was successful, she dropped the instrument within the next ten seconds. The tray clattered from the sudden impact.

"I–I'm sorry, Professor Mo Yan." She clutched the hem of her clothes, lowering her head.

Frowning, he waved her over. "Come over."

"I..." Sweat trickled down her forehead as she stepped towards him.

Mo Yan reached out to grab her right hand without warning her. "What happened to your hand?" he softly asked as he pushed the sleeve up to her shoulders.

There, he saw a scar trailing down to her elbows.

"I...It's nothing."

In a panic, she withdrew her arms and pulled down her sleeves, looking as if she had been caught in the act. Ning Qianyu looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"Have you had surgery on your right hand?" He didn't expect that she had also injured her arm. There were many things that he still didn't know about her, so it seemed.

"I had a minor fracture a few months ago," she said. "I'm sorry, but as you can see, I–I don't think I can hold the scalpel yet at this time."

He shrugged at her revelation. "Your hand's shaking so badly. From the look of the scar, it's been a while since you've had this surgery. It's most likely that your inability of holding that scalpel rises from psychological reasons instead of physical."

She didn't refute him. "I–You're right. It's really been a tough time." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry that I let you down. I'll try better."

However, just as she was about to leave, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards him. "Don't go," he gasped out almost anxiously.

Her head slammed against his chest. It had taken her a few seconds till she had broken free from his hold, but even then, his hands were still clasped around her arms. "Professor Mo Yan," she said hesitantly. "Please let go."

His eyes widened. "Right," he said after releasing her. "Sorry, I was a little anxious just now."

"It's all right." She straightened her coat.

Mo Yan tilted his head. When he saw that she still hadn't recovered from her anxiety, he suggested, "Why don't I tell you another story?" He cocked up an eyebrow.

"What story?"

"There was a professor–his right hand was injured due to a ligament tear. Although he had recovered, his nerves would forever be damaged. From a doctor's point of view, it would be close to impossible for him to recover his grip," he slowly said. "In fact, experts believed that he should step back from the medical community, but he wasn't going to resign. He wanted to continue saving people..."

Ning Qianyu looked up. "What happened after that?"

"He used his left hand to hold the scalpel."

Her eyes widened momentarily. Her right hand twitched from the sudden suggestion. "Left hand?"

"That man that I told you about? He happens to be my mentor." A faint smile spread across his lips as he gazed at her calmly. "I really believe that you can do it."

She can do it... If that man had done it, then she can too. A feeling of determination surged through her chest, and her gaze fell on the surgical tray once again. She could do it...

Mo Yan stared as she went to pick up the scalpel again. Although her right hand was still trembling, she held onto it–this time, she wasn't letting go.

Ning Qianyu completed only a part of their classes according to his request. He gave a few more dissection lessons and tips, and she surely didn't disappoint with her knowledge.

However, he couldn't deny that the young woman still couldn't hold a scalpel–even after a few hours of trying.

Surgeries were extremely important, and they were incredibly precise. One small mistake could screw up a patient's life. Even if she was knowledgeable, she wouldn't be able to perform a real surgery.

At the sight, Mo Yan couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. Such a talented person couldn't perform surgery, no matter how many times she had tried. "Why don't we get some lunch first?"

After lunch, she looked up at him. "I'll be heading back to the autopsy room."

"All right." He nodded. "I'll stay in the director's office."

At five in the afternoon, Ning Qianyu finally stepped out of the autopsy room. Although she was exhausted, there was a sense of accomplishment written all over her face. Mo Yan was waiting for her outside.

His forehead creased upon seeing her. "Are you tired?"

"No, I'm not tired at all." She smiled lightly as she dug into her bag. When she saw that there were still no missed calls from Mu Shengchen, she squeezed her eyes shut in disappointment. Guess she really had to wait for him to come back.

Thinking that she was disappointed because of her right hand, he suggested, "I've already discussed with the director. When we don't have any classes, you can enter and practice as you wish."

Excitement flashed across her features. "Really?"

He grinned. "Really."

"Than–" Just as she was about to thank him, her phone started ringing out. "I'm sorry, let me grab this."

When Ning Qianyu saw that the phone call was from Ye Xi, a weight was immediately lifted from her chest. "Assistant Ye?" Her face brightened up. "Is Shengchen back?"

As soon as Mo Yan heard that name, his face visibly darkened. But that had gone unnoticed by the woman in front of him.

"Oh, he didn't. Do you want me to get something? I'll go right now." Hanging up the phone, she glanced up at Mo Yan with a half-hearted smile. "I'm sorry, I should go now. Thank you!"