Chapter 17

Once, Paikek got trapped by the shadows, I didn't want to think about it, although, I thought about why was I seeing these series of moments. These visions I was in were clearly not real, but they happened or will happen in another time.

All of a sudden, I found myself back at the moment when the alarm went off, and the walls were shaking. In a couple of seconds, everything went normal, and the patters of the rain became audible, together with the song of Sonya Soundstrong played in the background.

Again, Bomyu was holding his phone, staring into the screen and recording, just like he did before.

Beside Bomyu, Seanyung was in the same place he used to sit, with his phone in his hands and his black headphones on his ears.

On the left side of me, Paikek was drinking the cup of coffee he got earlier. He was smiling as broad as he was before because he and the other boys didn't see what I saw.

However, it was all real to me. Was I the one who saw the moments after the alarm went off? There was one way to know.

"Guys, did you have strange visions like I did just a second ago?" I asked hesitatingly.

They all turned their faces at me, and they were silent. I felt strange as sweat dripped off from my face.

Seanyung put his headphones onto the dark wooden table and started: "I just had a weird vision too. There was Yonsan, and he was..."

The words continued to come out from his mouth, but suddenly I couldn't understand any of it. I began having a massive headache throughout my ears to my forehead.

My body felt weak, and I instantly fell onto the floor. Once my head hit the ground, my eyes got shut.